Content-control software Essays

  • Web Filtering

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    technology, a software product now could filter out web sites from ones viewing. The problem had been solved. Now someone could surf the Internet and not have to worry about coming across offensive a material. However, the solution was not complete, a number of issues have surfaced relating to the controversial and ethical use of web-filtering software. There are many legal and ethical issues surrounding the use of web-filtering software. Globally, different countries use web-filtering software to solve

  • Filters Are Needed to Protect Children From the Internet

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    filtering software, the so-called "Internet Nannies." Being relatively new, the Internet standards of regulation have not been completely set.  Many forms of legislation have been made in regards to regulation, and many are still being developed and decided in courts right now. In particular, the First Amendment protection as it relates to Internet content has not yet been determined ("Internet Filtering Software"). Most of the legislative attempts to control the content

  • The Importance Of Internet Safety On The Internet

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    Keep your child away from dangerous websites The Internet is the best way to access abundance information as there are more than one millions websites in the world. Moreover, the internet connects all of the world and not just only in your home country. Most information people want to know can be found on the websites. How can one know their child or their teenager accessed the right website? Many adult website on the internet are free and easy to access. Some of adult website do not need to verify

  • The Importance Of Internet Censorship

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    Why do you think that?. With a click of a mouse, you can access a lot of information, mostly children. Sometimes an access is bounded and some contents of the Internet blocked or closed. That is Internet censorship. It is control information from being easy to reach it. Parents who wish to protect their children have to use intelligent filtering software that ensuring children are using trusted sites and resource, also deny them from accessing unappreciated sites (Dr.Brenda, n.d.). There are many

  • Internet Censorship & Libraries

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    html. [1997, Sep. 02]. Wallace, Jonathon. "Purchasing of Blocking Software by Public Libraries in Unconstitutional: A Briefing Paper," available at Michels, Spencer. "Easy Access? Should on-line porn be available at local libraries?" Transcript available at [Aug 7, 1997]. Libraries struggle to control public Internet terminals. [Online]. Available:

  • The Efforts to Regulate the Internet

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    discuss the situations that have raised the need for the Internet regulations, and in particular, Internet content censorship. Then, it shall review the regulatory efforts worldwide, with respect to the local cultures and governmental systems. Also, technological tools for regulating the Internet contents shall be presented. The ethical discussion shall focus on the right to regulate the Internet content, in light of the implications this restriction may have on the individual and common good of the cyber

  • Why We Shouldn't Censor the Internet

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    Wikipedia page to his class, but was stopped by his school’s internet filter (W... ... middle of paper ... ...t be informed about the alternatives to filtering content. In other words, to teach one generation, you must educate another first. Works Cited August, Oliver. "The Great Firewall: China's Misguided — and Futile — Attempt to Control What Happens Online." Conde Nast Digital, 23 Oct. 2007. Web. 22 Nov. 2013. Johnson, Doug. "Doug Johnson." Website. Doug Johnson, 28 June 2007. Web

  • America Needs Internet Censorship

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    fear. Her mother warned her about watching inappropriate content, and there it was, right on her computer screen. This could not have happened though. All she was doing was casually browsing the internet before a pop-up appeared. Although it may seem hard to believe, the major cause of events such as this is the lack of censorship on the internet. Internet censorship relates to the removal of offensive, inappropriate, or controversial content published online. The current problem with the internet

  • The Fight Against Child Pornography

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    bodies such as the police, prosecutors and judges, are accustomed to dealing with issues that are exclusive to the United States, the Internet is a worldwide community with servers and members coming from hundreds of countries. Defining "pornographic content" on a global level has not been easy because of different moral and legal variations. In the United States one type of act may be defined as being "hard-core porn", however, another country could see this act as much less offensive. So while the United

  • Public Libraries Should Not Block Internet Pornography

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    professional associations align with ideals of free and unfiltered access to all information provided by the internet, some feel that filtering internet content to exclude possibly objectionable materials is a reasonable measure to prevent potential harm to minors. Legislation In 1998, a district court in Virginia made a ruling on the use of filtering software in public libraries that set a precedent for the unconstitutionality of internet filters. Todd Anten’s article, “Please Disable the Entire Filter:

  • Internet Censorship Essay - Censoring the Internet

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    Internet access is now one of the fastest ways to communicate with others, obtain information on virtually anything, and purchase items without having to leave your home. As more and more people get connected to this cyber superhighway, concern for the content of material has become a big issue. Since so many children are exposed to the Internet, some material should not be accessible with a simple click of a mouse. In order to protect our younger people from being exposed to mature and explicit material

  • Internet Censorship: How it effects education

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    because it keeps teaches on track with their job, as well as students. The EFF (Electronic Frontier Foundation) performed a study on the accessibility of information on school computers operating with two very popular brands of internet blocking software, N... ... middle of paper ... ...happen if censorship on the internet in schools was to be gotten rid of altogether? Works Cited Electronic Frontier Foundation. Internet Blocking in Public Schools. San Francisco, California. (PDF version

  • Internet Governance

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    environment, open information sharing, and the significance of international collaboration on this topic. It is also key to understand how the mechanics of the Internet infrastructure allow for low barriers to entry which in turn makes security and control at the state level difficult. By governance, I’m refering to the processes and institutions, both formal and informal, that guide and restrain the collective activities of a group (Keohane, 2002). Much of Internet Governance (IG) currently is controlled

  • Internet Filters

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    to protect themselves from accidentally viewing pornography in case parents are not available to supervise. A second solution to prevent children from accidentally viewing pornography would be to install filtering software on private computers. Filtering software is currently available on the market and can easily restrict all unwanted websites (Wade). Many different filtering programs, such

  • The Internet Should Not Be Censored

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    The internet should not be censored. Now what information could the government be hiding from us? This will be a question asked more often if the government's internet filter proposal goes through. The internet filter can hide information about controversial topics from existence in Australia. We citizens are to make our opinions and then vote for who we think has our best opinions. This is undemocratic, and is also against our human right of free speech. China is the best know example where internet

  • The Dangers Our Children Face on the Internet

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    We live in a society that thrives on technology; it is pervasive throughout our daily lives. Everyone seems to have an iPod, cell phone, or laptop with them at all times. We have become a completely connected society with our Twitter, MySpace, and Facebook. It is hard to argue that technology hasn’t improved our lives through medicine, communication, and entertainment. Our children face an increasing number of dangers on the Internet. Sexual predators, cyber bullying, and pornography are the most

  • Githum is the Famous Code Repository Site for Open Source Projects

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    powerful and sophisticated repository web-system for developing software projects. It uses “Git revision control” system. It offers both paid plans for private repositories and free accounts for open source projects [1]. GitHub was the most popular and famous code repository site for the open source projects. GIT is developed by Linus Torvald. Before going in the core explanation of GitHub it’s better to describe the term “version control” system. It can be a designer or a person who works with code

  • Incremental Development Model Case Study

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    Software development models: There are various software models available for developing the software’s depending on the project requirements the models are used. Because it completely explains when the user should proceed to next phase and when to conduct tests. The below are the few different software models • Waterfall Model • RAD Model • Integration and Configuration • Incremental Model • Agile Model • Proto type Model Case Studies: 1. Insulin Pump Control System: The Insulin pump control system

  • Essay On Software Advantages And Disadvantages

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    Software is designed to control what content may or may not be viewed by a reader, especially when used to restrict material delivered over the Internet via the Web, e-mail, or other means. Restrictions can be used in the software which monitors what people are doing on their computers for example in a school making sure children don’t go on inappropriate websites. The advantages of IT support using control software are that they are able to have an idea about the different website students are

  • The Ethics of File Sharing Software

    3350 Words  | 7 Pages

    Ethics of File Sharing Software Introduction The purpose of this paper is to discuss the ethical problem that file sharing software creates when used to transfer copy written material. It is contested that the very existence of this software promotes piracy. The paper will focus on the creators of the file sharing software, knowing that the user employs their product illegally. The software creators (Kazaa, Grokster, Morpheus, etc) are claiming that they cannot control what the end user does