Communion Essays

  • Innocence Lost by Nathaniel Hawthorne

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    universality of sin. These works provide numerous perspectives into the nature of the human condition and the individual’s role within it. Hawthorne fictionalizes a world where communion with man is essential for spiritual satisfaction. The main characters of these stories face moral dilemmas through their pursuit of human communion. Whether the problems are moral, psychological, or both, Hawthorne insists that the individual must come to affirm a tie with the procession of life, must come to achieve some

  • The Eucharist in Fellowship of the Ring, Return of the King, and Two Towers

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    the Eucharist share the title of "Food for the Journey"(Nicolas 90). In the case of the Eucharist, this is derived from the Sacrament of Extreme Unction. When a person is on the verge of death, a priest is usually summoned to give the person communion to prepare him or her spiritually for death. Since, for the Christian, death is not final, but a door to heaven, it is considered more like a journey, and not an ending. The Eucharist is given to the dying person much as an athlete is given high

  • Young Goodman Brown: Evil is the Nature of Mankind

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    yet mourn for our miserable race. 'Depending upon one another's hearts, ye had still hoped, that virtue were not all a dream. Now are undeceived! Evil is the nature of mankind. Evil must be your only happiness. Welcome, again, my children, to the communion of your race!' " This particular quote has the mark of cynicism that although may not be common in our time for writing, was probably a very common writing style during certain times in the history of American Literature. This of course would depend

  • The Baptist Faith

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    heart that Jesus died for you, and show love and compassion.” Also one must be baptized and receive communion. Byron added, “We are born sinners and are saved by God.” The Sacraments that they have are Fruit of the Vine and Bread, which are grape juice and ceremonial bread. In the Baptist religion they have interfaith communion, where anyone can receive it. To the Baptists the sacrament of communion is more symbolic than what Catholics believe it to be. I found it interesting marriage and confession

  • Analysis of Leonardo da Vinci's 'The Last Supper'

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    which Jesus and his disciples gathered for one final dinner together. According to the Bible, important events took place during the Last Supper, including an announcement by Jesus that one of his disciples would betray him and the first communion. To artists in the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries, it was necessary to give proper deference to such notable occurrences. Both Leonardo da Vinci and Jacopo Robusti, known as Tintoretto, took upon the challenge of recreating the Last Supper

  • The Differences and Similarities Between Passover and The Eucharist

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    participate with the whole community in the Lord’s own sacrifice by means of the Eucharist. When we receive the Eucharist through the Sacrament of Communion God cleanses us free of sin, which is like the offerings brought upon the Lord during Passover. The unleavened bread in Passover is like the host that is consecrated to Christians during Communion. The Holy unleavened bread (host) and wine remind us of Jesus’ Passover. For the Christian community, the eucharist is a sign of God’s

  • Fasting and The Eucharist: Catholic Participation in the Sacrifice of Christ

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    Eucharist: Catholic Participation in the Sacrifice of Christ Christ, as the ultimate sacrifice in Christianity, gave his own life for the benefit of others. His self-sacrifice continues to this day to be celebrated in the Catholic Mass. Through communion, or receiving the Eucharist, one is able to actively partake of the fruits of that sacrifice. But how does one follow Jesus’ example? One surely cannot strive for the same kind of physical death that Jesus experienced. Thus, practice of another

  • Angela's Ashes Irony

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    The McCourt family leaves their apartment in Brooklyn to set sail for Ireland, leaving behind an apartment with indoor plumbing and the memory of a dead sister in hopes of finding a better life amongst “the poverty, the shiftless loquacious alcoholic father, the pious defeated mother moaning by the fire, pompous priests, and bullying schoolmasters” of Ireland. This tragic story is told from the point of view of a child, Frank McCourt, whose father is a driftless alcoholic and whose mother does moan

  • Food in Mary Rowlandson's The Sovereignty and Goodness of God

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    Food in Mary Rowlandson's The Sovereignty and Goodness of God "Food is a medium for life, a dynamic of life, and an expression of the whims, joys, terrors, and histories in life. Food, more than anything else, is life." - Anonymous Neither life nor culture can be sustained without food. On a very basic level, food is fundamentally essential for life, not simply to exist, but also to thrive. A means by which carbohydrates, fats, proteins, vitamins, nutrients, and calories are introduced

  • How The Theme Of Truth Depicted In Hawthorne's Young Goodman Brown Gone Bad

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    his message. The symbols are so prevalent that unless one has a good understanding of their interconnectedness, the meaning and intent is lost. Some of the recurring keywords and images connecting the themes are: faith, the forest, the serpent, communion, and the dream. They are used to demonstrate themes of good vs. evil, straying from the known, deception, and how experiences can affect one's outlook on life, whether it is a physical occurence or it happens in our mind. A closer look at the passage

  • Emily Dickinson

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    three and four, further solidify this interpretation. “Like signal esoteric sips of the Communion Wine…” communicates the idea that what we are able to think and comprehend is only a fraction what truly flows through our minds. As fast as we can interpret our thoughts, thousands more stream by without us even realizing it. As the lines state, the thoughts that we interpret are as occasional as when we sip the Communion Wine, coming to us only once every so often because we are always preoccupied with

  • Analysis of Birches

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    Analysis of Birches The discursive blank-verse meditation "Birches" does not center on a continuously encountered and revealing nature scene; rather, it builds a mosaic of thoughts from fragments of memory and fantasy. Its vividness and genial, bittersweet speculation help make it one of Frost's most popular poems, and because its shifts of metaphor and tone invite varying interpretation it has also received much critical discussion, not always admiring. The poem moves back and forth between

  • Anthem

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    form of society in which there is only equality and justice for all. Many utopian societies are formed for means of shelter to those who form similar opinions of how the world should work, some for educational purposes and others for a spiritual communion. The Residential Community at Beacon Hill Friends House was formed “ To advance and foster the distinctive principles of the Religious Society of Friends, to provide opportunities for the development of leadership for the Society, and especially

  • Buddhism and Christianity in the same light

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    Buddha through several religious practices. The basic motives behind Buddhist practices mirror with those behind the Catholic tradition (Seay (2001,p.58). Both traditions aim to create togetherness within their community by developing a sense of communion with all present through a group activity. Some of these activities include group prayer/meditation and group singing/chanting. Another motive behind some Buddhist and Catholic practices is the principle of suffering, a significant element of religious

  • Holy Orders

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    Holy Orders Holy Orders is a Sacrament at the Service of Communion that Jesus gave the Church to pass on to men. It was set up to provide ministers of service to the Church. Those who have received this sacrament are members of a college that dedicates their lives to become servants of the Word of God. They are called to live a life of self-denial, celibacy, and sacrifice for the well being of other beings. Holy Orders gives different powers and authorities in the Church on three different

  • Symbolism and Irony in Hawthorne's Young Goodman Brown

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    that evil is a part of human nature. The story illustrates how naiveté can drive a person to lunacy. Young Goodman Brown, who symbolizes that Puritan " every man, " is shocked when he sees respected clergymen and women of his village at the devil's communion. His disbelief that it is normal and acceptable to be intrinsically evil causes him to live a life of despair. In the story, symbolism and irony are cleverly implemented to show that no one is completely good or evil, and that the tension between

  • Early Christianity

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    different manner. This interpretation leads to a fundamental shift in ideology between Jews and Christians. In addition to scripture, Christianity adopted many worship rituals practiced within the Jewish synagogue; such as prayers, baptisms, and communion. Christianity of today still practices these sacred ritu...

  • Unmasking the Superficial Hierarchy of the Church in Hawthorne's Young Goodman Brown

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    nature could yet mourn for our race." Using the word "angelic" softens the image of the devil-figure. The devil's speech asks the people to awaken to the reality that virtue isn't possible, that Evil is man's true nature. By welcoming them to the "communion of your race" he emphasizes that people are unified under the fact that everyone is evil. The devil figure is like a puritan minister trying to tell everyone that they are evil, but he tells them to accept it, that "Evil must be your only happiness

  • Ideal Image of Nature in William Wordsworth's The World is Too Much With Us

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    summation of the theme of communion with nature.  Wordsworth repeats the fatalistic theme of humanities progress at the cost of preserving nature throughout the sonnet.  The symbolism created by the images and metaphors represent Wordsworth's deep passion about the conflict between nature and modern progress. William Wordsworth was raised amid the mountains in a rustic society and spent a great deal of his childhood outdoors, in what he would later remember as a pure communion with nature.  The life

  • Saint Philip Neri

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    Pippo." As a child, he studied philosophy and later he took a comprehensive course in theology. With fourteen companions, he created the Confraternity of the Most Holy Trinity for looking after pilgrims and convalescents. The members met for Communion, prayer and other spiritual exercises in the Church of San Salvatore, and Philip himself introduced the idea of having exposition of the Blessed Sacrament at least once a month. At these devotions, Philip preached, even though he had not yet become