Carl Gustav Jacob Jacobi Essays

  • Essay On Carl Jacob Jacobi

    1420 Words  | 3 Pages

    Carl Gustav Jacob Jacobi, sometimes called Karl, was a German mathematician in the 19th century. His importance and role in mathematics was his contribution to several functions, equations, and theories. He created several things in math that are named after him. He was most famous for his improvement on elliptic functions. Although Niels Henrik Abel first discovered the function, Jacobi has always been best known for his addition to his work and different things he discovered. Carl Gustav Jacob

  • Essay On Charles Hermite

    1583 Words  | 4 Pages

    Charles Hermite was an amazing French mathematician. He was known for his work with Abelian and elliptic functions, and for the many discoveries he made. He was originally treated unfairly because of his disorder, but he eventually proved that he was incredibly smart and capable of great things. Hermite went to many schools and had many tutors to complete his education. It took him many years to find a job that truly suited his creative and mathematic mind. Also, he made huge accomplishments in the

  • William Playfair Inventions

    1572 Words  | 4 Pages

    What if I told you that there was no such thing as graphs? Although they are often put on the shelf, we use graphs in everyday life. Whether it is to manage a budget, enjoy a sporting event at the next level, or find things that lack equality; life is made easier with the help of graphs. Because they are so important, I think the man who invented them, William Playfair, is the best mathematical philosopher to ever step foot on Earth. Playfair changed the world by creating three main types of graphs/charts