Topics Covered by Ian Frazier, Leslie Silko, and Gore Vidal

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All of the writers were great but the three I think you should use again are, Ian Frazier, Leslie Silko, and Gore Vidal. These three writers wrote about some of the top discussed topics that are cycling around the United States. Frazier wrote about common heroism, and how anybody can be a hero. Silko wrote about whether or not carrying a concealed weapon should be legal or not, and the dangers if someone with improper training of a concealed weapon can be. Vidal wrote about whether or not drugs should be legalized, and the effects it will have on people. I have heard each of those topics in the news, on the radio, and on TV. They are three big topics that people should definitely be reading on and learning about, and have other people’s perspectives on. Their work should still be allowed to be used in Professor Mitsis’ Composition I class next year. Ian Frazier wrote the article “Street Scene” and in this article he describes how random people take the time to help this poor old lady. Well his article demonstrates that not all people are mean and that even the effort to help someone you don’t know can really be appreciated. This topic I have heard on the news many of times before how people who take the time to help someone they don’t know and just so happened to save that person’s life. We don’t recognize these people enough, but Ian Frazier does, he thanks them and shows how appreciative the woman must’ve felt. I think the students next year should read this article as I did, it is a heartwarming thing to know that there are people who will do random acts of kindness, and it also opened my eyes and made me realize that you don’t even have to do much but just try to help, and you could happen to save someone’s life. I reall... ... middle of paper ... ...hese articles tackle some of the most talked topics around the United States and should definitely be read again and looked at some more. These writers must have put much time and thought into these articles and it would be a waste if, Frazier and his article “Street Scene”, Silko and her article “In the Combat Zone”, and Vidal’s article “drugs” wouldn’t be able to be used for the next composition I class, for them to read and acknowledge the information that I did when reading these three articles. The topics of these three articles have been heard and talked about in the news, on the radio, and even on TV, and these articles should also be read by the students of the next comp I class so they can maybe voice their opinion on these topics too. I am hoping that my essay has put some thought into mind and hopefully gets you to allow these articles to be used again.

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