Countryside Agency Essays

  • Access to the Countryside

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    the Countryside At present, the countryside is accessible to everyone; there are certain projects, such as the KSCP (Kentish Stour Countryside Project) that promote easy access to rural areas for all visitors whatever their ability. They believe that access should be available by many forms of transport; the KSCP promotes walking, cycling, and public transport as a means of getting to rural areas. The Countryside Agency The countryside agency promotes access to the countryside; it brings

  • Floods of 1998 in Bangladesh and Shrewsbury

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    Floods of 1998 in Bangladesh and Shrewsbury Causes, Effects and responses to flooding In Shrewsbury The Severn Valley floods, Shrewsbury, UK 1998: Causes ====== The human causes of the floods were summed up by the then Shadow Countryside Minister Tim Yeo MP, he said 'the flooding had increased because of the housing developments on Greenfield sites.' By this he means that by covering the land with tarmac in urban areas humans have increased the rate of surface runoff and decreased

  • Mafia as Government

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    Mafia as Government History and Introduction The history of the Mafia began in the ninth century, when a secret society was formed to protect the people of Sicily. Sicily was occupied by Arab forces. A group of Sicilians fled into the countryside to escape, and later to fight, the encroaching forces. This group became the Mafia The group’s original intentions were to create a sense of loyalty and respect for tradition, culture and family. The Mafia protected its' members interests and

  • The Great Levittown Impact

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    The economy makes available to the country a degree of ownership never before matched in our history, and people are taking advantage of it. This idea drives people to move from the congested, smoky, and frantic cities to the serenity of the countryside, where they have the opportunity to own much more land and live a more peaceful life. For a time this worked very nicely as portrayed in the incredible success of the communities created by William Levitt. Levittown was a dream of William Levitt

  • William Faulkner Research Paper

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    father to daughter, and it is from this lineage that the artist is endowed to “create a cosmos of his own,” as Faulkner said of his novel, The Sound and the Fury. First, there is the matter of the movie’s tone. Early camera shots of the Mississippi countryside, its forests and swamps, are accompanied by a melancholy melody played

  • The Importance of Sleary's Circus People in Hard Times

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    such they are at first a kind of abomination to him. They are shown as people with a life of freedom, not constrained by the rigid set laws and hard facts which Gradgrind's philosophy is based upon. Not only just the physical freedom to roam the countryside almost at will, where Gradgrind is tied to Coketown. But also a mental freedom to enjoy life to the full with all it's spontaneity, unconditional emotions, imagination, failings, shortcomings and passions. Something which Gradgrind is shown not

  • Comparing The Passionate Shepherd To His Love, Her Reply, and Cecil Day Lewis

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    at winning a ladies heart over,  and convincing her to devote all her love to him. The first poem seems to be an idyillic one,  and spends a lot of time going into the description of the surrounding nature.  Christopher Marlowe describes the countryside as being pure and beautiful,  and seems to be trying to suggest that his love is also something natural and pure. „That hills and valley,  dales and fields, Or woods or steepy mountain yields“ However it almost seems as though it is too

  • Interview Essay - Mary Goddard

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    don't affect her sense of happiness, but they do affect her disposition. Lallie's childhood truly influenced her sense of happiness. "I had a wonderful childhood, she said. "I was the only child and I had complete freedom. I was able to roam the countryside of New Mexico on my horse, and I only had to come home to eat. My dad was a lumberman and worked at the sawmill. It was hard to keep a teacher in the sawmill, because they would leave half way through the year. So my mom became my teacher from grades

  • Disposable Containers for a Disposable Environment

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    rapidly becoming a devastating eye sore. Disposable bottles and cans invite enormous hazards to the environment. Disposable containers create unsightly neighborhoods and countryside. While driving this weekend, I counted 28 Dr. Pepper bottles and 14 Diet Coke cans in a 2½-mile span of roadway. Our neighborhoods and countryside are being plagued daily by enormous amounts of empty bottles and cans. People don't think twice about pitching their empties out of the car window. An uncaring attitude is

  • Dichotomy in Seamus Heaney’s Poetry

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    claims in his article on Seamus Heaney “the imprint of this poet’s origins is indelibly fixed in his work” (180). Living in the “bogland” as Heaney has described Northern Ireland left an imprint on his poems, as he often depicts the lush green countryside and pastoral scenes of his youth. However, he also acknowledges his modern society. His poems strike a balance between showing the land as it naturally is and acknowledging the influence of society pressing inwards. This certain “splitness” is

  • Flamenco

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    means profound or serious. The music of this sort is usually intensely sad having to do with death, anguish or despair and also characterized as the cry of oppressed people for many years. Chico means light and deals with love, gaiety, humor or the countryside. El Cante is the most important which inspires "el toque" guitar playing and 'el baile." An example of a jondo would be a more serious flamenco in which hatred...

  • Farmland Preservation

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    disappear, we are losing the precious land and culture, which initially made so many people decide to make New Jersey home. Everyone seems to want to move to the country and away from the city, but soon New Jersey may no longer have the attractive countryside landscape it was once so well known for. The people of New Jersey need to be made aware of what is happening to the landscape and need to realize what their individual impact is on that landscape. The Farmland Preservation Program was officially

  • Geography of Cuba

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    sets of small archipelagos: the Sabana, the Colorados, the Canarreos and the Jardines de la Reina. The main type of soil found in Cuba is red clay, along with some sand and limestone hills. A surprising three quarters of Cuba's land is fertile countryside and is readily accessible to many harbors. Cuba has a unique advantage over the other Carribean islands because of its accessibility to harbors, which allows for the transport of agricultural goods easily and efficiently to foreign markets.

  • Paul Reveres Ride

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    Paul Reveres Ride Paul Revere's Ride is a collection of historical accounts centering around Paul Revere's midnight ride to warn the countryside of the battles that occurred. The novel is made up of narrative accounts that tell the whole story of the midnight ride. David Hackett Fischer goes to great lengths to cover every possible angle in telling the story. "Fischer illuminates the figure of Paul Revere, a man far more complex than a simple artisan and messenger"(3). By adding different

  • The rise of the labour party

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    The rise o the labour party was due to many factors.Factors such as the movement of people from the countryside to cities which changed the economic structure of britain and also changed the social structure and this led to the need for political change. The need for political change to help the working class people who were living in poverty which had been highlighted by booth and rownatree who surveyed LOndon an york two of englands major cities .Better education led to the realisation that the

  • Dracula

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    castle thus Mina is saved. Comments: It is said that this book is considered as one of the most famous horror novels, if not the most famous one. The Gothic descriptions in the novel are very prominent at the beginning. The portrayal of the countryside of Transylvania, of the ruined Dracula Castle, etc, all provide the effect of horror in the sense of spooky and gloomy atmosphere, which you can obtain close at hand. Everything is so obvious. The originally beautiful scenes are changed by the writer¡¯s

  • Luxembourg

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    buildings in Luxembourg vary from place to place. Some villages have charming old houses hundreds of years old, though in the cities there are many modern apartment and office buildings. For recreation, a Luxembourger might ride a bike, or hike in the countryside. A favorite sport of the people is volleyball. For transportaion they have railroads and highways for cars and buses. There are bike trails and hiking paths as well. Luxembourg doesn't have a culture all its own, because it ties in with its neighboring

  • Andrew Wythe

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    soldiers and creating stories for them. Andrew?fs father believed that a painter should be left alone from the ages of 6-18. Andrew had tutors for his schooling whereas his brothers and sisters went off to school. This gave him free time to roam the countryside. Andrew did not attend college but instead studied under Howard Pyle at his school with 12 other students. Andrew?fs father died near his house in Maine because of a train accident. Andrew really viewed his father as a hero and looked up to him

  • Epic of Beowulf

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    has been around for more than twelve centuries, could keep my interest. I was wrong. The book is filled with more blood and guts then the average summer horror flick. After the battle with Grendel, the monster which has been ravaging the Danish countryside and killing countless men, Beowulf makes sure that all people know that he had injured the great monster. It is translated that, " Dane doubted the victory, for the proof, hanging high from the rafters where Beowulf had hung it, was the monster's

  • Nostradamus

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    three years, with apparent ease, and once he had his license to practise medicine he decided to go out into the countryside and help the many victims of the plague. After nearly four years he returned to Montpellier to complete his doctorate and re-enrolled on 23rd October 1529. Nostradamus had some trouble in explaining his unorthodox remedies and treatments he used in the countryside. Nevertheless his learning and ability could not be denied and he obtained his doctorate. He remained teaching