Danny Boyle Essays

  • The Auteur Theory

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    visions and they have complete control of it. I believe Danny Boyle uses this control to make his films. Danny Boyle was born in Manchester in 1956. He started a career in theatre at the age of 18 and by the time he left the Royal Court Theatre in 1987 he was the deputy director. He also did some television direction in the 80s including Mr Wroe's Virgins and episodes of Inspector Morse. Shallow Grave, released in 1994, was Danny Boyle's first film. It took 30 days to film and had a budget

  • Slumdog Millionaire: India's Social Classes and Love of Money

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    Jamal Malik and his brother Salim grew up in the slums of Mumbai. After their mother was killed, Jamal and Salim met Latika. Throughout many journeys and hardships, Jamal becomes separated from the two people remaining in his life. Director Danny Boyle effectively demonstrates the dissention between the Indian social classes throughout the injustices bore against the people, the fight for economic gains, and Jamal’s indifference to the money earned in ‘Who Wants to be a Millionaire’. Throughout

  • Trainspotting as a Success

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    Trainspotting as a Success Trainspotting is a drama/fantasy film directed by Danny Boyle. Famous actors included Ewan McGregor, who plays Renton, a Scottish junkie who wastes his life by having his life evolve around drugs until he gets sent to court and then hospital; he then decides to clean up his act and clean up. The film starts off with Renton (McGregor) running through the street with friends, he explains his life and friends. We get the impression from him he thinks drugs are

  • Adversity in Life Elicits Unknown Talents and Strength

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    Who we really are, what our real character is only truly elicited when we are challenged, as a proverb states, “In the darkest hour shines the brightest light.” Our true character shines through when we are pushed to our extremes and are placed in situations outside of the norm. Horace claims that when someone is faced with an adversity or a challenge, they are more likely to discover talents that they thought they never had. I agree with his claim that adversity breeds talents and strengthens our

  • Living on the Beach

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    Everyone has a place where they go to escape the pressures and the worries of their hectic lives. There’s always that one place that you can go to, to clear your head and soothe your problems away when you are stressed. For me that place is the beach, it is my ultimate cure for stress. When I’m there, all my worries and obligations are suddenly lifted and I feel calm and free. Thoughts of living at a beach house, for most

  • Life Is a Beach

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    Have you ever had a terrible experience at the beach? It is very hard to, unless a case of bright red sunburn is in the future. To me the beach, specifically Belmar Beach, has been the place to escape to and have all the worries melt from me like a popsicle that has been left in the sun. It is the place to let my soul fly like the seagulls that fill the blue sky above. Whenever a problem inflates in my life a trip to the beach has always been the answer. It is like as soon as my bare feet step on

  • Alienation in Modern Society

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    Society I will compare and contrast Mike Newell's Dance with a Stranger and Danny Boyle's Shallow Grave in terms of alienation. The reasoning behind my choice is that these two films have explicit characteristics in the frame of alienation. Both highlight modern alienation in terms of alienated sexuality, isolation, normlessness whereas Newell discusses alienation also in class and gender difference perspective; Boyle discusses alienation in the working place as an alienated labour. To begin

  • Analysis of Bernard MacLaverty's My Dear Palestrina

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    Analysis of Bernard MacLaverty's My Dear Palestrina My Dear Palestrina’ is a cleverly written short story by Bernard MacLaverty. It is about this young boy called Danny who discovers his musical talent and goes to this piano teacher called Miss Swartz. Their friendship develops and seem to be a formidable partnership until Danny is torn away from his beloved music lessons because of Miss Schwartz private life. Fitted into the story are some important themes that still continue to exist in today’s

  • Reuven Malters Development In The Chosen

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    scenes from Chaim Potok’s The Chosen is when Reuven goes with Danny Saunders to talk to his father. Danny has a great mind and wants to use it to study psychology, not become a Hasidic tzaddik. The two go into Reb Saunders’ study to explain to him what is going to happen, and before Danny can bring it up, his father does. Reb Saunders explains to the two friends that he already known that Reuven is going to go for his smicha and Danny, who is in line to become the next tzaddik of his people, will

  • The Promise by Chaim Potok

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    Michael, is mentally ill, and Reuben seems to be the only person Michael will talk to. Near the end of the summer, Reuben's best friend Danny comes to visit Reuben and the Gordons (Rachel's family) invite Danny over to discuss Michael because Danny is a genius, and he is studying psychology. At the summer's end, Michael is put into the treatment centre at which Danny is working. Reuben becomes friends with Michael's father, Abraham Gordon, a very respected scholar. Unfortunately, his ideas are not

  • Relationships in Potok's The Chosen

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    Beginning with the affluence of Polish Jews before the war, Potok established a circle of relationships. In the book, there are three main relationships. The first one is father-son, between Danny and his father, Reb Saunders and between Reuven and his father, David Malter. The relationship between Reuven and Danny is the second main relationship in The Chosen. The third main relationship is Hasidism verses Zionism. The relationship between the two fathers and the two sons is a very important theme

  • I Love and I Hate. Who Can Tell me Why?

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    whose anti-Semitic views are continually challenged by his Jewish background. The film opens with the quote, “I love and I hate. Who can tell me why?” which sets the stage for the movie’s depiction of Danny Balint, a boy torn between love and hate in almost every aspect of his life. Throughout the film Danny tries to calm this internal (and at times external) quarrel, which causes a great deal of friction for the main character. His life and his choices greatly reflect this struggle. Director Henry Bean

  • American History X

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    American History X Derek & Danny’s Turning Point Many factors contribute to decisions we make, often life changing decisions, like we see in “American History X” with brothers Danny and Derek. Both are active skinheads in Venice California, under command of Cameron Alexander a Neo-Nazi leader. Derek and Danny were not raised as racist, but when their father was killed by a black gang member, their views changed. Derek’s turning point for the better was during his time in jail. His brother is headed

  • The Last Juror

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    the town of Clanton was Rhoda Kassellaw, and Danny Padgett. Rhoda Kassellaw was your average widow, she had two children, and pretty much always kept to herself. Danny Padgett, on the other hand, was a rich man. Danny lived with his parents on top of a mountain, on Padgett Island, off the coast of Mississippi. His family was very rich and very powerful. They were like the Italian Mafia of Mississippi, into smuggling, drugs, ect. One night Danny Padgett broke into Rhoda Kassellaw's house and

  • Modern Versus Traditional Views in Chaim Potok’s The Chosen

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    Saunders's traditional practices. For example, David Malter wants his son, Reuven, to learn English subjects and become a mathematician. However, a Jewish school established by Reb Saunders teaches the minimum required English subjects. Reb wishes for Danny to become a rabbi and carry a tradition in which the oldest son becomes a rabbi and the leader of the sect. These opposing views are carried out in all other aspects of the religious sects in which these men lead. The way in which Reb Saunders

  • Absence of True Love in Gilman's The Yellow Wallpaper and Boyle's Astronomer's Wife

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    what the ideal love should be, they are all basing it on the idea of true love. For example, the saying "Love Conquers All" simply states that if you have love in your life you can make it through anything. The stories "Astronomer's Wife," by Kay Boyle, and "The Yellow Wallpaper," by Charlotte Perkins Gilman, both show that without love in a marriage there is a lifetime of heartache and pain. "The Yellow Wallpaper" and the "Astronomer's Wife" both portray the idea that over time lust and love

  • The Power of Chaim Potok’s The Chosen

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    the reader through words not known. Next, Potok introduces his theme of silence. Silence in this novel serves as both the theme and a conflict between characters. Potok shows us that like Reuven Malter, Danny Saunders life in silence develops a high respect of physical senses. Danny says this about his silence, "My father taught me with silence. . .to look into myself, to find my own strength, to walk around inside myself in company with my soul. . .. One learns of the pain of others by

  • Father Child Relationships in The Chosen, Dead Bodies Everywhere, and Sherwood Anderson's Tandy

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    Father Child Relationships in The Chosen, Dead Bodies Everywhere, and Sherwood Anderson's Tandy The novel The Chosen by Chaim Potok presents an important theme that is mirrored in other works of literature. The Chosen's portrayal of a dysfunctional father-child relationship is present in the song "Dead Bodies Everywhere" by the band Korn and in Sherwood Anderson's short story "Tandy". All three works depicted fathers who attempted to change their children into someone different. The works

  • The Chosen

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    Malter and Danny Saunders. They are opposites. While Reuven is forward—speaking his mind, Danny Saunders shows a stark contrast—an inflective soul, listening to silence, and growing from it. These characters set the stage for a lasting relationship to form, to be strengthened, and to be stressed. Danny’s father’s name is Reb Saunders. The tzaddik of a small community within close proximity of Reuven’s home, he was born in Russia and later brought his congregation to America. When Danny is speaking

  • The Chosen

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    typical orthodox manner. A plain boy, he has a bright mind and a very caring soul. The other protagonist in the novel is Danny Saunders. Danny is the son of a very devoted Hasidic Jewish tzaddik. However, Danny is not a very enthusiastic Hasid. He has earlocks, grows a beard, and wears the traditional Hasidic outfit, but he doesn't have the reverence for it that he should. Danny is a genius. His religion forbids him to read literature from the outside world, so he struggles with his thirst for knowledge