Class II railroad Essays

  • New Periodic Class II Methanol Maser From Methanol MultiBeam Survey Catalogue

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    092+0.663_67_full_envelope_spec.eps}} label{fig:G000.092+0.663_67_spectra} } quad subfigure[]{ esizebox{hsize}{!}{includegraphics[clip]{../figures/G000.092+0.663_67_full_envelope_spec.eps}} label{fig:G006.189-0.358_67_spectra} } caption{Spectra for class II methanol maser associated with G0.092+0.663 ( ef{fig:G000.092+0.663_67_spectra}) and G6.189-0.358 ( ef{fig:G006.189-0.358_67_spectra}) at 6.7 GHz.} label{fig:spectra_one} end{figure} egin{figure} centering subfigure[]{ esizebox{hsize}{!}{includegraphics[clip]{

  • Personal Narrative about Smoking Marijuana

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    aren’t drug dealers or dope fiends. We are just four high school seniors getting prepared for class. Even though this ritual had been a part of our mornings since sophomore year, it became easier to carry out when the school selected us for the aptly named Joint Enrollment program (some might say we took the name a little too literally). On Monday, Wednesday, and Friday mornings we attended an English class at the local college before going to school. Our Tuesday and Thursday mornings were completely

  • High School

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    “Here let me show you how its done brother” Cole said to Oliver as he leaned over me and snatched the paint from his hands. Sitting down in his seat Cole started to tug and pull on the lid, you could see it start to come loose. Then as if it all happened in slow motion the lid made aloud pop as Coles hold on the paint can loosened and slipped out of his grip making a direct arc toward a large bulky guy with black hair in a school letter man jacket. Jack McCown, Oliver told me of him, he is the son

  • I Am A Good Thinker

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    somatic inner experience’s, I came to an understanding that I do a lot of thing’s that I never really take account for. For example, my experience with thinking is probably one of the biggest concepts that I never actually thought about. While I sit in class and listen to my professor’s lecture or my peers present, I have a tendency to repeat what they are saying in my head. Not only does this help me remember for future tests, quizzes, and assignments, but it helps me understand what words they are saying

  • Personal Narrative: My Third Year Of Playing Basketball

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    for my basketball season to begin. I hope this year everything goes well and no one gets hurt. It was almost a quarter of the way through the school year and basketball tryouts were at 3:45 p.m. that night after school. As I sat through my last class of the day, Tech. Ed., I began to get nervous and I was hoping my nervousness would stop before I had to try out. I was never this nervous for any thing in basketball. I thought I was a great player and I never wanted to leave the gym. My friend

  • Erica: An Unplanned Name's Perfect Fit

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    my heart hurt to see him unhappy. Although we don't see each other outside of class I knew there had to be something I could do to help. After he told me he had had a bad weekend, an idea popped into my head. The next day I came into class with an assortment of full size candy bars and laid them one by one on his desk. The ache in my heart eased a little when his face lit up and he thanked me profusely. By the time class was over, he had already eaten two Reese’s Pieces and had a smile on his face

  • Teaching Principles of Agriculture: An Observation Study

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    On Tuesday, November 10th I visited Mrs. Ewell at Hearne High School. The first class I observed was her second period Principles of Agriculture class. She has 9 students in this class including 1 new student that arrived today. In total there are 6 boys and 3 girls. The new student was obviously very nervous, but Mrs. Ewell was very accommodating and welcoming towards him. The class started by the students answering their daily challenge questions. What part of the flower attracts bees and other

  • Bell Hooks' Talking Back: Thinking Feminist, Thinking Black

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    everyoneís voice is heard as students read paragraphs which may explore a particular issue.The do not have the opportunity to refuse to read paragraphs.When I hear their voices, I become more aware of information they may not know I can provide.Whether a class is large or small, I try to talk with all students individually or in small groups so I can have a sense of their needs.How can we transform consciousness if we do not have some sense of where the students are intellectually, psychically? (hooks Talking

  • Interpersonal and Small Group Communication

    1061 Words  | 3 Pages

    As I planed to take this class, I thought this course would be like all other general education courses. I believed that it would be of little use to me. However, after attending the first class, my view has changed completely. I applied each and every theory to my life. Amazingly all these ideas were exactly applicable. Perception checking is one of the things that I believe the most. As I looked back, I found tones of different times where I could have used perception checking to over come my

  • Essay On Privilege

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    oppression. Privilege is merely advantages people have by virtue of their status or position in society. It's a word that we throw around during many of our daily lives. We know we have to be knowledgeable of it. And we talk a lot about it. In fact, our class was based on the topics of power and privilege. For many, the immediate connotation is simple. The white male that has his school paid for (by his parents) and has a job right out of college. So he is considered privileged. Many people categorize privilege

  • Personal Narrative: Have You Ever Felt Lost?

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    bilingual class I learned how to write and read in spanish. As you probably already guess that wasn 't the case my fifth grade year. My fifth grade year I was placed in an all english class, knowing nothing but how to say, “Hello”. I struggled so much that year. I felt like I was back in Kindergarten learning the alphabet, but at least in kindergarten the other kids knew just as much as I did. I was lost and too scared to ask for help. It was embarrassing to be the only one in the class that didn

  • Classroom Reflection

    700 Words  | 2 Pages

    I had the privilege of observing Mrs. Cahalin’s 6th and 7th grade class. Mrs. Cahalin’s strategies were very similar for both. For her sixth grade class I observed topics such as characterization, point of view and grammar lesson. In all three, Mrs. Cahalin strategically used graphic organizers that tied the individual lessons together. I truly enjoyed seeing how creative the graphic organizers were. Mrs. Cahalin’s 7th grade class focused on the book “Peter and the Starcatcher.” Students were responsible

  • Reflection Paper On Health Psychology

    1056 Words  | 3 Pages

    Yin Ma Health Psychology – Extra Credit Health psychology has been an appealing subject to me because it is relatable on many levels. Of the topics we have covered in class I think unit 3 have left the deepest impression. Stress is something everyone can relate to but probably understood on the minimum. Stress is a common experience for university students and without an exception I fall victim to it every time an exam or presentation comes up. Learning about this topic, what stress is, what

  • Reflection Essay: My Life's Expected Punches

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    In my English 095 college class, reading was my homework. In the first few assigned chapters I learned how to read recursively, which means to reread or read again. I found that to be very different compared to how I have been reading my textbooks. I would find the answers and study

  • The Importance Of Volunteering In Human Service

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    Kerri struggles with understanding what she needs to learn in class and has to have all of what is said typed out in notes for her to go through later on at home. While helping her, at first she was extremely resistant to having me as her aid, after the first week she was excited to see me which was something enjoyable for myself. I spend an hour each day in class with her and an hour out of class with Kerri. During our time outside of class I was asked to try to connect on “at home issues” with her

  • Reflective Essay On Practicum

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    various classes with various subjects. We (the students and I) worked on regular class assignments and projects. I also participated in some outings such as grocery shopping for culinary class, bowling for gym class and a special day of town beatification where we picked up garbage in an effort to help clean up the town. While working at the high school I was able to use some of the skills I had learned while in class such as active listening, token economy. I was able to look at things from the student’s

  • Personal Narrative: My Life As An Outsider

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    pretty fun to be around person. However last year there was a time where I did feel as though rejection was prominent in my life.. My senior year of high school I was enrolled in a teleproductions class. Basically in this class I learned how to write, shoot , edit, and produce short films. In this class we also covered our schools sporting events as well. My teacher and I would often talk football and he noticed that I really knew football well. As a result I was given the opportunity to do play by

  • Definition Essay Dedication

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    say you are into soccer and play on a school team. To start a game and get better it takes dedication. If you didn’t start a game, you don’t just give up and walk away. You persevere and work harder. That is called dedication. If you are in a math class

  • Dissecting the Audiologist Path: A Percy-Inspired Analysis

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    communication disorders and plain and simple, the ears. Not a single class I took this semester related to Audiology but they were requirements, mere stepping stones, necessary to reach my end goal. I vow to come back to this essay after I graduate with my Master’s degree to see if I feel the same way but I have a strong feeling that my views on college credits won’t change. I want to use this final essay to examine each class I took this semester and view it from a perspective that Percy would use

  • The Special Event Conference

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    I always wanted to surround myself with knowledge and people that live and breathe event planning. My opportunity came at the 2010 Special Events conference in New Orleans, LA. The Special Event (2010) is the largest tradeshow and conference in the world for event professionals (2010, The Special Event). TSE allows attendees to make invaluable connections with thousands of key event industry notables and colleagues, experience education both inside and outside of the classroom environment, choose