Alfred Kempe Essays

  • The Four Color Theorem

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    Since hundred years ago, when people started to make maps to show distinct regions, such as states or countries, the four color theorem has been well known among many mapmakers. Because a mapmaker who can plan very well, will only need four colors to color the map that he makes. The basic rule of coloring a map is that if two regions are next to each other, the mapmaker has to use two different colors to color the adjacent regions. The reason is because when two regions share one boundary can never

  • The Controversial Margery Kempe

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    The Controversial Margery Kempe Throughout history, there have been a select number of women with extraordinary talent, intelligence, and passion that have challenged and defied society's subjugation of women and have stood their ground under the pressure of patriarchy. The Middle Ages, in particular, generally cast women in a negative light. Some medieval women used their abilities in the arts to leave a lasting impression on a society that affiliated women with Eve, who was believed to be

  • Graph Theory: The Four Coloring Theorem

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    paper to the Royal Geographical Society explaining the difficulties in attempting to prove the Conjecture. On July 17, 1879, a mathematician by the name of Kempe announced a proof for the Four Color Conjecture. However, eleven years later Heawood, a lecturer at Durham England, pointed out that Kempe's proof was incorrect. Along with proving Kempe wrong, Heawood was able to prove that every planar map is five colorable. In 1898, Heawood also proved that if the number of edges around a region is...

  • Medieval Piety

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    differently in the lives of medieval men and women spanning from ordinary laity to vehement devotees. Though it is difficult to identify what the average faith consists of in the Middle Ages, the life told of a radical devotee in The Book of Margery Kempe provides insight to the highly intense version of medieval paths of approaching Christ. Another medieval religious text, The Cloud of Unknowing, provides a record of approaching the same Christ. I will explore the consistencies and inconsistencies

  • The Medieval Church, The Book of Margery Kempe and Everyman

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    The Medieval Church, The Book of Margery Kempe and Everyman While the Reformation is generally regarded to have begun with Martin Luther’s famous treatise of 1517, the seeds of dissent sown in the 14th century had already taken full root in England by the middle of the 15th century. War, disease, and oppressive government led to a general anger toward the Catholic Church, believed to be “among the greatest of the oppressive landowners” (Norton 10). John Wycliffe, whose sermons

  • Comparing Piety in The Wakefield Mystery Plays, The Book of Margery Kempe, and Le Morte D'Arthur

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    The Wakefield Mystery Plays, The Book of Margery Kempe, and Le Morte D'Arthur The monastic lifestyle that Launcelot and his knights adopt after their conversion is one that Margery Kempe might approve of -- doing penance, singing mass, fasting, and remaining abstinent. (MdA, 525) But Launcelot's change of heart is not motivated by the emotions that move Kempe, nor is his attitude towards God the same as can be found in The Book of Margery Kempe and The Wakefield Mystery Plays. In the Wakefield

  • Sex, Sensuality and Religion in The Book of Margery Kempe

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    Sex, Sensuality and Religion in The Book of Margery Kempe Baron Richard Von Krafft-Ebing, a 19th century German psychiatrist, was quoted as having said, "We find that the sexual instinct, when disappointed and unappeased, frequently seeks and finds a substitute in religion." This may have been the condition of Margery Kempe when she desired to cease all sexual activity with her spouse because of her devotion to God. Instead of performing her duties as a wife, she chose instead to spread her

  • Empowerment In The Book Of Margery Kempe

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    The Book of Margery Kempe tells the story of a women who struggles with her sexuality. Margery Kempe feels the need to go on a sexual hiatus due to her paranoia that Jesus is punishing her for having sex. Margery attempts to promise herself to Jesus but her husband continues to have sex with her. In order to go through with her promise, she makes a deal with her husband that as long as they aren't engaging in sexual activity, she will pay his debts. Margery attempts to establish authority in her

  • Margery Kemp's Interactions with The Virgin Mary

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    Margery Kemp's Interactions with The Virgin Mary According to her own testimony, Margery Kempe's spirituality involved deeply passionate experiences of Christ and the Virgin Mary. Kempe had "the gift of tears" -- meaning that, for years, she was unable to attend mass without crying profusely, and, as often as not, sobbing loudly and theatrically. Her adventurous life included a pilgrimage to the Holy Land, where much weeping and wailing took place, and tanglings with several Bishops, including

  • What is a Nation?

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    Essay 3: What is a Nation? A nation, as defined in Webster’s Universal College Dictionary, is “a body of people, associated with a particular territory, that is sufficiently conscious of its unity to seek or to possess a government peculiarly its own.” This definition is correct, but leaves so much unsaid. The word nation is actually derived from the Latin word natio that means birth. It represents the beginning of something. London had a miraculous “birth” in the year 0. This corresponds to the

  • Margery Kempe Essay

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    Honored in the Anglican Communion as an insightful female mystic, English-born Margery Kempe never officially made became a saint as she seemed to desire but upon the discovery of her autobiography in the 1930s has become a long studied posthumous voice in the realm of medieval philosophy and theology. However, while it is long claimed that she deserves the title of mystic, Kempe’s mental state has been largely debated among scholars, though madness and mysticism have always been characterized under

  • Margery Kempe Religion

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    When Margery Kempe is arrested and tried by the Archbishop of York he declares to his steward who has just expressed his desire to have her burned, “I leve ther was nevyr woman in Inglond so ferd wythal as sche is and hath ben” (173). The Archbishop’s words, though absolute in nature, ring oddly true for Margery Kempe and the unique account she gives of her spiritual and physical journey through medieval England and her personal relationship with Christ. She occupies a space both in and out of orthodoxy

  • Objectification In The Book Of Margery Kempe

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    Margery Kempe was an English Christian who is responsible for dictating The Book of Margery Kempe, which is possibly the first autobiography in the English language. This autobiography documents her travels and her experiences of divine revelation as she remembers them. It is quite evident that Margery Kempe, who refers to herself as “the creature,” is exceedingly obedient to a man that might not even exist, but why? Throughout this entire book, there are many signs indicating objectification. This

  • Spike Lee Kevin Smith and Alfred Hitchcock as Film Auteurs

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    Spike Lee Kevin Smith and Alfred Hitchcock as Film Auteurs In the film industry, there are directors who merely take someone else’s vision and express it in their own way on film, then there are those who take their own visions and use any means necessary to express their visions on film. The latter of these two types of directors are called auteurs. Not only do auteurs write the scripts from elements that they know and love in life, but they direct, produce, and sometimes act in their films

  • Literary Analysis Of 'Tears, Idle Tears'

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    urges and manifests itself biologically into a chemical high in the brain as a reward if it can be found. The lack of this natural intoxication can induce depression, amongst other side effects commonly found in substance abuse. When Lord Tennyson Alfred wrote “Tears, Idle Tears”, he composed a series of metaphors indicative of the aforementioned withdraw symptoms suffered by love. The poem suggests that he found a love that moved on through either death, or by estrangement of another means and the

  • Dylan Thomas 'Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night'

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    us change how we feel about a particular subject or even alter our view on the outside world. However, it is ultimately up to the individual on how they react to these forces. Human literature reflects this very idea, and three prime examples are Alfred Tennyson, D.H. Lawrence, and Dylan Thomas. In his poem “The Lady of Shalott”, Lord Tennyson writes about a woman who aspires to leave her isolated island due to how she views life outside her prison. In D.H. Lawrence’s short story “The Rocking Horse

  • Why Is It Better To Have Loved And Lost In Flowers For Algernon

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    The famous quote from Alfred Lord Tennyson, “'tis better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all” is particularly relevant to the story “Flowers for Algernon.” Charlie Gordon is a 37 year old man with an I.Q. of 68 his one goal in life was to become smarter so he could be normal. This chance comes to him as he is selected to undergo an operation that should in theory increase his intelligence. This procedure has already been performed on multiplies animals most notably on a mouse named

  • How Is Love Presented In The Lady Of Shalott

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    People tend to go to absurd limits for love, especially when it is forbidden. Love is one of the most desired emotions because it gives people the feeling of being complete. To love and be loved is the ultimate goal for most people because they desire a companion to go through life with. Being lonely and desiring an unattainable love like what is represented in “The Lady Of Shalott” can cause someone to go mad and ultimately dive into the deeper end of things which leads to a path of temptation.

  • Analysis Of The Poem Tears Idle Tears

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    Maya Savoie-O'Hara Tears, Idle Tears Alfred Lord Tennyson wrote the poem Tears, Idle Tears explaining his hardships and heartbreak. In this poem, he is talking about a loved one leaving him and a controlling relationship. I know this because he keeps reflecting on the past, he also talks a lot about love and lost happiness. My first reason that he is talking about heartbreak is that he does a lot of reflecting and comparing of the past and present. This shows that he is nostalgic about what

  • What Is The Mood Of The Lady Of Shalott

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    “The Lady of Shalott” is one of Alfred Lord Tennyson’s more famous ballads. An English poet, his work generally consisted of Arthurian subject matter based on medieval stories. With an 1833 and an 1842 version, the second is most commonly known. “The Lady of Shalott” is by far my favorite of Tennyson’s poems. Through its use of an intriguing conflict, imagery, unusual vocabulary, and rhyme and repetition, “The Lady of Shalott” is both entertaining and memorable for the reader. In the poem, a young