Dumbbell Essays

  • Squats Case Study

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    however, simple exercises for the lower body that will have you lose weight or tone your body within no time. Here are some of them: 1.Dumbbell Lunge For this exercise, you will need a barbell, dumbbells or a plate could be useful as well. The next step would be to drop on your knee and within no time you will feel the effects of this form of workout. Dumbbells are quite easy and you can use simple weights for the different sets and reps. 2.Squats You can get awesome results from squats as they

  • Dumbbell Exercises

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    Moderately Easy Things You'll Need Introduction Dumbbell exercises can help slim down and tone your back. Stockbyte/Stockbyte/Getty Images Excess back fat often results in hanging rolls and that dreaded bra bulge that plagues many women. Dumbbell exercises that work your back muscles including the lattisumus dorsi, trapezius and rhomboids, can help reduce the fat, but only as part of a full-body weight-loss regimen. Spot reduction isn't possible, and to reduce fat from your problem area, you

  • How To Make Dumbbells Essay

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    avoid surgery in it. Bring Your Dumbbell The first butt exercise is Dumbbell Deadlifts. This is the best for your glutes, and this is the basic movement. You just need to grab your dumbbells, stand with your feet at hip-width and your knees slightly bent. Next is hold tour dumbbells face to your body, and the dumbbells parallels to your torso. Keep your upper back and your neck aligned, and then bend at your waist. Bring your torso downward and allow the dumbbells to come closer to the floor as possible

  • Persuasive Essay On Dumbmbbells

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    Every time I see a man or women pick up a light dumbbell and perform "isolation" or "sculpting" exercises I want to pull my hair out. It's not that there is anything wrong with these dumbbell exercises. It's just they aren't designed to get the results the exerciser wants or needs. And that is a waste of valuable training time. Let's face it, most people have trouble setting aside time to work out as it is. When they do get themselves to the gym, or set aside part of their busy day to work out

  • Bodybuilding Case Study

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    The chest is the largest muscle group in the upper body. In order to learn how to develop your pecs a bodybuilder moldiness know that, the chest requires a variety of exact chest workouts to sculpt the upper, lower and inner pecs. A outlined chest can make you feel confident and ready to hit the beach in the summer. Rookie bodybuilders are aware that in order to learn how to develop your pecs, you have to tear them down by working out and then restore the pecs with a high-protein diet. For bodybuilding

  • 5 Day Workout Plan

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    may alternate it with different modes, like doing 10 minutes of stationary bike, 10 minutes of stair climber and finish it off with a 10-min run on the treadmill. Perform three sets of ten repetitions for each exercise and make use of barbells, dumbbells and any other exercise machine. Wednesday - This is the time that you do some interval train for your cardiovascular exercises by alternating in between low and high intensities in order to increase and at the same time, lower your heart rate. If

  • Resistance Training Exercise Research Paper

    502 Words  | 2 Pages

    single muscle especially biceps, then you can perform many resistance training exercises to transform your biceps in a quick time. Among those exercises, the Single-Arm Dumbbell Fly makes a perfect exercise to challenge your biceps and help them grow bigger in size. In order to perform this exercise, make sure that you carry a dumbbell in your one hand and lie down on a flat bench. It is important that you put your free hand across your body or

  • Analysis Of The Deadlift

    2006 Words  | 5 Pages

    the barbell is just as important as your technique when lifting it and should be paid careful attention if you are to complete the deadlift correctly. When lowering the barbell, begin by bending your back while keeping your legs straight, bending your knees only after the barbell has passed them. Deadlifts should be included in any worthwhile strength training program, but there is no need to make them a part of every workout. A single deadlift every second or third workout should be enough for

  • Workout Case Study

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    Get Toned Butt and Thighs with these 5 Workouts Achieving a toned butt and thighs may sound tough, but it’s really not as long as you personally see to it that you’re giving it time and efforts. You may find yourself pre-occupied with work and other personal matters, but you can still exercise if you want to. Truth is, there’s a lot you can do in as little as five minutes. So, instead of using that brief period deciding whether to work out or not, do it already and get it over with. You’ll feel better

  • Recovery After Rotator Cuff Surgery

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    while pulling your shoulder back and pushing your chest slightly forward 3. Slowly lower until arm is fully extended and shoulder is pulled slightly forward 4. Repeat 5. Repeat with your other arm 6. Bent over horizontal abduction Equipment: Dumbbell, weight bench or other, table-like flat surface Directions: 1. Lie flat on your stomach with your target shoulder on the edge of the bench or table 2. Slowly lift your arm out to side until completely horizontal 3. Return to starting position by

  • Benefits Of Chest Exercise

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    • Bench press Place your body back on the stability ball and ensure room for moving your arms. See that your knees are bent in 90-degree angle. Now, take two dumbbells in your hands and start the exercise by moving down your hands up and down. A minimum of 15 reps is enough to start with. • Benefits This exercise is best for chest as it expands the chest muscles and your triceps. While doing the exercise on stability

  • Taking a Look at the Sagittal Plane

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    flexion, extension, plantar flexion and dorsiflexion. The following are the three exercises for sagittal plane. 1. Barbell Biceps Curl: This exercise is great for developing both the heads of the biceps muscle. The biceps curl exercise (performed with dumbbell or barbell or any equipment) involves flexion and extension of elbow joint during the concentric contraction and eccentric contraction respectively. The flexion and extension of elbow occur in a plane that is parallel to the sagittal plane. These

  • Essay On Weight Lifting

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    include: flat bench, incline, decline, and dumbbell. Flat bench and dumbbell all focus on the pectorals, some back muscles, triceps, and the forward shoulder. The highest resistance for a certain muscle group is definitely chest. The thwarting of weight toward the sky with a flat back and feet on the ground allow the arms and chest to be the main source of power. Triceps are also extremely influenced by the bench press, the difference in between flat bench and dumbbell is the placement of the weight. Where

  • Free Weights vs. Machines Weights

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    one’s workout time in half. Free weights use the natural motion a person has on that specific lift. An example of this is if a person has physical alteration, like one arm is longer than the other is and he wishes to bench press. The barbell or dumbbell will adjust with his range of motion. If that person wished to use a machine, his range of motion would be limited to his short arm. He still would be able to use that piece of equipment, but he wouldn’t get as well a work out if he would have

  • Persuasive Essay On Lower Body Training

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    (Place feet shoulder width apart, hold a dumbbell in each hand, go up on your toes slowly, hold for a moment and then lower slowly. Complete each set with your feet pointed out, straight and inward. For the final set, go as fast as you can.) Optional Evening Training · Cardio: 20 to 30

  • Women In The Gym Myth

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    for females I see it, as they want to get in and get out as if they were never there, because guys know and girls know that the time guys aren’t lifting they are looking at the girls. Girls also know that if they go over to the squat racks and dumbbells they are just asking to be approached by some random guy, well that’s how majority who go to the gym see

  • Muscle Fitness Essay

    509 Words  | 2 Pages

    program to increase muscle fitness can include: • Basic muscle-conditioning exercises such as push-ups, leg lifts , and other common exercises. • Resistance training with rubber tubing or stretchable bands . • Weight training with free weights ("dumbbells") or weight-training equipment. • Doing heavy housework and yard work. How can you strengthen your core? One part of muscle fitness is strengthening the muscles of your trunk. This is called core stabilization. Core stability benefits everyone,

  • Prone Reverse Surfing

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    stacking out on the horizon, you need to be a strong paddler. These exercises focus on your deltoid, latissimus dorsi, and rhomboid muscles. Prone Reverse Fly: Lie on your stomach on a bench with a dumbbell in each hand placed on the ground. Keep your feet on the ground for stability. Lift the dumbbells about one foot off the ground, using your shoulders and shoulder blades for power. Hold them at their apex for about a second, then slowly return them to the ground. Kettle Bell Squats: While

  • Knee Injury Prevention and Conditioning

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    Knee Injury Prevention and Conditioning An estimated 50 million Americans have suffered or are suffering knee pain or injuries. Most of these pains, sprains, and strains could probably have been avoided with proper conditioning (Fox, 147). I have had knee pain since my freshmen year of high school and have finally taken the initiative to find some exercises that will help ease this pain, and build muscle strength in the surrounding areas to avoid another possible injury. Getting the support

  • Weight Training Benefits

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    mass, the lower your risk of death.” Weight training will have us feeling better our bones will become stronger and durable. Many athletes live in the weight training room for that reason. Weight training does not have to be done at a gym either; dumbbells can be used in the house when having free time. Because weight training is good for the heart it links to longevity. With all of these benefits it is important that there is a type of rhythm when working out or lifting weights. When working out correctly