The Tone in Seamus Heaney´s Poem Mother of the Groom and Robert Hayden´s These Winter Sundays

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Tone is an important aspect of literature and families. Just like in literature tone creates the context in families which shapes the world that they live in and determines how what is said will be received. Seamus Heaney's poem “Mother of the Groom” and Robert Hayden's Poem “These Winter Sundays” are all about families and the type of life that a family has to live in that they created for themselves. In these poems the tone is exploited brilliantly to convey the familial theme of the poems and to give the themes more intensity. These poems use the same type of language and theme to create a tone full of regret and loss. The tone in both of these poems are one of loss and regret. In Heaney's poem the mother is watching her son get married and start a new life with another woman as the main woman in his life. He has grown up and in her mind he is replacing her. The mother is remembering raising her son while watching him being taken away from her. As she is sitting there she is regretting just letting her son go and hoping for a future where her son is hers again. Even if it means ...

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