Beta-lactamase Essays

  • Treatment of Urinary Tract Infection

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    Urinary tract infection is one of the most common infections as cited by the National Hospital Ambulatory Medical Care Survey that can affect both pediatrics and adults [4,6]. Locally, this type of infection was ranked as fourth leading cause of Morbidity in Iloilo City [15]. Such infections can be acquired either as health care associated or in the community. The cause of such infection also includes the following but not limited to poor hygiene, sex, instrumentation, anatomic structure, etc. [6]and

  • Essay proforma

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    antimicrobial activity. In comparison to amoxicillin, outline the unique chemical features of doripenem. The New Delhi metallo--lactamase (NDM-1) from K. pneumoniae is highly efficient in the inactivation of doripenem. Briefly discuss the properties of NDM-1 and the mechanism of doripenem inactivation. (10 marks) Doripenem (C15H24N4O6S2) is a member of carbapenem beta lactam antibiotic. Doripenem display antibacterial activity mostly against Gram-negative bacteria. The IUPAC name of Doripenem is

  • How Temperature Effects the Movement of Pigment Through Cell Membranes

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    the pigment 'drains' from the cells like a dye. It is this distinction that can be employed to test which conditions may affect the integrity of the cell surface membrane. The pigments are actually betalain pigments, named after the red beetroot (beta vulgaris) it breaks down at about 60ºC. They replace anthocyanins in plants. Unlike anthocyanins, betalains are not pH indicators, i.e. they do not change colour when the pH is lowered. Beetroot pigments are unstable at high temperatures, but the

  • Radioactivity Experiments

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    Radioactivity Experiments Aim: To determine the penetrating power and the range in air of the three radioactive emissions alpha, beta and gamma. Apparatus: * gm tube, * clamp stand, * the counter thing, * ruler, * set-square Method of penetrating power of Alpha particles, Beta particles & Gamma Rays: The equipment was set up as shown below to measure the penetrating power of each radioactive source. Geiger-Muller Tube Again the measurements were taken without

  • Physiologic Effects of Insulin

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    composed of two alpha subunits and two beta subunits linked by disulfide bonds. The alpha chains are entirely extracellular and house insulin binding domains, while the linked beta chains penetrate through the plasma membrane. The insulin receptor is a tyrosine kinase. In other words, it functions as an enzyme that transfers phosphate groups from ATP to tyrosine residues on intracellular target proteins. Binding of insulin to the alpha subunits causes the beta subunits to phosphorylate themselves

  • Jurassic Park

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    failed to see contributed to the failure of the park. Ellie Sattler reveals one of the problems at the Park: But whoever had decided to place this particular fern at poolside obviously didn’t know that the spores of veriformans contained a deadly beta-Carboline alkaloid. Even touching the attractive green fronds could make you sick, and if a child were to take a mouthful, he would almost certainly Die—the toxin was fifty times more poisonous than oleander. (85) Just as important as the tiny

  • HBM: A Dietary Supplement for Building Muscle

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    HBM: A Dietary Supplement for Building Muscle Three major companies (Twinlab, MetRx, and EAS) currently market the nutritional supplement HMB, or beta-hydroxy beta-methylbutyrate ( HMB has been highly acclaimed since it’s recent market debut by EAS ( Many critics have compared it to the wonder-product Creatine Monohydrate. Such a comparison undoubtedly harbors both positive and negative

  • Hypnosis

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    for a state of the body where the mind is subconsciously active but the conscious mind and the body are in a sleep like state (although many consider it sleep, it actually isn’t) (Hunter). The change in these states is from “Beta'; into “Alpha';. Beta and Alpha are different terms used to describe the brain waves given off during these states. When the subconscious (subcon) or “Alpha'; mind is responding, different commands, or suggestions, can be implemented into the mind. The

  • Genetical Engineering is Wrong

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    At one time, golden rice was just a wild idea that Ingo Potrykus thought up. Optimally, golden rice would improve the lives of millions of the poorest people in the world. The rice would contain beta-carotene which is the building block for vitamin A. However, imagining golden rice was one thing and bringing it into existence was another. He struggled for years with his colleagues to deal with the finicky growing habits of the rice they transplanted to a greenhouse near the foot hills of the Swiss

  • Beta Carotene

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    Beta Carotene Beta-carotene is a member of the carotenoid family and has over 500 relatives. Carotenoids are yellow-to-red pigments found in all green plant tissues and in some species of algae. So far 21 different carotenoids have been found in human blood. The most abundant ones are alpha-carotene, beta-carotene, lutein, lycopene, cryptoxanthin and zeaxanthin. A molecule of alpha-carotene, beta- carotene, or cryptoxanthin can be split into two molecules of vitamin A in the body but the conversion

  • Tropicana Orange Juice

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    with DNA formation and helps to lower homocysteine, the chemical associated with heart disease and memory impairment. There is research being done on phytonutrients that are also present in orange juice. They are naturally occurring chemicals such as beta-carotene which is what gives orange juice it’s color. They are considered antioxidants, like vitamin c.There is still research being done on the ones in orange juice and what a required daily requirement should be. Potassium ,another nutrient in

  • Alpha and Beta Centauri

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    Hadar, also known as Beta Centauri, is the 10th brightest stars (11th as viewed from Earth). Hadar is a blue-white super giant in the constellation Centaurus (Cen). In about 4,000 years, the motion of Alpha Centauri, who’s proper name is Rigel Kentaurus, will carry it close enough to Hadar that they will appear to be a magnificent double star. Because of the distance away from Earth that Alpha and Beta Centauri are (approximately 90 parsecs), they will be an optical double. As they sit today, the

  • Protein Synthesis

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    are held together by strong peptide bonds. The next level of protein organization is the secondary structure. This is where the primary structure is repeated folded so that it takes up less space. There are two types of folding, the first of which is beta-pleated sheets, where the primary structure would resemble continuous spikes forming a horizontal strip. The seco...

  • Physics

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    nucleus splits into two smaller nuclei. 3. Alpha, Beta, and Gamma radiation is produced when an unstable nucleus decays. Alpha particles are made of 2 protons and 2 neutrons. This means that they have a charge of +2, and a mass of 4 Alpha particles are relatively slow and heavy. They have a low penetrating power - you can stop them with just a sheet of paper. Because they have a large charge, alpha particles ionise other atoms strongly. Beta particles have a charge of minus 1, and a mass of

  • Student Observation Report

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    Confidential The names in this Observation Report have been changed to protect the privacy of the parents and the child. Student’s Name : Calvin Sex : Male Place of Observation : Inside the classroom of County Preschool. Time of Observation : In the morning, 10.30 a.m. and it was a sunny day. General View : • The classroom was pretty well organized ( clean, tidy and many facilities inside such as books, games, a computer and so on ) • It was a pretty large group in the class,

  • Brain Wave Genereation

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    into four states as follows: State Frequency range Amplitude State of mind Delta 0.5Hz - 4Hz high (up to 200uV) Deep sleep Theta 4Hz - 8Hz low (5uV - 20uV) Drowsiness (also first stage of sleep) Alpha 8Hz - 14Hz high (up to 200uV) Relaxed but alert Beta 14Hz - 30Hz low (less than 10uV) Highly alert and focused The dominant frequency in the EEG pattern determines what shall be called the current state of the brain. If the amplitude of the alpha range frequencies is highest, then the brain is said to

  • Golden Rice: Should It Be Our Future?

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    Golden Rice: Should It Be Our Future? At the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich, scientists created golden rice by inserting three genes into a certain rice variety which will in turn produce a greater amount of beta-carotene. This rice has a sort of yellowish hue, which has given the rice its name, golden rice. The rice is still under research and testing before it will reach the markets, which is guessed to be around 2003. If this rice is found to be safe and effective it will

  • The Price of Perfection in Brave New World

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    monitored.  There are different classes of people with different intelligence and different "career plans."  The social order was divided into the most highly educated, the Alpha+, and then in descending intelligence, the following divisions: Alpha, Beta, Beta -, Gamma, Delta, and Epsilon, which is the last group comprised of those citizens of the lowest intelligence who are necessary to perform society's most menial jobs. Another of the problems with the society which Huxley depicts is that the

  • Social Institutions of the World State within Brave New World

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    process that takes Two-hundred and sixty-seven days. The embryos¡¦ DNA is controlled chemically to stimulate or to retard their physical and mental growth to create a biological class structure. The human¡¦s placement into a certain class, such as Alpha, Beta, etc., depends on their level of physical and mental ¡§perfection.¡¨ The very notion of human reproduction without genetic purity (regular human birth) is viewed as dirty and illegal. The hatcheries, including the use of hypnopaedia to teach and build

  • Stock Analysis

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    profitable stocks amongst a myriad of potential alternatives is a daunting task to say the least. In order to narrow my choices from thousands to two, I examined several aspects of companies I was interested in. Among these were, company overview, alpha and beta ratings, price ratios, price charts, and company headlines. After evaluating this information, I chose Intuit INC (INTU) listed on the NASDAQ and Johnson and Johnson (JNJ) listed on the NYSE. Intuit, Inc. Intuit, Inc. is a provider of small business