Comparison of Linux distributions Essays

  • Compare And Contrast Linux

    1965 Words  | 4 Pages

    Contrast Linux Christopher Varano Professor: Patricia Entesari April 12, 2014 Introduction Linux is a popular and widely used operating system and provides several options for use within business organizations as both a server and a workstation platform. Due to the open-source nature of the operating system there are various organizations who make available a server and a workstation platform along with their own customizations as part of a specific distribution. In order

  • Mr Adam Zyglis Political Cartoon

    676 Words  | 2 Pages

    Visual Analysis of the Political Cartoon of Mr. Adam Zyglis' image. In 1983, a Christmas comedy movie was produced and base on a short story about a young kid called Parker, who only wanted a red Ryder gun for Christmas but his Christmas wish was denied by his mother, teacher and even Santa clause, they all said "you'll shoot your eye out." Finally, his father gave him a red Ryder as a present on Christmas. He took his gun outside and shot it at a target set on metal sign, the metal sign reflected

  • A Comparison of Beauty and the Beast with Toy Story

    1224 Words  | 3 Pages

    A Comparison of Beauty and the Beast with Toy Story INTRODUCTION Disney is an excellent example of a Media corporation as it is known worldwide, go any where in the world and ask someone about Mickey Mouse or Daffy Duck and they will know that you are talking about Disney. They have a huge range of advertising and merchandise ranging from children's books and films to holiday resorts and theme parks. The Disney brand appeals to all, children and adults alike. Beauty and the Beast

  • Linux And Windows Advantages And Disadvantages

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    Linux or Windows? Open Software versus Proprietary software? When most people think of the best operating system, they first think of Windows and the OSX. However, Linux and many of its open source software are becoming more predominantly emerging in the current day and age. Linux widely touted for its small user base but Cost free, High Security, flexible user control and stability. Windows for it’s largely user base and wide customer range and support. In this paper, I will be discussing and doing

  • Linux OS vs Windows OS

    3318 Words  | 7 Pages

    also manage the file in a computer drive and control peripherals, such as printer and scanner. Linux is an OS for PC workstations that fully functional using graphical user interface (GUI). Linux is a Unix-like and POSIX-compliant computer. OS assembled on this platform is under the model of free and open source software development and distribution. Linus Torvalds was defining component of Linux as Linux kernel, the operation system kernel first released on 5th of October 1991. Cross-Platform OS is

  • File Processing In Windows / Linux

    1733 Words  | 4 Pages

    Windows XP File Processing Within Windows there are two methods that a user or administrator can obtain access to files stored on the hard drive or media source. In the Windows operating system, files that are operating system specific (files needed in order for the operating system to work) are normally on the primary drive which is usually the C: drive. On a Windows based PC during the setup process, a user has the choice of where the operating system files are stored and what file system Windows

  • Microsoft Corporation's Hostile Take Over of Red Hat Linux

    4242 Words  | 9 Pages

    Microsoft Corporation's Hostile Take Over of Red Hat Linux Table of Contents I. Executive Summary 3 II. Current Marketing Situation 4 Industry Structure 4 Product/Product Line and Market position. 6 Major Customers and Market Segments Served. 6 Other Products/Product Lines. 7 III Opportunity and Issue Analysis 9 SWOT Analysis. 9 Competitors and Their Strengths and Weaknesses. 11 IV. Objectives 13 Sales Objectives 13 Profit Objectives 13 Customer Objectives 14 V. Marketing

  • Windows NT and Linux

    2638 Words  | 6 Pages

    Windows NT and Linux: An inside look and comparison! One of the many challenges of a corporation, small business or educational institution is how to network the people within and outside the organization. Linux and Windows NT are two network operating systems that suit this purpose well, each having its respective advantages and disadvantages. One organization (Nichols College), began utilizing each operating system for two very different purposes. I will explain the function of the two operating

  • Linux Operating Systems

    2124 Words  | 5 Pages

    (HP-UNIX, SUN Solaris, Digital UNIX) solutions - Operating System (OS etc.) Linux. Today the pace of market development of this system compared to other well-known operating systems is the most intense (Stutz 2004). The strength of the Linux operating system is its flexibility: The system covers the entire range of applications - from desktop PC to multiprocessor servers and super clusters. Currently, multi-stable Linux operating system running on the platforms PC, Alpha, PowerPC, Macintosh, SGI

  • History of Operating Systems

    2190 Words  | 5 Pages

    This report is going to talk about history of operating system, current development of the Open Source operating system (we are taking Linux operating system) and Windows operating system, evolving of operating system and comparison between Open Source and Proprietary System such as Windows. Besides that, we will take a deep look on how old operating system is being replaced by modern operating system in this fast developed technology era on evolving of operating system part. Here we will introduce

  • Wireless Mesh Network

    1410 Words  | 3 Pages

    1.1 Preamble Network topology can be defined in many ways since there are many different types of network that depending on the certain amount of user, ability, and purpose. For example, in Multimedia University (MMU) all networks inside our campus are connected through Local Area Network (LAN) to access MMLS for example. While when connected to outside through internet, we call it Wide Area Network (WAN). We are connected to the world via various network topologies, such as Point-to-point, Bus

  • Unix Security

    1356 Words  | 3 Pages

    system builds are exactly alike, it is important to note that each build may have its own inherent security flaws. For example, in 2002 a buffer overflow issue existed within Linux which could potentially make all Linux builds vulnerable (PCWorld). However, this flaw involved only elements which were specific to the Linux kernel and did not impact other build versions such as those specific to Solaris. Nonetheless, while different security flaws may exist, many builds share similar security features

  • Mobile Phones And The Mobile Phone Virus

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    mobile phone viruses began to emerge, the first mobile phone virus was called Caribe, it was created to infect the Symbian mobile OS. By using the Bluetooth communication feature it was able to spread from phone to phone and upon activation of the device it would display the message "Caribe". In 2009 the first iPhone worm "Ikee" was created it was able to infect and spread among jailbroken iPhones that had installed SSH while using the default root password. This worm changes the wallpaper of your

  • Principles of Open Source

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    information. While patent law is obviously beneficial to the author, the varying breadth of protection for intellectual property could suppress the most important part; ac... ... middle of paper ... ... Van. 1998. “Open Source Summit Trip Report.” Linux Gazette (28). Schindler, By Esther. 2009. “An Abbreviated History of ACP , One of the Oldest Open Source Applications.” IT World. Scotchmer, Suzanne. 1991. “Standing on the Shoulders of Giants: Cumulative Research and the Patent Law.” Journal of Economic

  • Elastic Computer Cloud

    1295 Words  | 3 Pages

    Relational Database Services (RDS) is a scalable relational database in the cloud with high availability. COMPARISON: Below is a detailed comparison of different features of both options. • SET-UP: Once a MySQL is mounted on an instance of EC2, it can be up and running instantly without much time or effort required. Amazon’s EC2 comes with a set of API command line tools for different Linux distributions and for use with different File Systems to facilitate easy transition to the cloud. If a MySQL database

  • Amazon Online Payment System Case Study

    1466 Words  | 3 Pages

    customer satisfaction is taken care of they live by Sic Core Values to make things happen to make sure that everything stays in order. Amazon has maintained the mission of always taking care of the customer. They currently account for tremendous distribution systems that in some way be accounted for the success the company has since it ads real value to the service they have offered. In addition to CRM and other technologies the SWOT shows a variety of ways to overcome challenges, and add value to

  • Githum is the Famous Code Repository Site for Open Source Projects

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    hence the results. [6] Conclusion: The key points to the development good software always depends upon few factors like its access speed, output results, navigations, layout, user’s requirements, and lastly it must be user friendly. When it comes to comparison between Github and SVN it is more obvious that Github is more useful and ideal as it is fast processor, good tracker which tracks every single atomic changes made to the system’s stored repository. Whereas, SVN is bit backward in these useful features

  • What´s Hadoop Cluster?

    1481 Words  | 3 Pages

    A Hadoop cluster consists a single master node and multiple worker nodes. The master node includes a JobTracker, TaskTracker, NameNode and DataNode. A slave or node acts as both DataNode and TaskTracker, though it could have data-only slave nodes and compute-only slave nodes.Hadoop requires JRE 1.6 (Java Runtime Environment)or higher. The standard shutdown scripts and start-up require Secure Shell to set up among nodes in the cluster. In a larger cluster,an extra NameNode called secondary

  • Introduction Of Computer And Its External Components

    1973 Words  | 4 Pages

    Introduction to Computers In Chapter 1,”Introduction to Computers”, the textbook (Shelly & Vermaat, 2012) gives a basic overview of a computer and its external components, as well as a few of the internal components. According to the textbook, computers process data, or input, into information, or output. Computers hold and execute software, or a set of pre-written instructions that are “organized for a common purpose”. Computer components are known as “hardware”. Input devices that allow for the

  • Zara’s Business Model, Information and Communication Technologies, and Competitive Analysis

    10348 Words  | 21 Pages

    helped to shape Zara’s current business model. Zara’s Business Model Zara’s business model can be broken down into three basic components: concept, capabilities, and value drivers. Zara’s fundamental concept is to maintain design, production, and distribution processes that will enable Zara to respond quickly to shifts in consumer demands. José María Castellano, CEO of Inditex stated that "the fashion world is in constant flux and is driven not by supply but by customer demand. We need to give consumers