Amy Lee Essays

  • The Genius and Beauty of Evanescence

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    shows that in the deepest, most private recesses of our minds, a sinister beauty elegantly glides among the darkness of our most horrifying nightmares. By drawing upon the intense pain of tragedy and loss in her life, lead singer Amy Lynn Hartzler (formerly known as Amy Lynn Lee) effortlessly creates a shoot of morbid curiosity in the minds of her aficionados that quickly blossoms into a majestic stream of flowing lyrics. For some, the exquisiteness of such grim poetic genius entices and enthralls by

  • Chores on a Sunny Day

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    The warming rays of the sun slowly peeked through the window and into my room. As every morning begins, I am awakened by these beams of light shining in my face. As I sat up, I looked out my bedroom window. Through the thick brush of trees, I see what little sun I can as it casts its sunbeams in every direction. It illuminated the ground and the woods; the colors of which were slightly off, almost like looking at them through a stained window pane. I watched the sun climb higher into the sky. But

  • Mother Daughter Relationships in works by Chang Rae-Lee and Amy Tan

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    The Power of a Mother In their articles, Chang Rae-Lee and Amy Tan establish a profound ethos by utilizing examples of the effects their mother-daughter/mother-son relationships have had on their language and writing. Lee’s "Mute in an English-Only World" illustrates his maturity as a writer due to his mother’s influence on growth in respect. Tan, in "Mother Tongue," explains how her mother changed her writing by first changing her conception of language. In any situation, the ethos a writer brings

  • The Theme Of Homosocial Desire In The Films Of Kevin Smith

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    Silent Bob in public displays his comfortable acceptance of homosocial desire. Besides the physical moments the two share, Silent Bob is not afraid to show emotional sensitivity that would often be classified as feminine in today’s society. In Chasing Amy, Jay speaks with Holden and informs him that Silent Bob listens to Barbara Streisand all the time and cries when she sings “You don’t Bring me Flowers.” Similarly, in Dogma, Jay and Bethany have a conversation, which reveals that Silent Bob watches

  • KEVIN SMITH's Films

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    the most memorable screen love affair since Before Sunrise.” (Chasing Amy, James Berardinelli) Meaning, Kevin Smith has kept his eye open since making Clerks and has added new touches of pop culture that catch the eye of the moviegoers. This could be because of his “hand on the pulse of his generation”. He incorporates his main passions: Comics and movies together to form a finished product. When looking at his films, Chasing Amy for example, there is a touch of romance as Holden McNeil longs for

  • Mother and Daughter Relationships in Joy Luck Club and A Hundred Secret Senses

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    rollercoaster ride of emotions that I'll ever have the chance to live through in my lifetime. But, for those of us who are lucky enough to survive the ride in one piece, it's an amazing learning experience that will influence your entire future. In Amy Tan's novels, The Joy Luck Club, and A Hundred Secret Senses, she describes relationships between mothers and daughters reflecting on her own parents experiences in life. Four mothers, four daughters, four families... whose histories shift with the

  • Mother Tongue and Language Use in Family and Society

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    Mother Tongue and Language Use in Family and Society “Mother Tongue”, by Amy Tan and “Language Use in Family and Society”, by Lee Thomas and Linh Cao, are two examples of how language is important in communication, even if the members of the family may be speaking a language other than English. Language is important to these two authors and it is what brings each family member closer to another, however, they approach the language differently. For Tan and her mother, language is very special

  • Chinese and American Cultures

    4366 Words  | 9 Pages

    Chinese and American Cultures Chinese-Americans authors Amy Tan and Gish Jen have both grappled with the idea of mixed identity in America. For them, a generational problem develops over time, and cultural displacement occurs as family lines expand. While this is not the problem in and of itself, indeed, it is natural for current culture to gain foothold over distant culture, it serves as the backdrop for the disorientation that occurs between generations. In their novels, Tan and Jen pinpoint

  • Amy Tan Two Kinds Analysis

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    The most heartbreaking way to destroy a precious relationship between mothers and daughters is when each party says something insensitive and callous, as described in Amy Tan’s story Two Kinds, “There are only two kinds of daughters. Those who are obedient and those who follow their own mind! Only one kind of daughter can live in this house. Obedient daughter!’” to which the daughter, Jing Mei, responds, “Then I wish I’d never been born! I wish I were dead! Like them” (294-295). Although the mother’s

  • Similarities Between The Joy Luck Club And For A Daughter Who Leaves

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    Amy Tan, the author of The Joy Luck Club, displays life lessons mothers pass down to their daughters through the character An-mei, while Janice Mirikitani mirrors the morales presented in Tan’s novel through her own work, “For a Daughter Who Leaves”. The Joy Luck Club follows a series of mothers and their daughters and how they perceive and react to the cultural gap between them. An-mei’s story follows her through her life in China and her new life in America. In China, she witnesses the abuse

  • The Bonesetter's Daughter Character Analysis

    776 Words  | 2 Pages

    Set almost 20 years ago, in the middle of 1998 San Francisco, The Bonesetter's Daughter, authored by Amy Tan, follows the tragic, but lovely story of three generations of women in the Liu family. The author paints the picture of a turn-of-the-century Chinese woman, Precious Auntie, her daughter Liu LuLing who lived in the middle of World War II, and further, LuLing's daughter, Ruth, who was raised in a bustling 1970's San Francisco. Throughout the book, the characters share many of the same thoughts

  • Compare And Contrast Catch The Moon And Two Kinds

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    The two short stories "Catch the Moon" and "Two Kinds" were written by Judith Ortiz Cofer and Amy Tan. Both stories include a single parent and a child that are not getting along. The main character of "Catch the Moon" is named Luis while the leading role in "Two Kinds" is Jing-mei. While Luis and Jing-mei share many differences, they also have similarities. "Two Kinds" is about Jing-mei and her rebellion against her mother. Jing-mei grew up in a small Chinatown. While the story mainly focuses

  • The Life of Amy Winehouse

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    The Life of Amy Winehouse Even though Amy was a drug addict and alcohol abuser, She still managed to release platinum-selling albums. Originating from the little known town of Southgate in north London, her inspiring music helped rise the popularity for female musicians in the industry. Amy was born in Enfield, London, in England September 14, 1983. She was raised into a culturally jewish family, but they didn’t consider themselves religious. Amy’s mother was Janis Winehouse, she was a pharmacist

  • Two Kinds by Amy Tan

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    Amy Tan makes her readers think about the meaning behind her story “Two Kinds”. She tells the story from her own point of view to state her experiences and how she is feeling all throughout the story. She does not state what is right or wrong based strict on her opinion. She does not give instruction about solving a family crisis, instead, she writes her story as a sort of diary expressing how she felt about her childhood events. Readers are offered an accounting of those events, as well as insight

  • The Everlasting Bond between a Mother and a Daughter

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    Nothing is more enduring than a mother- daughter relationship. This bond is specifically explored in the books, The Battle Hymn of a Tiger Mother by Amy Chua and The Joy Luck Club by Amy Tan. Authors of these books precisely show the complexity of this type of relationship. Chua and Tan show the reader how a mother and daughter can hurt one other but ultimately forgiveness finds its way through. The similarities in these books include the difficulty of communication between the mother and daughter

  • fyjhvkiuiuhgfhjjhfghjjcjjytfghjklkjhg

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    novel as it focuses on the lives of Chinese-American daughters and their Chinese-born mothers. The novel is broken up into certain scenes told in different perspectives, as well, it examines the ups and downs of life in both the mothers and daughters. Amy Tan’s Joy Luck Club has the daughters develop their understanding of their Chinese heritage, through their mother’s love, by learning about the past, and their cultural heritage; First of all, “a mother's love is the protection, nourishment, affection

  • Comparing Me Talk Pretty One Day And David Sedaris's Lost In The Kitchen

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    Comparing apples to oranges is not always futile. This statement is clearly proven to be true when comparing David Sedaris 's essay, "Me Talk Pretty One Day," and Dave Barry 's, "Lost In the Kitchen." Both of these essays are humorous examinations of human experiences. While Barry 's, an essay about men 's innate disadvantages in the kitchen (compared to women), relies on unjustified stereotypes, obviously false assertions, lame hyperbole, and overwrought imagery to convey his purpose, Sedaris utilizes

  • Analysis Of Sedaris 'Get Your Ya Ya Out'

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    Sedaris, at times, has an extremely humorous, yet sadistic sense of humor, which especially shows in his essay, “get your ya-ya’s out!” Rather than looking at his life and his family members with compassion, empathy, or any other form of sensitivity, he uses humor to shadow what others might consider painful experiences in his life. Sedaris’s mother and grandmother, Ya Ya, both appear to be insensitive in this story, which helps me understand why Sedaris is capable of detaching himself from personal

  • Mother Daughter Relationship Essay

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    and “Two Kinds” Based on the mother daughter relationships in the two short stories, the moms and the daughters have a different perspective of what their heritage is, how they should live their lives, and what should influence them. “Two Kinds” by Amy Tan expresses the conflict between a Chinese mother and daughter. “Everyday Use” by Alice Walker discusses the differences in opinion between a mother who followed her culture and her daughter that went to live a different life. In both stories the

  • Gender Roles In Amy Tan's The Joy Luck Club

    703 Words  | 2 Pages

    In Amy Tan short story, The Joy Luck Club, she reveals personal challenges that hint the reader of gender roles in that specific society. Men and women each have specific standards and expectations in the society. The men are often viewed as the one who work all day to support their families financially. While the women, are often viewed as housewives that have to provide the basic and sentimental care to their families. The author shares that "The man who was my husband brought me and our two babies