Cucurbita Essays

  • Growing Squash

    1134 Words  | 3 Pages

    diverse members of the Cucurbitaceae family come from every corner of the world, but they have been in Southern gardens so long they feel like natives. They have 7 interbreeding and ever-changing species in 3 genera. The genus Cucurbita includes four of them. Cucurbita pepo is the pumpkin, which we know in many variations — the pumpkin, summer squash, cushaws, and gourds. C. maxima, C. mixta, and C. moshuta are true squash, although we know them as winter squash. The genus Cucumis includes cucumbers

  • Pumpkins Essay

    792 Words  | 2 Pages

    the squash family (sometimes referred to as “winter squash”), pumpkins (Cucurbita pepo) are thought to have originated in North America. The oldest evidence of pumpkin seeds, found in Mexico, dated from 7000–5500 BCE. Pumpkins are not actually a vegetable but are more accurately a type of botanical berry or pepo. The word “pumpkin” derives from the Greek pepon, which translates to “large melon”. The giant pumpkins (Cucurbita maxima) grown in South America can exceed one tonne in weight. While mainly

  • Essay On Pollination

    3090 Words  | 7 Pages

    Introduction Pollination and Pollinators Pollination, the transfer of pollen from one flower to another, is a keystone process in both human-managed and natural terrestrial ecosystems. Pollination is one of the most important mechanisms in the maintenance and promotion of biodiversity and, in general, life on Earth. It is an ecosystem process that has evolved over millions of years to benefit both flowering plants and pollinators. Pollination is critical for food production and human livelihood and

  • Benefits Of Provillus

    817 Words  | 2 Pages

    Provillus – Best Hair Loss Treatment For Men and Women Hair loss in both males and females is a growing problem. Unfortunately, there is not a whole lot we can do about it – hair loss is usually hereditary. If our mothers or fathers experienced hair loss, there is a good chance we will too. But, there are always solutions Provillusthat can help ease the situation and allow you to maintain a full head of hair as you grow older. Of course there are so many hair loss treatment product out there but

  • The Importance of Storage in Fresh Fruit and Vegetables Logistics

    1761 Words  | 4 Pages

    Introduction The fresh fruit and vegetable is important and remarkable point in supply chain. The fresh fruit and vegetable supply chain is characterized by many national and international small and medium-sized enterprises at the production stage. And also the consumer demand for fresh fruits and vegetables all over the year is a special challenge of this chain and this chain strongly impacts all of the particularities. Therefore, the adoption of new Technologies and new opportunities for improving

  • Hpw to Keep Raccoons Out of Your Garden

    514 Words  | 2 Pages

    Raccoons can wreak havoc on your harvest, especially when you're trying to grow sweet corn (Zea mays), which in addition to other plant and animal matter, is part of their diet. Hardy to U.S. Department of Agriculture planting zones 4 through 8, sweet corn is favored by these masked bandits during its ripening stage. (See References 1 and 2) To avoid a disappointing harvest, there are various things you can do to keep raccoons out of your garden. Fence Them Out Although a 3-foot-tall chicken-wire

  • Peroxidase Essay

    950 Words  | 2 Pages

    catalytic activity of hematin for dye degradation. 92% color removal was noticed for 75 mg l_1 solutions. They presented their results using Doehlert array. They noticed hematin as an effective azo dye removing agent. Boucherit et al. (2013) used Cucurbita pepo (courgette) peroxidase to decolorize Direct Yellow (DY106) and azo dyes. They also noticed the effect of temperature, pH, concentration of H2O2 and enzyme on degradation. The decolourization of DY106 was verified by UV-Vis analysis.

  • Importance Of Cat's Whiskers

    1057 Words  | 3 Pages

    2.1 Importance of cat’s whiskers 2.1.1 Nutritional value of cat’s whiskers Cat’s whiskers (Cleome gynandra L.), is a traditional vegetable consumed in quite a number of countries in Africa that include Kenya, Tanzania, Zambia and Zimbabwe. Surveys indicated that its production and utilization are on an increase due to its multiple underexploited benefits in terms of nutritional value (Brown et al., 2005). Chweya (1995) reported that this traditional vegetable is rich in minerals, vitamins, amino

  • Testing the Strength of Plant Fibers

    2903 Words  | 6 Pages

    use of microscopes, producing valid results and recording results. To develop techniques of measuring the size of plant fibers under microscope using stage micrometer and eyepiece graticule. Introduction: Pumpkin plant Pumpkin is of the genus Cucurbita and family Cucurbitaceae . Pumpkins are grown all around the world for a variety of reasons ranging from agricultural purposes to commercial and ornamental sales. Furthermore, the fruit is popularly harvested for consumption. The colors of the pumpkins

  • Nanoscience: The Surface Effects of Nanoparticles

    2008 Words  | 5 Pages

    Science that deals with study of materials or any particles that is so small and measured in nanometer scale is called “Nanoscience”. Study about very small particles and its chemical and physical changes at nanoscale is not an easy business. Nanotechnology studies the big picture of those small particles, manipulates them to advance new devices and materials. The name “nanotechnology” was created in year 1974 (Nowack & Bucheli, 2007). But the concept of manipulating Nano particles has been around