Changes in rita Essays

  • Changes in Rita in Act Two Scene One of Educating Rita

    1422 Words  | 3 Pages

    Changes in Rita in Act Two Scene One of Educating Rita Willy Russell was born in Whiston, near Liverpool, England, in 1947. Russell has written a string of popular, award-winning plays and musicals, but perhaps one of the most well known is Educating Rita. In this play Willy Russell is very much producing a mirror image of parts of his life. As a child and growing up he didn’t care much for school, he considered himself a kid from the ’D’ stream and a piece of factory fodder. Eventually

  • The Changes in Frank and Rita in Act Two

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    The Changes in Frank and Rita in Act Two How does Russell present the changes in Frank and Rita in act 2, scenes 2-6? Rita before: “Its that stupid bleed’n handle on that door, you wanna get it fixed.” Rita now: “Frank, you’re not in any fit state for a tutorial” Frank before: “It’s supposed to embrace a more comprehensive studentship.” Frank now: “Pissed? I was glorious! I fell off the rostrum twice.” As well as these changes, I will illustrate many other dramatic changes and role reversals

  • Changes in Rita's Character throughout Educating Rita

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    Changes in Rita's Character throughout Educating Rita With reference to the social context of the play, discuss the ways in which Willy Russell shows the changes in Rita’s character throughout Educating Rita. In the play Educating Rita by Willy Russell there are two main characters, Rita and Frank. Rita is a twenty six year old uneducated hairdresser. She wants a better life for herself; she wants to have an education. She didn’t get a full education at school as she says, ‘See, if I’d

  • Changes in Rita and Frank in Acts One and Two

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    Changes in Rita and Frank in Acts One and Two Nicola White The ways in which Russell portrays the changes and developments in the characters of Rita and Frank in Act 1 scene 1 and Act 2 scene 1 of Educating Rita The play ‘Educating Rita’ written by Willy Russell explores the life of Rita, a twenty-six year old woman from a working class background, who is trying to find a new identity by becoming more independent, educated and cultured. Rita goes to the Open University and meets her tutor

  • Rita's Changes in Willy Russell’s Educating Rita

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    Rita's Changes in Willy Russell’s Educating Rita The story of ‘Educating Rita’ by Willy Russell is set in Liverpool in the 60s. At this time working class people did not usually stay in at school later than the age of 15. This lead to talent being wasted and many people leaving school with no qualifications. This applied even more to the women of this time as many of them were expected to simply get married and become baby machines and then perhaps get a part time job. The Open University

  • Exploring How the Characters of Frank and Rita Change Throughout Willy Russell's Educating Rita

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    Exploring How the Characters of Frank and Rita Change Throughout Willy Russell's Educating Rita Willy Russell wrote educating Rita, and whilst it is not autobiographical, it is based on his own life and experiences. After a miserable time at school Willy Russell tried a variety of jobs, but eventually settled for being a ladies' hairdresser. Like Rita, he was determined to become educated and so he studied for a degree with the Open University and became an educated writer. In the

  • Dramatic Devices Used by Willy Russell to Present the Changes to the Character of Rita

    689 Words  | 2 Pages

    be the conventional uneducated house keepers of the household and throughout the play, Educating Rita; Rita is constantly battling this set image of a typical Woman in the 80s. Willy Russell has used many dramatic devices efficiently to show the different phases and changes in Rita. In so doing, there have been many impacts on the audience. In Act 1, Willy Russell introduces the main characters, Rita and Frank; and provides crucial background information about the characters and their relationship

  • Changes in Rita and Frank Between Act 1 Scene 6 and Act 2 Scene 3

    3311 Words  | 7 Pages

    you want to change, y’ have to do it from the inside, don’t y’? Know like im doin” declares Rita in act 1 scene 1. How does the playwright show the changes in Rita, and in her tutor Frank, in two key scenes of the play (1.6 and 2.3) "Educating Rita" displays the major changes that occur in the main character, an initially narrow minded, outspoken and socially naïve Liverpudlian trapped by her working class life. Rita thinks an increase in intelligence and worldly knowledge will change this, and

  • Educating Rita

    2844 Words  | 6 Pages

    Educating Rita 1. When we are first introduced to Rita she is a hairdresser. How would you define her in terms of her social class? Support your ideas with examples from the film and elsewhere e.g. the most recent classification system used to define social class. (P2) I would define her in terms of her social class as a snobby person. She fits in a working class D, the way she speaks (language) is different the type of clothes she wears is different, she wears mini skirts. The environment

  • Analysis of Educating Rita

    1040 Words  | 3 Pages

    of Educating Rita Scenes 7 and 8 are the two last scenes in Act1. Seeing as it is only a two act play, this is a good point to reflect on how Rita and Frank's relationship has changed and developed since the beginning, both as teacher and student and on a more personal level. In scene 7 Rita and Frank talk about why Rita did not show up for Frank's dinner party and Rita explains how she was seriously thinking of going back to her old way of life. In Scene 8 we find that Rita has chosen her

  • Educating Rita by Willy Russell

    2120 Words  | 5 Pages

    Educating Rita by Willy Russell “ How do the characters of Frank and Rita change throughout the play and what is Russell’s purpose of using the technique?” Educating Rita is a play written by Willy Russell who was born in Liverpool, Whiston. “I really don’t want to write plays which are resigned, menopausal, despairing and whining. I don’t want to use any medium as a platform for displaying the smallness and hopelessness of man.” Willy Russell wrote Educating Rita as a comedy, he

  • Educating Rita

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    Educating Rita Although Rita knows that intellectual enlightenment is important, to Rita, education provides much more to her in Willy Russell’s Educating Rita. Rita’s education is not restricted to scholastic learning alone, her transformation from the uneducated Rita to the educated Susan is all encompassing. Rita sees and understands the importance of being well educated, but for Rita, education helps her to overcome her background and break away from the traditional role expected of a woman

  • Frank and Rita's Relationship

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    the play, Frank and Rita can be seen as opposites; Frank is a middle aged academic, whilst Rita is a young, female hairdresser. Any friendship between the two seems unlikely, but they quickly warm to one another as first appearances show. They are both involved in unsatisfactory relationships, and they both want more from life than it seems to offer. The main difference between the characters are that, whereas Rita has recognised her unhappiness and is determined to change it through becoming

  • What has Rita learned by the End of Act One?

    843 Words  | 2 Pages

    At the end of Act one what has Rita learned about herself, her education and her relationships with others? In the play "Educating Rita", there are two Acts which consist of several scenes. These two Acts demonstrate the contrast between the low cultured Rita and the high cultured Rita. At the end of the first Act the audience can sympathise with Rita's position, she belongs to neither social class at this point in time. She is stuck in a void, which if she is to break through she must discard

  • Power Of The Single Set In Educating Rita

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    Power of the Single Set in Educating Rita    There are obvious financial and logistical reasons for making Educating Rita a two-handed play, but Willy Russell does far more with this format than simply save money on actors and sets. The play is essentially about the impact of education on the lives of two people and it therefore does not need to distract the audience with Rita and Frank's other relationships and concerns. The depth and intensity of Rita and Frank's relationship is also

  • Willy Russell's Presentation of the Relationship Between Frank and Rita

    1075 Words  | 3 Pages

    Willy Russell's Presentation of the Relationship Between Frank and Rita At the start of the play, Frank and Rita can be seen as opposites; Frank is a middle aged male academic, while Rita is a young, female hairdresser. Any relationship between the two seems unlikely, but they warm to each quickly and the audience realises that Frank and Rita are not quite as different to one another as first appearances show. They are both involved in unsatisfactory relationships and want more from life

  • Willie Russell's Educating Rita

    1724 Words  | 4 Pages

    Willie Russell's Educating Rita In this play, Willie Russell has created two extremes of culture and put them together to focus on the differences between them and how these two cultures change as the play develops. Firstly there is Frank with a good job as a teacher and a large house and is well educated, who is contrasted with Rita who has a council house, works as a hairdresser and is not well educated. They first meet when Rita goes to Frank because she wants to be educated. As the

  • educating rita

    967 Words  | 2 Pages

    Hannah chapman To what extent does Russell use comedy to explore the clash of class and culture in Educating Rita? Class is a system in which separates society into sections of social and economic class. This is determined by how much money you have, who you are friends with and your priorities or beliefs. Class can be divided into three sections, upper class, middle class and lower class. Willie Russell has created two extremes of culture, putting them together to identify the differences between

  • Clash of Classes and Cultures in Educating Rita

    834 Words  | 2 Pages

    Cultures in Educating Rita To What Extent Would You Agree That Educating Rita Depicts a Clash of Classes and Cultures? 'Educating Rita' is a play by Willy Russell, a dramatist recently turned novelist. 'Educating Rita' contains only two characters, a young woman called Rita and a middle-aged man called Frank, although this may sound boring these characters are so interesting that anymore characters would ruin the ambiance of the play. In the early part of the play Rita, a hairdresser from

  • The Portrayal of Metamorphosis in Educating Rita by Willy Russell

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    Metamorphosis in Educating Rita by Willy Russell In this essay, I am going to discuss the portrayal of metamorphosis in Willy Russell’s ‘Educating Rita.’ I am going to write about how the play’s two round characters, Frank and Rita, change their attitudes, confidence, lifestyle, appearance and their overall look on life throughout the course of the play. To do this, I will analyse Frank and Rita at the start of the play and then go on to comment on how they change from the beginning to the