Buddy Guy Essays

  • Reflection on Arts in Performance

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    The experience I will take away from Arts In Performance, is built on the wealth of new things I tried because of the course. Before the class I had never really listened to the Blues, or even heard of Buddy guy. Now I can say I am a fan. I have seen more performance this year in the last nineteen years of my life combined. There were great and not so great moments, but I don’t regret going to any of the shows. I was surprised by the things I liked, I never expected to like the Blues. The Blues

  • Importance Of Rules In Bud Not Buddy

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    rules. Some people in the world already have rules and a book called Bud Not Buddy can tell you how how you can use certain rules can help you thrive. So Bud not Buddy is a book written by Christopher Paul Curtis, and Bud the main character has lots of rules he lives by, some helps him others get him stung but there are three rules that help him be successful and that can probably make you thrive too!In Bud, Not Buddy, Bud’s rules help him thrive, and three examples of those rules are #118, #29

  • American Pie

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    McLean wanted to say, but in his own special way. If one was to look at each lyrics one by one, they will be able to find out the big picture of the whole song. It tells a story of Mclean's favorite performers, Buddy HOlly. American Pie was rumoured to be the name of the plane that BUddy Holly died in. In the begining of the song, he starts out saying, "A long, long time ago, I can still remember how that music made me smile. ANd i knew if I had a chance, that i could make those people dance, and

  • Bad Haircut: Stories of the Seventies by Tom Perrotta

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    but what matters is how one reacts. In Bad Haircut—a collection of short stories—the author, Tom Perrotta, examines the effect of peer pressure on the main character, Buddy, in a comical yet informative light. Buddy faces peer pressure consistently and ends up associating with the wrong people, due to a lack of backbone. Yet Buddy is different and a better person than those who he associates with because he is compassionate and able to recognize that he is a follower; therein lies the irony that

  • American Culture During the 1950´s

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    material that is really important. Works Cited “1950s Rock ‘n’ Roll, Mambo.” Dancetime Publications. 2012. Web. 7 Nov. 2013. Bradley, Becky. “1950-1959.” American Cultural History. Lone Star College- Kingwood Library, 1998. Web. 30 Sept. 2013. “Buddy Holly Biography.” Rockhall. The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and Museum, 2013. Web. 8 Nov. 2013. Cobb, Thom. Personal Interview. 20 Nov. 2013. Fong-Torres, Ben. “Biograpgy.” Alanfreed. Web. 8 Nov. 2013. Hayden, Nancy. “Dance Fashions of the 1950s.” eHow

  • Single Men Vs. Committed Men

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    Single men lead different lifestyles compared to men that are committed to one woman. When a guy is single, he might wish he had a girlfriend. When that same guy finds a girlfriend, he might want to be single again. This is a strange cycle that many young men go through for many years. Although there are many differences between these two lifestyles, one similarity is apparent. That is the transition from one lifestyle to the other. The transition is often very difficult. These transitions

  • Rock And Roll

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    When Rock arrived on the music charts in the 1950's, a merging of African-American and White music, it made a huge impact on society. As a general rule I am not heavily into music, but I was drawn to Rock for some inexplicable reason. It is just the music I like. This genre will be difficult to write about because the origin of Rock is unclear; there are traces of Rock's style back into the 19th Century. It is also a very broad subject and I will have to compress a lot of information into as few

  • American Pie, by Don McLean

    666 Words  | 2 Pages

    Analysis of the song “American Pie”, by Don McLean The song “American Pie”, by Don McLean, was a major rock-and-roll hit in 1971. McLean portrays famous rock-and-roll singer and songwriter Buddy Holly, who died in a plane crash in 1961 by using many rhetorical strategies. The different possible interpretations of this song made it one of the most controversial songs from the 1970’s. Don McLean was a famous singer/songwriter who was popular in the 1970’s. His music is mostly classified into

  • Adolescence in the Bell Jar and Catcher in the Rye

    6252 Words  | 13 Pages

    Adolescence in the Bell Jar and Catcher in the Rye Adolescence is the period between puberty and adulthood. Every teenager experience this moment in life differently some sail through happily to carry on with a peaceful life where as others are less fortunate and find that this moment is much more harder and stressful then they thought. Esther Greenwood and Holden Caulfield are one of the less fortunate and have bad experiences through their adolescent. Salinger and Plath present this in

  • My Leadership Challenges As An AIT PSG

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    had one soldier in particular that does not agree with the battle buddy system. In AIT we have the same standards as in basic training every student is designated a battle buddy that has to be with at all times. This particular soldier has continuously been counseled on many occasions about having the proper battle buddy and not being alone ever! She ends up alone on many occasions and does not seem to understand why the battle buddy system is in place. Even though she has been a challenge I have remained

  • Popular Music Revolution

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    Music has undergone many changes throughout and history and prehistory. These changes were always somehow connected to sociological movements at the time. Rock music evolved mostly out of a need by young people of the fifties to break away from so-cietal norms. America had just come out of the Korean War, and men looked to settle down into a peaceful life. Also just prior this time period, Senator Joseph McCarthy ac-tively encouraged citizens to conform with his infamously false accusations of Commu-nism

  • Lethal Weapon 4, by Richard Donner

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    As muscle-bound figures such as the Terminator and Rambo stormed big screen, it was also during this period that we witnessed the ostensive arrival of “racially sensitive” buddy cop films. Lethal Weapon 4 (1998) directed by Richard Donner is a buddy cop film, which portrays a more subtle ‘modern’ type of racism. In saying so, the film examines inter-racial relationships attempting to diminish racial issues and present characters with equity in order to give comfort and reassurance to a wider ethnic

  • A Tear Between Twins

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    A Tear Between Twins "Come on guys, we really shouldn't," I begged Shawn, the driver of our group date. "It is so rude of us to drive by and ruin this special moment for Janae and Bryce. We all know why they have gone up to the temple don't we? I mean it is their six month anniversary, and neither of them have had their first kiss yet! Hmmm..???" Even though I truly meant what I was saying, a part of me wanted to ruin this fairytale event in their relationship. Not that I disapproved of Janae

  • Memory and History in the Works of Michael Ondaatje

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    Memory and History in the Works of Michael Ondaatje In the Canadian social context, the issue of identity can be a fraught one, and the question of what it means to be Canadian is notoriously sticky, particularly given the wide variety of social and cultural backgrounds claimed by Canadians and the heterogeneity of their own experiences. This paper deals with the ways in which the Canadian writer Michael Ondaatje works with issues of understanding and accessing memories and histories outside

  • Gender, Parody and Discourse

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    genres of zombie action and buddy cop film are discussed it is within reason to assume the primary target audience is male. It is also not unreasonable to assume that the same audience probably wouldn't choose to see a film about male friendships. However, the history of films suggests that the genre of buddy films provide male audiences with just this. In the journal article “Contemporary Hollywood Masculinity and the Double-Protagonist Film” David Greven states “The 'buddy' is an extension of the cultural

  • Buddy Holly’s Influence on Rock n’ Roll Music

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    The music industry during the 1940s was filled with many talented artists who impacted the music industry and the history of rock n’ roll forever. But one of the very well known and talented artists was Buddy Holly. Buddy Holly was the first to pioneer new music genres and progressive music. Charles Hardin Holley (1936-1959) was an American musician and artist whose creative career began in 1956. The family name is correctly spelled “Holley” but his first recording contract from Decca Records in

  • Buddy Holly: Charles Hardin Holley

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    true performer named Buddy Holly. Holly pioneered in the new wave of rock and roll along with Elvis Presley. No matter what Holly did, his fans seemed to never leave his side and fell in love with a style of music all his own. Forever young, buddy Holly still has a musical impact on his fans. Charles Hardin Holley, widely known as Buddy Holly, was an American singer with a brilliant talent. (“Buddy Holly Biography,” Buddy Holly) Born on September 7, 1936 in Lubbock, Texas, Buddy Holly was the youngest

  • An Analysis of “American Pie”

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    American Pie” is an impressionistic ballad by Don Mclean which features unique and intriguing lyrics. It has imaginative changes in tempo, vocal delivery and instrumentation, and imparts a wide range of emotions ranging from pure joy, to melancholy and despair. The song takes the listener on an autobiographical journey through the turbulent 1960’s with references to the events that shaped the era. Don Mclean was enshrined in the Songwriters’ Hall of Fame in 2004 for his work on “American Pie” (Don

  • Final

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    normal-person speech, that means to influence a person or thing. Certain men that have had a positive impact on Louisiana’s history are the influential Charles Elson “Buddy” Roemer III and Captain Henry Miller Shreve, but the former had a greater impact because of his actions have saved the state from financially hard times. Charles Elson “Buddy” Roemer III had multiple positive changes in Louisiana. Mr. Roemer was born on October 4, 1943 on Scopena Plantation which main crop was cotton. This plantation

  • Kane's Immaturity In Citizen Kane, By Charles Foster Kane

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    In the film, Citizen Kane, Charles Foster Kane’s immaturity, wealth, power, stubbornness and lack of love turn him into an corrupted figure. Kane grew up with Mr. Thatcher but takes no advice from him, and purposefully go against his will. Kane lives his own way of life, and unaware of what is "normal" and what is not. Kane’s wealth and power makes him think that he can get whatever he wants just by using the two. His stubbornness does not allow him to admit mistakes, and makes him more and more