Abbreviations Essays

  • Biomedical Abbreviations

    978 Words  | 2 Pages

    mining algorithm to detect abbreviations challenge in biomedical texts Abstract One of the grounds raised in the last few years is the search and extraction of data from biomedical literature. The size and growth of the biomedical literature has created new challenges. Text mining techniques will pave the way to answer this question. Just extracting the definitions for abbreviations and biology is very essential. One of the challenges is a high rate of new abbreviations which introduce, develop and

  • Abbreviations Create Errors in Healthcare

    558 Words  | 2 Pages

    Eliminating abbreviations can reduce errors in the healthcare profession when it comes to medication errors, patients dealing with a life threatening medical error, and similar abbreviations. Many medication errors occur due to abbreviated words symbols, and dosage that cant be read and become misunderstood. These mistakes can cause harm if no one notices it. Many patients end up with a life threatening problem due to a medical error. A nurse might give the patient the wrong dose because of the handwritten

  • Abbreviations: What Did That Person Just Say?

    1676 Words  | 4 Pages

    considered an abbreviation, an abbreviation means a smaller version of a word or phrase. For instance, the word average is abbreviated avg. There are many different types of abbreviations, which include: Here is a list of abbreviation types: Acronym, initialism, etc. An acronym is an abbreviation formed from the first letter or letters of a series of words, like AIDS, NAACP. When people are not familiar with abbreviations with in a sentence or phrase it can create chaos. Text messaging abbreviations can

  • Medical Terminology

    761 Words  | 2 Pages

    Although abbreviations are an extremely common thing which are used every single day throughout the medical field, it does not mean that they are always a helpful thing. Health care professionals generally use abbreviations during their work days to try to help them do things a bit more quickly so that they are able to move on to the next patient faster. One of the most common problems with using abbreviations is that it can sometimes be very difficult to decipher another person's handwriting. When

  • The Negative Effects Of Texting

    875 Words  | 2 Pages

    communication; in a form that uses abbreviations to quicker the process. This is not famous way of communication between the teenagers only, text messages have gained there value in business too. It allows person to reply according to their connivence and does not make them to have to call. Too make the process of texting fast, people use language of abbreviation; “textspeak”. People argue on positive and negative affects on student’s writing skills due to such use of abbreviation. Reality is that, there is

  • Effects Of Texting On Writing

    702 Words  | 2 Pages

    Cullington did a research on, if texting affects writing. Texting is an easy and common way to communicate these days, from businesses to teenagers. Everybody uses abbreviation of some words or sentences in texts to quicker the communication. Texting escapes people from making calls. “Textspeak” (130) is a term used for the new language of abbreviations, symbols and acronyms. People argue on the positive and negative affects on students writing skills due to this new language of texting. Truth is that texting

  • Is Texting Corrupting English?

    841 Words  | 2 Pages

    Crystal’s statement that texting can benefit the language and improve reading and writing skills. Crystal discusses diverse studies on the relations between texting and literacy in pre-teenage children. Crystal’s results revealed that “The more abbreviations in messages, the higher they scored on tests of reading and vocabulary. The children who were better at spelling and writing used the most textisms. And the younger they received their first phone, the higher their scores.” (345). His results support

  • Abbreviations In Health Care

    1087 Words  | 3 Pages

    effects of abbreviations in healthcare. Abbreviations in health care are important to patient care in many ways, both good and bad. Abbreviations are meant to make patient care faster and more efficient. However, sometimes abbreviations can pose a barrier, especially for inexperienced nurses. There are thousands of abbreviations in health care, and they are always changing and adding new ones. In a recent study it was found that 76.9% of patients were prescribed with error-prone abbreviations (Dooley

  • Are Abbreviations Affecting English and Its Users?

    1891 Words  | 4 Pages

    voice in his article, and shows his hatred toward texting. In his controversial article, it is evident he is afraid that the English language may deteriorate into a bunch of emoticons and become a giant mnemonic system due to the large amount of abbreviations. Well is he true? David Crystal, another British writer and lecturer of the English language, with a worldwide reputation and over 100 books to his name, answers that question in an article he wrote on July 15, 2008, headed “2b or not 2b” which

  • Pros And Cons Of The Legal Driving Age

    568 Words  | 2 Pages

    Qu: Should the legal driving age for obtaining a learner’s permit be increased to 18 years old? A question commonly thrown around between road safety groups and the government is about the legal driving age. Some say that the legal driving age should be raised to 18, whereas others say it should be kept at 16 years. The majority of accidents involving young people all revolve around kids who have only just gotten their P plates. Accidents like these most likely occur when the driver is with friends

  • Eliminating Abbreviations Errors in the Medical Field

    1203 Words  | 3 Pages

    • How can eliminating abbreviations reduce errors? The use of abbreviations shortens length of many words thus really help healthcare professionals in saving time spent in writing notes. Abbreviations however do not always provide positive contributions due to misconceptions, misunderstandings, and misinterpretations leading to commitment of errors in the practice. Similarities in abbreviations for instance could root to a grave mistake. For instance the q.d. which an inscriber would like to indicate

  • Why Do Texters Use Abbreviations?

    686 Words  | 2 Pages

    article states that the use of abbreviations has the opposite effect of what parents think. It argues that in order for these abbreviations to occur, the texters must have a high level of phonological awareness, which is a necessary English skill that connects letters to sounds. It states that texting “provides children with an additional resource for learning about and experimenting with letter-sound correspondences and language” (Vosloo, 2009, Crystal, 2008). Abbreviations require texters to understand

  • Abbreviations: Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

    585 Words  | 2 Pages

    Abbreviations: Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder- PTSD Introduction Post-traumatic stress disorder is a mental health condition that can occur after an individual has witnessed a psychologically traumatic event. People with this disorder feel stressed or frightened even when they are not in danger. This paper explores the theories of etiology, the factors associated with the development of the disorder and the available diagnostic and treatment options for PTSD patients. Etiology of Post-Traumatic

  • Explain How Text Messaging Is Ruining English Language

    1118 Words  | 3 Pages

    Critics say text messaging is ruining the English language and creating illiterate people that do not have the ability to write reasonably. John Humphrys believes that people who text message “are destroying language: pillaging our punctuation; savaging our sentences; raping our vocabulary. And they must be stopped” (Humphrys). Humphrys displays his ignorance of what text messaging does to language. But in reality, texting is not ruining our language as people like Humphrys argue it is. As David

  • Medical Terminology

    1347 Words  | 3 Pages

    reported “Medical abbreviations ‘pose risk’” and “Doctors are being warned that using abbreviations in medical notes is putting patients’ lives at stake”. Health | Medical abbreviations 'pose risk'. In this report, “The UK’s Medical Defence Union said difficulties often arose because abbreviations can have more than one meaning or might be misread” and “some patients have had the wrong limb removed or operated on and others have been given deadly drug overdoses”. Health | Medical abbreviations 'pose risk'

  • Essay On Text Literacy

    1400 Words  | 3 Pages

    text messages have created a distinctive linguistic identity. This texting speech also known as “SMS Langauge” has gotten linguists eager at observing what they are considering “the biggest ever language revolution” (Kumar, "A Linguistic Study Of Abbreviations In SMS"). Text messages have a lot of underlying meaning composed in its language from being its own written form to being an expression of text users. Because of the rapid popularity and addictions texting has caused, linguists are researching

  • Does Texting Affect Communication?

    1614 Words  | 4 Pages

    people to people. Then she brings up a controversial issue which is abbreviations effect on people’s writing skills or not. In fact, the reason why people are willing to use abbreviations is that they realize abbreviations can make communications easier and shorter. By researching

  • Importance Of Nursing Documentation

    1544 Words  | 4 Pages

    or patients record they are required to contact the individual who made the order or report for clarification (Perry, 2014). Nurses should avoid fatigue where their handwritten has become sloppy or their spelling compromised. Using appropriate abbreviations alleviates writing fatigue but should be used with caution to ensure that the meaning is clearly understood. Handwritten entries into patient’s records should always begin with the time and end with the nurse’s signature and title, “This guideline

  • How Texting Is Ruining Our Language Essay

    1003 Words  | 3 Pages

    In John Humphreys writing “I 8 txt Msgs: How Texting Is Wrecking Our Language”, he’s strongly against the use of texting due to its negative effects on the English language, and he has strong reasoning to back it up. With the use of texting abbreviations, auto-correct, and the reduced amount of time being spent reading literature, the English language is subsiding. With advancements in texting and technology happening everyday, there is

  • Does Im Make U Dum Summary

    733 Words  | 2 Pages

    In the article, “Does Im Make U dum”, the author states how instant messaging has made us become “dum”. The issue of using popular texting abbreviations like, “lol”, “brb”, or “gtg” can either be an effective or unproductive way of expression. Using abbreviations through texting are so commonly used by children, teenagers, and adults. Statistics show that children are younger than ever for when they are first exposed to mobile phones and text messaging. A 2005 ChildWise study that one-in-four children