Akasha Essays

  • Akasha Essay

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    The name Akasha derives from the Hindu culture, and is a noun because it is referring to an entity or a Spirit of being. The actual root form of the name Akasha is from Sanskrit, “kāś meaning: "to be visible"” (Wikipedia). Among the many spiritual cultures Akasha is connected with, it is no surprise that in nearly every sprititual culture she is in she is associated with division. So for Pagans to the four separate elements and culminate into one Spirit is a rather cathartic beauty in itself. What

  • Akash The Name Of The Fifth Elements Used In Magick

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    Going back Over Akasha Akasha is one of the names for the fifth element used in magick. The word itself origins from Sanskrit meaning “inner space”. Another name for Akasha is Spirit, not to be mistaken for the human spirit or personal energy, but the Element of Spirit. It is known that the Pentagram used in magick has five points and that each point represents an element. Air, Fire, Earth,Water and Spirit (Akasha) representing the Fifth point. Western civilization's ancient myths tell of

  • The Queen of the Damned

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    present-day immortal vampires struggles to save the mortal humans from the first vampire Akasha. She devilishly plans to enslave mankind and destroy all men on earth in order to stop wars and promote peace. She decides to save one male Lestat and his friends and that’s when the nightmare really begins. Horror is a state of mind caused by the confrontation of living or dying. In Queen of the Damned horror is demonstrated in Akasha killings and vampire resurrections. Anne Rice is the author of The Queen of the

  • Analysis of George Haggerty´s Anne Rice and the Queering of Culture

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    the chronicles and furthermore completely neglects to mention Queen of the Damned, in which Lestat’s relationship with Akasha is largely heterosexual, despite his sometimes unwilling attitude towards her, he even admits his feelings towards her in conversation with Gabrielle, “Did I love her? Is that what you want to know? Yes, I loved her." This admission of romantic love for Akasha, as well as his sexual encounters with other female characters, is evidence of his bisexuality, something Haggerty seems

  • The Pentagram And The History Of The World

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    The word pentagram originates from the Greek pentagrammon, “having five lines” (pente “five” and gramma “character”. The pentagram is a five pointed shape where each point of a 5 sided polygon (pentagon) circumscribed around a circle is connected by one continuous line that travels internally, from 3 o’clock, to 8 o’clock, to 12 o’clock, to 4 o’clock, to 9 o’clock, and back to 3 o’clock. Neither the circle, nor the pentagon, is part of the shape. The shape results from the line that connects the

  • Melinda Sordino

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    It was a very interesting movie. In this movie I see a young girl with a deep secret that she doesn't reveal even though it would make her friends stop hating her. It had a good and very realistic ending. Though it was a well-acted film on the serious subject of a rape of a young teen by a teenager, and how it affects her for a year while she struggles with the post-trauma and misunderstanding of her classmates until she finds the strength within herself to speak out about what happened to her. How

  • High School Concert Essay

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    Akasha (Sky) composed in 1989 by Glenn Buhr, started with a humming of the double basses. The calm, yet eerie sounding texture, had similar patterns in the woodwinds and brass with the support from the string section. This was the part in the concert where

  • The Meaning Of Evoke In Modern Pagan/Wiccan Practices

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    Evoke; not to be confused with invoke, is to call upon and to summon [a spirit or ethereal being]; to call forth, as per Witchipedia. The term Evoke is used to refer to when a practitioner is trying to ask for help in a spell or ritual from a higher being and/or deity; it is to bring forth an extra source of power that exists outside of yourself, to aid you in your spell work, as per Patti Wingington of Evoke & Invoke.According to Arnaud Thuly , Evoke “comes from the Latin ex vocare, meaning to call

  • An Interpretation of the Ghost

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    duration of existence based on one's prarabdha karma(results of the deeds of his previous incarnation).When one commits suicide, one brings one's physical body to an end prior to it having completed it's allotted time. One's next body is prepared in the akasha (ether), ready to manifest at the end of one's allotted time (the normal death of one's physical body). Thus if one was supposed to live for 100 years, one's next body will be waiting for you after that 100 years. If for some reason one were to

  • Stoker And Rices Books About Vampires

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    Stoker and Rice's Books About Vampires Bram Stoker's Dracula and Anne Rice's series The Vampire Chronicles are books about vampires. The way the two authors write about the vampires' powers, the way they live and how they are created and destroyed prove that two books about the same subject can be different in many ways. It also shows how the vampire legend has evolved over a long period of time. Special powers are used in both of the authors writings. A few of the powers are the same, or very

  • Dracula

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    The version that I focused on for the sake of this essay was the book. I did watch eleven of the thirty-three Dracula movies that I own, so some references will be made to the movies. The book is told from the perspective of Jonathan Harker’s journal, with some letters to and from his girlfriend Mina. The purpose of his visit with Count Dracula is that Harker is selling a building to Dracula. Carfax Abby was in England where Dracula wanted to move. Harker went to Transylvania to assist Count Dracula

  • Wicca: A Religion or Just Hocus Pocus?

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    How Is Wicca a religion and not all just Hocus Pocus? Although some refuse to acknowledge that Wicca is a religion, it is one because it meets what we generally accept to be the major characteristics of a religion. There are groups of people who believe it is a religion, there are those who do not. Wicca is thought to be from the old English Wicca meaning Wise One. The definition meaning a “religion influenced by pre-Christian beliefs and practices of western Europe that supports the existence of

  • Betrayal

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    Betrayal 1.Desire It is easy to fall in love with bodies. I Breathe skin, lose time to anticipation and pleasure, hair, lips, thighs; tangled in another person, I am lost in a jungle. Transcendence. Society teaches us to break a body down: we love legs, butts, breasts; we take images and splice them into the form of our perfect desire. Like Pygmalion we are desperate to breathe life into our conception of beauty, our imagination of a perfect creature. Reality is easily redrawn around a body

  • Chapter 7 Bhagavad Gita

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    I was to read chapters 7 through 9 of the Bhagavad Gita. Chapter 7 which is about Wisdom and Realization begins with Lord Krishna as being the Supreme Truth, the supreme cause and sustaining force of everything, both material and spiritual. It states “ I will teach you the essence of this wisdom and its realization; when you come to master this there is nothing further that needs to be known (7.2 pg. 99).” Though many seek vijnana, only a few reach it, because it requires such a mastered dedication

  • Persuasive Essay On Climate Change

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    Climate Change What’s happening in our planet? When we talk about our planet it’s to talk about climate change, and how it is affecting us, but what about who is provoking the climate change. The climate of our planet has changed in the last decades, and the earth is overheating more every year. The climate change of the planet has taken millions of lives, and the same humans have provoked this devastating change on our planet. We are consuming our own home and the home of other species. Climatic

  • Angelina Weld Grimke's Poetry and Use of Nature

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    Angelina Weld Grimké was born in Boston, Massachusetts on February 27, 1880, to Archibald Henry Grimké and Sarah E. Stanley. Grimké was born into a rather “unusual and distinguished biracial family” (Zvonkin, para. 1). Her father was the son of a slave and her master, who also happened to be the brother of the two famous abolitionist Grimké sisters: Angelina and Sarah. Grimké’s mother, Sarah, was from a prominent, white middle-class family. She left Grimké and her African American husband due to

  • Pentacle: The Five Elements Of The Burning Times

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    Pentacle The base of the word pentacle is the same as the base of pentagram, which could be why so many people confuse the two terms and use them interchangeably. Penta means five, simple as that, and cle is a reference to the circle, literally defined it means a small space. The pentacle is another five-pointed star drawn with a continuous line. It doesn’t necessarily mean the lines are the exact same length though most do still draw them that way by force of habit. Five is a sacred number that

  • A Psychological Interpretation of Pandora and Fifth Business

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    Psychology, the study of mental thoughts and interpretations of individuals, helps to provide a thorough understanding of mental and social behavior, which dictates the way people interact. The psychoanalytical criticism, developed by Sigmund Freud, focuses on a method to treat patients through the analysis and identification of the main cause of distress and hysteria. They examine a person’s youth to see if influences develop from a person’s childhood. This can be related to the characters of Pandora

  • Research Paper On Dracula

    2017 Words  | 5 Pages

    Julie Weiner Nov 25, 2014 Research Paper 1 First Reader: Ann Croxson In early folklore, the vampire was a creature of superstition, imagined as a walking corpse with terrible breath who fed off blood at night. It was a hideous creature that rose from its grave to haunt villages. Hundreds of years later, the image has changed greatly in Western literature and film, from a terrifying monster to a suave, charming individual who is dangerous but irresistible. Today, the vampire is a staple in literature

  • The Vampire Lestat and the Problem of Eternal Damnation

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    The problem or question of what it means to be damned is difficult to understand at the best of times, it is however all the more difficult when the subject in question is a vampire. How does a vampire that has developed God-like powers and whose only way to survive is to take human life, redeem themselves in the eyes of God? This is not really an issue for Lestat; as for the majority of the Vampire Chronicles he believes himself to be a form of God. With every life that Lestat takes he is committing