Axoneme Essays

  • Essay On Cilia

    948 Words  | 2 Pages

    microtubule-based organelle, which extends from a microtubule organizing chamber- the basal body, a centriole and at the apical surface of the cell bears microtubule cytoskeleton called the ciliary axoneme surrounded by a specialized ciliary membrane. The primary or the non-motile cilia consist of the ‘9+0’ arrangement of the axoneme, with the normal nine outer microtubule doublets and no central microtubule pair. Since the primary cilia are non-motile, therefore they usually lack dynein arms and radial spokes connected

  • Essay On Microvilli And Cilia

    968 Words  | 2 Pages

    Introduction Microvilli and cilia play a major role in many important biological processes in mammalian cells. They are very small, intricate structures found lining the cells in the body and can only be viewed under a microscope. Microvilli has been derived from the Greek word mikros, meaning “small” and the Latin word villus, meaning “hair”. Cilia means “eyelashes” in Latin(1). They are both types of projections in the plasma membrane, however, only cilia can move(2). Structure of Microvilli

  • Vacuole Essay

    951 Words  | 2 Pages

    A vacuole is a large vesicle that is derived from the endoplasmic reticulum and the golgi apparatus. Vacuoles perform a variety of different functions depending on different types of cells. A vacuole is a space empty of cytoplasm in a cell, lined with a membrane, and is filled with fluid. The functions of vacuoles are storage, ingestion, digestion, excretion, and getting rid of excess water .Food vacuoles, as mentioned earlier, are formed by a process called phagocytosis. Contractile vacuoles pump