Chittagong Essays

  • The Politics of Gas: An Inventory of Resource Conflict in the Context of Chittagong Hill Tracts

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    The conflict dynamic in post accord Chittagong Hill Tracts is at cross-road. The intensity of violent ethnic conflict has likely to be reduced since the signing of peace accord in 1997. However, the people in CHT are dealing with new dynamics of conflict which has caused less violent but protracted social tensions and conflicts. Natural resource conflict is becoming paramount dynamic of social conflict in CHT region. The CHT region is the only extensive hill area in Bangladesh. The region consists

  • Statment of Purpose for a Masters in Organic Chemistry

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    As we transverse through the realms of imagination and connect with the world of reality, we build our own paradigms which construct our future and stand the test of time. It is one such paradigm that helps me set up my aplomb for inculcating the decision to make a pursuit of chemistry. Chemistry appeals to my practical and analytical nature, the part of me that starts by asking "How?" and "why" and doesn't give up until I have the believe that I can debunking this myth. All aspects of chemistry

  • Mudslides: Causes and Effects

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    involved. There are numerous facts that can cause a mudslide and there are also numerous effects that it can cause us. Mudslides usually occur in hilly areas, for an example, when there was a mudslide in Bangladesh few months back, it occurred at Chittagong. Mudslides occur when a portion of a hill side becomes too weak to hold up its own weight. This is generally caused by an intense amount of rain fall. With all of the new water introduced into the slope the content of liquid makes it so heavy that

  • Ship Breaking Case Study

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    In the shore of Bay of Bangle, Chittagong business of breaking abandoned ship has been running for more than decades and this business is increasing day by day. It is a business of dismantling old, damaged and obsolete sea going on ship, cargo and oil tankers to meet the increasing demand of raw materials for re-rolling mills and other purposes. Ship breaking area along the Chittagong sea shore is situated on 22⁰22”N latitude and 91⁰E longitude, stretched 14km from Fouzdarhat to Kumira adjacent to

  • Colonization And Colonization In Bangladesh

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    “Bhojonbilashi” (roughly translated as gourmand) is a popularly used expression coined to delineate the people of Bangladesh to illustrate their love of indulging themselves in eating and consumption. In Bangladesh, it is run-of-the-mill to have four meals on a daily basis starting with a homemade breakfast, a heavy lunch followed by evening snacks at 7 pm, usually from the outside street vendors, and ending the day with an extravagant dinner which includes rice, lentils, meat (or fish) and vegetables

  • Shipbuilding Industry Of Bangladesh

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    Bangladesh is set to emerge as new export leader after two ship builders said Monday they have already grabbed order worth over $250 million last year. Meghnaghat-based Ananda Shipyards said it signed agreements worth around $180 million while Chittagong-based Western Marine put its total orders to more than $70 million. "It's a huge leap forward for us. If the trend continues, ship building in Bangladesh will be the second largest exporter after garments in 2015," chairman of Ananda Shipbuilders

  • Bangladesh- ICT Driven Nation

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    garments and knit wears in particular. Bangladesh, least developed country, largely an agrarian economy with around 24 million acres of cultivation land employing about 14.5 million cultivators. Manufacturing industries have grown around Dhaka and Chittagong based on agriculture input of jute, cotton, chemical and gas based industries. GDP grew in the year 2001-02 at a rate of 4.5% and was projected to grow by 5.5% in the year 2002-03. In the year 2001-02 contribution of agriculture is 24.6%, industry

  • Bangladesh Genocide Research Paper

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    the university campus, the slums, and the old city where Hindus primarily lived. The news of these killings quickly spread throughout the country. On March 26th, 1971, the independence of Bangladesh was announced over the radio from the city of Chittagong on the account of the Awami League and their leader, Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman. Soon, a resistance was organized in all the cities and towns of the country by the Awami League politicians, Bengali

  • Market Segmentation Of Nescafe

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    Products and service are created to appeal to a certain market. Creating a strategy with consumers in mind is a target market. To take marketing a step further market segmentation can be utilized. Target marketing is the term for directing marketing endeavors toward consumers. Breaking down of the market into smaller groups with intention of promoting products or services is identified as market segmentation. Market segmentation divides broad markets into smaller segment groups such as female, male

  • Essay On Training Need For Unilever

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    Training is required at every level or departments of an organization. The training needs at Unilever vary from person to person and their job role. Training needed at different level for Unilever employee is: Training needed for corporate level: • The training need for corporate level is to make policy. • Negotiation with the employee. • To give motivation to junior employee and to provide applicable rules and regulation inside the organization. Training needed for Manager: • A Manager’s training

  • Essay On Unilever

    1758 Words  | 4 Pages

    Introduction Unilever was the world's first packaged goods manufacturer, and is still one of the global leaders, and have strong profile in emerging markets. Unilever started its onshore operations in Bangladesh in 1964 when its soap factory was set up at Chittagong. Unilever Bangladesh is market leader in 7 of the 8 categories it operates in, with 16 brands spanning across home and personal care and foods. Unilever Bangladesh’s operation provides employment to over 10,000 people directly and indirectly through

  • Petroleum Engineering Personal Statement

    708 Words  | 2 Pages

    An education is best valued when it is used to serve one’s community at a larger aspect- this belief has been imprinted in my judgment from the commencement of my undergraduate study. This persuasion and a natural aptitude for energy science and mathematics induced me that petroleum engineering is the most fitting career for me and developed a sense in my mind that higher study is mandatory to be competent in this field. I desire a master’s degree in Petroleum Engineering followed by a PhD not only

  • Culinary Tourism Essay

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    Unfortunately, the culinary sector in our country is not in a position which can explore as an industry. Recently, a huge amount of well-known food court and restaurants have been established around the country, especially in big cities like Dhaka, Chittagong, Sylhet and so on, with their unique servings. This huge amount of food court and restaurants also raised the importance of control and regulation as well as food safety issue. According to Syed Rashidul Hasan (1988), there are two problems related

  • Student Dropout Case Study

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    The study has attempted to identify the factors behind the dropout of students after taking admission in public universities of Bangladesh. Student dropout is a major issue that emphasises the withdrawal from a university degree before completion. Vincent Tinto’s (1975) social-anthropological approach to student dropout showed the ‘Student Integration Model’ where student dropout has been classified in two types: voluntary withdrawal and involuntary dropout. Dropout has strong socio-economic consequences

  • The Importance Of Interview On Muslim Women

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    traditional ideas within the Bengali Muslim community. In addition, celebrations and rituals will be explored and analyzed for its significance to the Bangladeshi culture. Mrs. SK was born in Chittagong, Bangladesh in 1966. Her parents were born in the same city and she still has extended family in Chittagong. Her father was the first in his family to pursue education and would become an ophthalmologist by his early 30s. In 1974, Mrs. SK moved to London, England with her parents and two sisters

  • What Are Top 5 Interesting And Beautiful Beaches In Bangladesh

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    Top 5 Interesting and Beautiful Beaches to Visit in Bangladesh Bangladesh – the term itself reminds us of some beautiful beaches. The beaches in Bangladesh are like the place won a lucky spot in the geography game. All of its land areas, at least most of it are a little above the sea level because of which the country is filled with beaches and sea costs. Not to mention, all of the beaches present are stuffed with elegance and attraction. Let us check out some specifics from the remarkable beauty

  • Violence And Violence In Warrant Glen, Will Falke

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    The marginalization of the blacks during the 1960’s lead to hateful crime and violence to the hopeless people. The irony of it all was the conservative Christians that were the most immoral and destructive. “God is dead” by Friedrich Nietzsche shows that Christianity and Western society has failed and its morals are no longer practiced. In William Wallis’s Warrant Glen, Will Falke, the protagonist, struggles to live in a society of prevalent abuse and prejudice. His character of being open minded

  • Valparaiso Natural Disasters

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    whether earthquakes, tornadoe... ... middle of paper ... .... Large scale mudslides covered the town of Armero, killing nearly the entire population. An estimated 20000 out of 29000 people lost their lives. • 1991- The cyclone which struck Chittagong in 1991 is rated as one of the deadliest cyclones ever seen. The death toll was an estimated 138,000 while nearly 10 million people were homeless. • 1992- Hurricane Andrew in 1992 proved to be one of the most destructive hurricanes ever to hit

  • Personal Statement For Tuskegee University

    1021 Words  | 3 Pages

    PERSONAL STATEMENT From my early childhood, I was fond of science fiction stories written by Professor Dr. Mohammad Jafor Iqbal who is a well-known professor in Bangladesh. During the reading of every story, I was fascinated by how easily he could imagine the science? The simplicity of his outcomes regarding any complex scientific calculations was my superior motivation to be an innovative researcher since that time. To fulfill my childhood dream, now I am planning to apply Tuskegee University for

  • The Earthquake Scenario in Bangladesh

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    The Earthquake Scenario in Bangladesh As Bangladesh is located in a tectonically active much of the country including Chittagong, Sylhet, Dhaka, Rangpur, Bogra, Mymenshing, Comilla, Rajshahi are very much vulnerable to major earthquake disaster. Although, some awareness is raised among a limited groups, due to some recent earthquakes in the region, practically the country is far behind the minimum preparedness level to face such a disaster in any of our cities. Significant damaging historical