Boys from the Blackstuff Essays

  • Yosser’s Story

    656 Words  | 2 Pages

    Yosser’s Story In Yosser’s story from Boys from the Black Stuff, our first impressions of Yosser are that he is an ill minded and crazy man. This is due to the loss of his job and his failed marriage. As the play moves on, our views on Yosser change as we develop to see the more sensitive side of him as he shows all his affection for his three children. Yosser cares very much for his children that he would do anything for them in order to make them happy. Scene two starts with Yosser’s

  • Yosser of Alan Bleasdale's Boys From the Black Stuff

    738 Words  | 2 Pages

    Yosser of Alan Bleasdale's Boys From the Black Stuff During 1982 Liverpoolwas going through a rough patch of unemployment. It affected a lot of people. There was loss of deep feelings, dignity and self respect. A series was made

  • Yosser in Boys from the Blackstuff by Alan Bleasdale

    723 Words  | 2 Pages

    Yosser in Boys from the Blackstuff by Alan Bleasdale 'Boys from the Blackstuff' is a play written by Alan Bleasdale set in Liverpool in the early 1980's. At this time many heavy industries were reducing their workforce and therefore unemployment was rising. The play shows the effect of unemployment on various individuals, in the episode 'Yosser's Story', Yosser Hughes is separated from his wife and he has his three children, after a number of problems he loses his children and begins to

  • British TV Drama

    1228 Words  | 3 Pages

    Friends in the North, Talking to a Stranger, Cathy Come Home, and Boys from the Blackstuff. There are various issues, which could be identified as social and political in a TV drama, some of them are race, ethnicity, class and gender. Most people are influenced by television, believing what they see to be ‘real’ so it is useful to make a successful programme on hard-hitting issues as it will have deep impact on the audience. From the mid-50s on there has been an increase in original TV drama with

  • Examples Of Social Realism In British Cinema

    2258 Words  | 5 Pages

    ‘Passport to Pimlico’ uses old fashion music which reflects the period when it was produced. Both films use a voice over. ‘Passport to Pimlico’ uses it throughout where as ‘This is England’ uses sound bites from the film. The dress sense again is apparent. ‘This is England’s’ storyline focuses on skinhead fashion and style. ‘Passport to Pimlico’ are very well and traditionally dressed. Suits and ties are what most of the male actors are in and dresses are

  • Changes in Miss Ruddock

    1937 Words  | 4 Pages

    effects, lighting or sound. A Lady of Letters has a basic storyline surrounding one main character and therefore fits the monologue style of writing extremely well. Talking Heads was also beneficial to the BBC as it differed from other dramas at the time such as Boys from the Blackstuff and Auf Weidersehen Pet, because it only includes one person’s point of view and only one person is talking. Talking Heads is also a synonym for boredom in TV, which is quite ironic as Miss Ruddock in A Lady of Letters