Oswald Didn't Kill Kennedy

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Oswald Didn't Kill Kennedy

“The Warren Commission concluded that Lee Harvey Oswald, acting alone, killed President Kennedy. Do you agree?”

Contrary to the Warren Commission’s findings, Lee Harvey Oswald, acting alone, did not kill President John F. Kennedy. There are several crucial areas of evidence, which prove Lee Harvey Oswald did not kill the president. Numerous eyewitness accounts show that the shots came from the direction of the grassy knoll (Jack Hill), and not from the Texas School Book Depositary. The number and timing of the bullets fired again prove that Oswald, acting alone, did not kill President Kennedy. Oswald also could not possibly have had the opportunity to shoot President Kennedy, and the rifle in question could not have been used by Oswald in the assassination.

Countless witnesses of the assassination say that the direction of the bullets came not from the Texas School Book Depository, as was stated in the Warren Commission’s findings, but rather from the grassy knoll (Jack Hill). Jean Hill, who was standing on the south side of Elm Street, had an excellent view of the presidential limousine, and, more importantly, an excellent view of the grassy knoll. Less than an hour after the shooting, she said “The shots came from the hill [the grassy knoll] – it was just east of the underpass.” Charles Brehm was an ex-soldier and another eyewitness to the assassination. He was standing on the south side of Elm Street and was behind and to the left of the limousine, when the fatal shot occurred. Brehm saw a piece of Kennedy’s skull blown backward and to the left. The told newsmen that “the shots came from in front or beside the President” – the direction of the grassy knoll. Bill Lovelady was another witness to the shooting. He was standing on the front steps of the Texas School Book Depository Building. He said sounds of shots came from “right there around that concrete little deal on that knoll.” Lovelady told the FBI that he did not “at any time believe the shots had come from the Texas School Book Depository.” Lee Bowers was a railway signalman, and yet another eyewitness of the assassination. During the shooting, his attention was drawn to the area near the fence on the knoll, where he had seen the two men standing. Bowers reported that there was a “flash of light or smoke or something” that caused him to look at that spot. Kenny ...

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...ifle was renowned for being highly unreliable. An owner of a Mannlicher-Carcano fired 20 rounds from his gun, but 17 of the 20 rounds failed to fire.

This shows that it was almost impossible that Oswald could have fired any bullets at all.

In the ‘sniper’s nest’ on the 6th floor of the Texas School Book Depositary building, three cartridge cases were found. Ejected cartridge cases would come to rest to the west of the window. However, only one was found in this position, and this cartridge case had a dent in the opening so large that it could not have held a bullet. This proves, for once and for all, that Lee Harvey Oswald did not kill President John F. Kennedy. In the words of Dallas Police Chief Jesse Curry, “We don’t have any proof that Oswald fired the rifle, and never did. Nobody’s yet been able to but him in that building with a gun in his hand.”

Contrary to the Warren Commission’s findings, Lee Harvey Oswald could not possibly have killed President John F. Kennedy. This is proved by the number, timing and direction of the bullets fired, the fact that Oswald did not have the means to carry out the shooting, and the overall inaccuracy and unreliability of the rifle.

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