Christian Otto Mohr Essays

  • Determinate Structure Analysis

    681 Words  | 2 Pages

    In Structural Analysis, we analyze the structures with different methods based on its structures type. Two types of structures are determinate structures and indeterminate structures. Generally, it is actually not possible to perform an exact analyze of a structure. Hence, approximations for structure geometry, material limit and boundary, loading type and magnitude must be made. Determinate structure simply means that all the forces in the structure can be determined from the equilibrium equation

  • Paul Ricoeur's Intervention In The Gadamer-Stermas

    7962 Words  | 16 Pages

    Recovering Paul Ricoeur's Intervention in the Gadamer-Habermas Debate ABSTRACT: In this paper I will examine a contemporary response to an important debate in the "science" of hermeneutics, along with some cross-cultural implications. I discuss Paul Ricoeur's intervention in the debate between Gadamer and Habermas concerning the proper task of hermeneutics as a mode of philosophical interrogation in the late 20th century. The confrontation between Gadamer and Habermas turns on the assessment