Data loss Essays

  • Analysis Of Brownlee's Stack Loss Data

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    methods discussed previously. The three numerical examples are Brownlee’s Stack Loss data set, Hawkins-Bradu-Kass(1984) data set and Miller Lumber Company data set. 4.1 Brownlee’s Stack Loss Data The data set stack loss, known as Brownlee’s Stack Loss Plant Data, contains operational data for a plant for the oxidation of ammonia to nitric acid; there are 21 observations on 4 variables. The dependent variable (Y) is Stack Loss and the independent variables are Air Flow (X1), Water Temperature (X2) and

  • Understanding Backup and Disaster Recovery Planning

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    In an emergency situation, securing data is more important than securing money that’s in the building. You can easily recover money lost. But if it’s important data you’ve lost, it may be hard for you to get it back. And the consequences to this can cost you your business. To ensure you have your data protected, it is important to have backup and disaster recovery planning. This will allow your business to make the necessary preparations to protect your company’s most valuable assets in times of

  • IT/IS Outsourcing

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    com/the-advantages-and-disadvantages-of-outsourcing-it-services Gonzalez, R., Gasco, J. and Llopis, J. 2009. Information Systems Outsourcing Reasons and Risks: An Empirical Study. International Journal of Human and Social Sciences, 4 (3), pp. 181--192. 2013. Tips to Prevent Data Loss. [online] Available at:

  • Cloud Computing Essay

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    paradigm shift, has raised concerns in the loss of control over data as well as privacy and security. The idea of handing over important data to another client, worries many. With Cloud Computing continue to gain popularity, client and user are showing sign of over reliance to it. Hence, it is important to know these concerns and the inherent risks associated with it. The underlying risks exist in the area of security and privacy are loss of control over data and dependency on the service providers

  • The Importance Of Data Cleansing

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    Introduction As data remains one of the most important aspects of every business, companies are gradually placing lots of importance on the quality of data used. Databases use different formats or styles. This can make the data collected to be extremely clumsy and sometimes unintelligible. Inaccurate or incomplete data records are not of use to anyone, and we cannot control the way data is stored in the databases. Therefore, the best solution to having an organized data is to apply a process called data cleansing

  • Nt1330 Unit 3 Data Control System

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    unintentional alteration, and destruction of information, any software application needs controls to ensure the reliability of data. Here are two specific controls per each one of the three data control categories, and how each control contributes to ensuring the data reliability in the format requested. Control Category Specific Controls Contribution to Data Reliability Input Controls Data checks and validation This control prevents the user from entering incorrect information that could result in an erroneous

  • Assignment 3: How Drones Are Changing The World

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    with the operator, by recording the GPS points. They also consume data as output by providing the operator with what its camera records or sees. Drones can also provide the operator with FPV, or first-person viewing, which is currently illegal in the United States. This allows the drones to leave the operator’s sight while providing them with what the drone’s camera is watching. 1D: Data concerns are a growing issue with drone use. Data security involving drones concerns include the threat of one’s

  • 4cm Incline Lab Report

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    and excluded our information from the 2cm incline since our data was not very accurate for that specific trial. It was most likely not very accurate because the incline was so small that it did not really have an effect on the ball. We found the velocity from our data by using the formula change in distance/change in time, and then found the acceleration by taking the change in velocity/change in time. After creating our graphs with the data, we found the position time graph was an upward curve. This

  • Reflection On Data Privacy Just Makes Good Business Sense

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    the blog TechCrunch and is called “Data Privacy Just Makes Good Business Sense”. This article refers to the popular growing trend which is the use of Big Data. Big Data is referred to as, “The large volume of data which is collected and stored by organizations for further analysis for better strategic business decisions.” (SAS) This definition has shifted quite a bit over the years as organizations are producing all kinds of new innovations with all this data. This article touches on the fact that

  • The Digital Age

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    Governance in The Digital Age Throughout history, humans have invented things that have changed the way we live our lives. These inventions will gradually impact a larger number of humans until it becomes an integrated part of life. Humans can also invent few things beyond their control. Things like electricity and nuclear power have changed life beyond what mortals can comprehend. Some will argue that such inventions elevate the human race to a new level, and accordingly new dimensions are added

  • Attenuation Effects on Data Transmitted through Cable

    551 Words  | 2 Pages

    Attenuation Effects on Data Transmitted through Cable Abstract Attenuation refers to any reduction in the strength of a signal. Attenuation occurs with digital or analog signals. Attenuation is the end result of signals being transmitted extended distances. Attenuation is usually expressed in units called decibels (dBs). The cable type will determine at what point along the length of the cable signal degradation occurs. Repeaters can be inserted along the length of the cable to boost the

  • Keeping Data in Business

    1005 Words  | 3 Pages

    Keeping data accurate and reliable is seen as very important for businesses, as it is part of the running of the business for example business run using data as part as there day to day of the business; for example businesses such as Ford Explain ways that the accuracy of source data can be improved before it is used. The Importance of keeping data accurate and reliable Keeping data accurate and reliable is seen as very important for businesses, as it is part of the running of the business

  • Data Normalization

    761 Words  | 2 Pages

    Data Normalization Data normalization is an important step in any database development process. Through this tedious process a developer can eliminate duplication and develop standards by which all data can be measured. This paper addresses the history and function of data normalization as it applies to the course at hand. In 1970, Dr. E.F. Codd's seminal paper "A Relational Model for Large Shared Databanks" was published in Communications of the ACM. This paper introduced the topic of data

  • Data And Information: The Differences Between Information And Data

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    1. The difference between Information and Data are as follows: Data can be considered as raw and unorganized particulars. Data has little to no meaning when observed and can be something simple and seemingly random and useless, but can achieve meaning if sorted and organized. Data can be in the form of numbers, characters, symbols, or even pictures. Information can be considered as organized data. This means that data has to be processed, arranged, systematized or presented in a given perspective

  • Unit 3 Assignment Of Personal Information

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    INFORMATION Personal identifying information can be defined as any information that can be used to distinguish directly or indirectly, trace and link to a specific person irrespective of whether the information is the primary or in combination with other data (Sebastian, 2013). Breaches involving PII such as identity theft are hazardous both to individuals as well as to organizations. Disclosure of sensitive PII without the primary authority of the concerned party may lead to substantial damage, embarrassment

  • Data Breach Essay

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    Data Breach Prevention A data breach is any action or subsidy that results in an individual’s personal information being accessed by an unauthorised entity, and/or when it is lost. Personal information is information regarding an individual, or any information associated with said individual. A large proportion of the information that TEAR harbours is personal data due to the nature of the work which TEAR does. As a result, a data breach within the organisation of TEAR, could result in the loss

  • Analyzing Consumer Behavior

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    Consumers all over the world will view information and process the same differently. It is thus of great necessity that businesses come up with effective mechanisms which will effectively and efficiently communicate their business to their clients. In understanding the consumer process for choice, various practices have been examined and affected. The methods of choice include monitoring of information, eye movement monitoring and issues to do with task analysis among others. The studying of such

  • Effects Of Computer Hacking

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    technology makes the world easier place to live by facilitating the fields of science, medicine, and education. Although computers benefit us from many aspects, they also have negative implications. Many criminals use the computer to take or alter data, and to gain unlawful access of computers, by using computer worms, viruses, and Trojans. Which has posed new challenges for the government and the society. Due to the versatility of the computer, drawing lines between criminal and non-criminal behavior

  • Image Saturation And Reflection Is The Process Of Image Retrieval

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    CHAPTER III COLOR DESCRIPTION AND EXTRACTION 3.1 INTRODUCTION Image retrieval is the process of handling large volume of image database in order to achieve the efficiency in identifying similar images over the retrieved results. In Image retrieval, a choice of various techniques is used to represent images for searching, indexing and retrieval with either supervised or unsupervised learning models. The color feature extraction process consists of two parts: grid based representative of color selection

  • Argumentative Summary

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    means that many organizations use in their daily operations. According to the article, Analytics is a major technological tool used. It is described as “the extensive use of data, statistical and quantitative analysis, explanatory and predictive models, and fact-based management to drive decisions and actions."(Davenport, 2006) Data is compiled to enhance business practices. When samples are taken, they are used to examine research and understand how to solve problems or why situations are as they are