Tina's Story

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Major depressive disorder causes people to think irrational because their mind is always sad or thinking about how they could do things differently. Depression is caused by something that happened or stressing over something and the depression is there long after the event or stressor has left. Suicide often happens to those that are depressed because the people have feelings of how they would be better off not living and they no longer want to suffer and feel the pain of being a disappointment by letting their loved ones down. Suicide at the time seems like the right answer at the time but if they really thought of the effect it would probably think about it before doing it. Seeking help for depression may seem like it would not help but if they followed the instructions of the doctor and give themselves time to heal it could help with all problems.

Axis I deal with most disorders and conditions. Axis I does not deal with retardation or personality disorders. Axis II handles personality disorders and mental retardation unlike Axis I. Axis III deals with conditions that will help with a patient’s medical history. This will help doctors understand the past medical history of the patient. Axis IV deals with how psychosocial and how the environment affects the patient. The environment surrounding the patient can cause the patient to be happy or sad when they do not understand why they cannot be somewhere else that they are happy at. Axis V is an assessment of all of the above and also includes the person’s work situation. This test id rated to see if a person is a danger to people as well as their self.

It seems that Tina’s doctor could use these axes to help with the diagnosis of her depression. Axis V could determine how much o...

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...adly because the people it affects could end up committing suicide. Seeking help could greatly benefit those involve when treated correctly.

Reference:Depression; Studies from University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine Update Current Data on Depression. (2011, April). Obesity, Fitness & Wellness Week,1587. Retrieved April 18, 2011, from Research Library. (Document ID: 2318762331).Anonymous, . Therapy vs. drugs for depression. (2011, March). Consumer Reports on Health, 23(3), 6. Retrieved April 18, 2011, from Research Library. (Document ID: 2291491021).www.knowmydepression.com, retrieved April 18, 2011www.mayoclinic.com/health/depression/DS00175, retrieved April 18, 2011Sarason, I. G., & Sarason, B. R. (2005). Abnormal psychology: The problem of maladaptive behavior (11th ed.). Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Pearson Prentice Hall., retrieved April 7, 2011

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