The Three Branches of Government in the USA

551 Words2 Pages

The United States government has three branches, judicial branch, legislative branch and as well as the executive branch. Each branch has its own weight in the system. The executive branch carries out the laws, the legislative makes the laws, and the judicial starts the laws out in the court room. This will be an informative piece on how each of these branches will affect the people as well as the terms they each came too. To give a fore sight the Roe v. Wade is the continuous debate on abortion. This is such a hot topic in the courts and a strong affect of the people.
The judicial court had the Roe v. Wade trail in 1973 was the start of the act of the woman’s rights to self terminate a pregnancy in the first trimester of the pregnancy. Yet during the controversy the court system has been sent in spirals. They have yet been successful in the debate. This can take many years to settle so until then the courts decided to put restrictions on the abortion regulations. The court decided to go with the Planned Parenthood standards which pushed the issue of freedom of choice, which seem...

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