Alex Rider: Stormbreaker Essays

  • Analysis Of Alex Rider Stormbreaker

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    is the first line in my book Alex Rider Stormbreaker. My book starts off intense right away with the ringing of the doorbell. Alex is a Britain teenager who is woken up to his doorbell ringing. He gets up from his bed to find out that it is a cop asking if this is the house of Ian Rider. Alex then finds out that his uncle has died in a car crash but he has no details. Alex then is determined to find out exactly what had happened because it all just does not add up. Alex goes down to the bank where

  • Alex Rider Stormbreaker Analysis

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    of bullets had caught the car full on the drivers side” (Horowitz 19). In the thriller by Anthony Horowitz, Alex Rider Stormbreaker, the main character Alex is misinformed about the death of his uncle in a car crash. The story takes place in Britain, where Alex thinks his uncle was a banker. Later, he found out that he actually worked for MI6, which is the British intelligence agency. Alex is then secretly recruited by the special operations for that same agency. He shifts from a static to dynamic

  • Themes Of Stormbreaker By Anthony Horowitz

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    Theme Stormbreaker Sometimes you are faced with a challenge that makes you want to give up and stop trying, but you should never give up, even in the worst time. The novel Stormbreaker by Anthony Horowitz, is about a 14 year old boy named Alex Rider which becomes a spy after his Uncle died. His first mission is to find information about Sayle Enterprises, owned by Herod Sayle, and why they are going to donate hundreds of computers to England. In this mission, Alex is able to enter their office

  • Stormbreaker by Anthony Horowitz

    1080 Words  | 3 Pages

    Stormbreaker by Anthony Horowitz The book, Stormbreaker, by Anthony Horowitz is about a boy named Alex, whose uncle had just died in a car crash (or so they say). He finds out that his uncle was really shot by a man named Yassen Gregorovich. Alex’s uncle, Ian Rider, really worked for MI6. He was a spy that was hired by MI6 to figure out the secret behind Herod Sayle and his Stormbreaker computers that he was donating to every school in England. Ian Rider had figured out the secret, but before

  • Alex Rider: A Short Story

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    FUNERAL VOICES WHEN THE DOORBELL rings at three in the morning, it's never good news. Alex Rider was woken by the first chime. His eyes flickered open, but for a moment he stayed completely still in his bed, lying on his back with his head resting on the pillow. He heard a bedroom door open and a creak of wood as somebody went downstairs. The bell rang a second time, and he looked at the alarm clock glowing beside him. There was a rattle as someone slid the security chain off the front door. He rolled

  • Character Analysis Of Alex Rider

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    My 1st character i'll be concerning is Alex rider one trait he has about him is he's a very fast thinker, as an example, he is aware of what to try to do in a very bad situation and he will react fast as an example once alex was stuck within an car and was near to be crushed he thought if he smashed the window he may get out and he did however if I were there in that situation I might freeze and completely get crushed as a result of I am afraid however he is aware of what to try to do which may

  • Alex Rider Snakehead Quotes

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    spies have already been killed. There’s no way I’m going to allow Alex into that. Alex made up his own mind already and he said refused!’” When I first heard what Jack Starbright was saying about Alex Rider’s decision to not go and save the lives of thousands of people when he has the ability to, even if it means risking his life, I thought that he was a complete coward. As I kept reading, I discovered how wrong I truly was. Alex Rider is the main character in the book Snakehead by Anthony Horowitz

  • Alex Rider: Point Blank

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    Alex Rider: Point Blank Alex Rider. A fourteen-year-old English super-spy for the Special Operations division of MI6. He has every boy's dream. Or does he? Ian Rider, who was Alex's uncle and guardian after his parents were killed in a plane crash, never told him what he really did for a living. Alex never discovered that his uncle was a secret agent until it was too late. On his return home from a mission, Uncle Ian was murdered by a Russian assassin. MI6 then forced Alex

  • Lies And Deceit In Alex Rider's Scorpia

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    quick-witted MI6 spy Alex Rider gets entangled with a criminal organisation called Scorpia. In Horowitz’s novel Scorpia Alex’s world gets flipped upside down when he figures out that the father he was never acquainted with may have been an assassin for Scorpia. Now Scorpia thirsts to have Alex on their side and are deadset to get him. The reader questions if Alex will stay with MI6, who he believes have betrayed him, or join Scorpia and get his revenge. The character Alex Rider experiences character

  • Alex Rider Snakehead Sparknotes

    1632 Words  | 4 Pages

    I am reading Alex Rider: Snakehead by Anthony Horowitz and I am currently on page 383. In the events prior to the current state of the plot line, teenage spy and M16 agent, Alex, returns back from outer space after his most recent mission, which then results in Alex consequently having peace of mind after prolonged periods of intensive stress ; However, Alex’s situation takes a turn of events as the Australian agency, ASIS, requires him to take part in their latest operation codenamed Snakehead.

  • Chivalry

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    Luckily, the hired assassin that killed his uncle saves him since he feels guilty about his uncle’s murder (Stormbreaker). Chivalry, honor, bravery, and loyalty are the main things that knights lived by and apparently we do as well. Bravery and honor require courage, honesty, and integrity while chivalry and loyalty require generosity and faithfulness (Random). Both Leonidas and Alex Rider showed many of these things. This proves that chivalry, honor, loyalty, and bravery are not dead, and are

  • Comparing Female Protagonists In The Hunger Games And Alex Rider

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    character is Tris, she is a brave, strong willed character, just like Katniss. The two novels, Hunger Games and Divergent, were both written by females, both of the female protagonists in the books have traits like male protagonists. And in the book Alex Rider, the male protagonists has traits of a normal male protagonist. Some people may think that the gender of the author does not affect the story in any way, but I think it does. Katniss Everdeen takes care of her family, you could say

  • The Glamorous Spy in Films Such as Casino Royale and Mission Impossible

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    storylines and characters to that of the Bond films such as Johnny English and the Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery films put a lighter, humorous side to the real life dangers that spies face in reality. Also films such as the Alex Rider books based Stormbreaker and the agent Cody Banks films attract a different audience than the Bond films in a way because they use young actors and actresses to put across a more understandable and sometimes more watchable film for the younger audience. The