Acronym and initialism Essays

  • Abbreviations: What Did That Person Just Say?

    1676 Words  | 4 Pages

    an abbreviation, an abbreviation means a smaller version of a word or phrase. For instance, the word average is abbreviated avg. There are many different types of abbreviations, which include: Here is a list of abbreviation types: Acronym, initialism, etc. An acronym is an abbreviation formed from the first letter or letters of a series of words, like AIDS, NAACP. When people are not familiar with abbreviations with in a sentence or phrase it can create chaos. Text messaging abbreviations can be

  • Is Texting Corrupting English?

    841 Words  | 2 Pages

    Is Txting Corrupting Engl? There are common theories believing that texting is destroying the Standard English language. In a short article “2b or not 2b,” the author David Crystal condemns those theories and states that texting can in fact improve literacy skills. He argues the circumstance that an individual has to actually know the standard language before one can start using alternatives or abbreviated forms. Crystal makes a point “Although many texters enjoy breaking linguistic rules, they also

  • Biomedical Abbreviations

    978 Words  | 2 Pages

    Offering a text mining algorithm to detect abbreviations challenge in biomedical texts Abstract One of the grounds raised in the last few years is the search and extraction of data from biomedical literature. The size and growth of the biomedical literature has created new challenges. Text mining techniques will pave the way to answer this question. Just extracting the definitions for abbreviations and biology is very essential. One of the challenges is a high rate of new abbreviations which introduce

  • Digital Native Americans

    2518 Words  | 6 Pages

    Abstract In today’s world, digital technology changes so quickly and merges into our society at a speed; it’s so difficult to follow and to keep up with it, let alone reflect on how it has affected our lives. Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, and texting are examples of these social-digital technologies that people have become so addicted to, especially teenagers. These teenagers are so called “digital natives”, where they live in the era of an advanced technology. Imagine back in the days where everyone

  • Multinational Corporation Advantages And Disadvantages

    953 Words  | 2 Pages

    Nam Pham CWID #: 802 140 244 Finance 370 Part 3 – Short Paper Topic: Multinational Corporation Multinational Corporation (MNC) is a corporation that has asset in other country other than its local country. It is sometimes called international corporation, a transnational or stateless corporation. Some companies also have their factories and offices worldwide. Multinational Corporation began to evolve since the nineteen century with American and European countries. According to Hymer, the multinational

  • TechSpeak

    1782 Words  | 4 Pages

    messaging to save time, and on the popular Twitter site to save characters because the author is only allowed 140 characters per tweet (a members status update). Adaptations include multiple types of abbreviations. The first is initialism where the writer uses the letters as acronyms suc... ... middle of paper ... asked about technology use with text messaging and social networking sites, student 4 said she does text but does not have any social networking accounts. Student 4’s informal writing