Exploring God's Image: Personal and Biblical Perspectives

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Integration Paper
I find myself constantly ruminating on the following questions, “What does it actually mean for man and woman to be created in the image of God?” Why was the image of God tarnished by the fall, and lastly how is God significant to mankind today? This paper will focus on the first three questions as well as my own personal biography describing my experiences with God images, and how they positively and negatively affected me throughout my own life.
26 Then God said, “Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness, so that they may rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky, over the livestock and all the wild animals, {a} and over all the creatures that move along the ground.” 27 So God created mankind in his …show more content…

This list is in no way comprehensive. However, the seven characteristics reflect the Image of God and in some way help us as human beings better understand ourselves as true beings.
• We are spiritual beings. Being a spiritual being simply means we are created to symbolize and worship our God who is the Spirit. Human beings are not material beings. When God created the first man in (Genesis 2:7), God made man a living soul by giving him spiritual life. Only humans are capable of this type of relation to God through worship and communication and this relational piece is a vital component of the spiritual nature as we talk about immortality because human beings never cease to exist but will live …show more content…

It is no secret the holiness of God. When God created humanity, he created us with a moral compass that would allow each of us to consciously differentiate between right and wrong internally. The moral responsibility of humans is what makes him/her accountable to God for their actions. We saw this in Genesis when Adam and Even ate from the tree of Knowledge. I believe it is safe to say that the conscience mind is definitely rapped by sin throughout life, but it remains hardwired in the human psyche. A question that both atheist and evolutionists continue to struggle with is how to adequately explain the moral nature within humans, cultures, and every

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