Cucurbitaceae Essays

  • Growing Squash

    1134 Words  | 3 Pages

    The wildly diverse members of the Cucurbitaceae family come from every corner of the world, but they have been in Southern gardens so long they feel like natives. They have 7 interbreeding and ever-changing species in 3 genera. The genus Cucurbita includes four of them. Cucurbita pepo is the pumpkin, which we know in many variations — the pumpkin, summer squash, cushaws, and gourds. C. maxima, C. mixta, and C. moshuta are true squash, although we know them as winter squash. The genus Cucumis

  • Essay On Pollination

    3090 Words  | 7 Pages

    Introduction Pollination and Pollinators Pollination, the transfer of pollen from one flower to another, is a keystone process in both human-managed and natural terrestrial ecosystems. Pollination is one of the most important mechanisms in the maintenance and promotion of biodiversity and, in general, life on Earth. It is an ecosystem process that has evolved over millions of years to benefit both flowering plants and pollinators. Pollination is critical for food production and human livelihood and

  • Comparison Essay: 10 Amazing Health Benefits Of Watermelon

    737 Words  | 2 Pages

    A member of the Cucurbitaceae family related to squash, pumpkin, butternut, sweet melons and cucumber, watermelon (classified as Citrulus lantus) is planted from seedlings or seeds and then harvested by clearing the fields, similar to other vegetables. Because watermelon is

  • Pumpkins Case Study

    965 Words  | 2 Pages

    Pest or potential problems- The pumpkins plant has lots of pests that will be problematic towards the pumpkins growth. Certain insects such as vine borers , aphids, squash bugs and snails will hurt the pumpkin plant. Aphids are notorious small insects that will eat a broad range of vegetables. They are harmful towards the pumpkin because they eat the insides of the pumpkin leaves. To get rid of these small pests, the usage of ladybugs will do the trick.Squash bugs along with vine borers prey

  • Exploring the Therapeutic Potential of Terpenes and Terpenoids

    1089 Words  | 3 Pages

    is one of the example structure of sesquiterpenoids which consist in Asian ginger: The terpene that has 6 isoprene units is called diterpenoids. It has the general formula of C20H36 and is largely occurs in plant families namely Leguminseae, Cucurbitaceae and Cactaceae. The importance of diterpenoids are mostly in anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial since it can

  • Seed Determination And Temperature Essay

    1258 Words  | 3 Pages

    Introduction Seed Germination is the process by which an organism grows from a seed into a plant such as an angiosperm or gymnosperm. Temperature is a factor that can highly effect the germination of a plant. Squash is recognized in the family Cucurbitaceae. Squash come in different varieties, usually distinguished as being “winter” or “summer” squash (Maynard, 2003). It is actually said that summer squash is harvested when the fruits are immature (New World Encyclopedia contributors, 2008). In order

  • Testing the Strength of Plant Fibers

    2903 Words  | 6 Pages

    producing valid results and recording results. To develop techniques of measuring the size of plant fibers under microscope using stage micrometer and eyepiece graticule. Introduction: Pumpkin plant Pumpkin is of the genus Cucurbita and family Cucurbitaceae . Pumpkins are grown all around the world for a variety of reasons ranging from agricultural purposes to commercial and ornamental sales. Furthermore, the fruit is popularly harvested for consumption. The colors of the pumpkins are derived from