Thomas Woodrow Wilson

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Thomas Woodrow Wilson

Thomas Woodrow Wilson, twenty-eighth president of the United States, might have suffered from dyslexia. He never could read easily, but developed a strong power of concentration and a near-photographic memory. The outbreak of World War I coincided with the death of Wilson's first wife Ellen Axson, who he was passionately devoted to. Seven months after her death his friends introduced him to Edith Bolling Galt, a descendant of the Indian princess Pocahontas, they were married nine months later. By 1912 times were good for most Americans. Farmers were enjoying their most prosperous period in living memory, the cost of living rose slightly, unemployment was lower than it had been for several years, and working conditions were improving. By 1913 when Wilson was inaugurated, American industries were in a flood of consumer goods, including automobiles, telephones, and movies. However, Wilson almost did not appear on the presidential ballot, the leading contender for the Democratic nomination was House Speaker Champ Clark. It took 46 ballots before the delegates swung to Wilson. In the election, the Republicans were split between Taft and Roosevelt, almost guaranteeing a Democratic, and Wilson victory. He sought ways to build patriotism and to reshape the federal government to govern the nation more effectively. Wilson was a conservative, in his books and articles, he often displayed hostility to reformers and rebels. Although Woodrow Wilson is mostly remembered for his success in foreign affairs, his domestic reform and leadership abilities are notable as well. Commemorated by the public mainly for his success in guiding the nation during it's first great modern war, World War I, for getting out of the Mexico/...

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...efore. Wilson tried to apply his own moral standards to international politics, he was convinced that the president should be the people's leader, not merely the nations' chief executive.



Bailey, Thomas A.: The American Pageant, DC Heath and Company, 1994.

Bailey, Thomas A.: Presidential Greatness, Thomas A. Bailey, 1966.

Clements, Kendrick A.: The Presidency of Woodrow Wilson, University Press of Kansas, 1939.

Hoover, Herbert: The Ordeal of Woodrow Wilson, McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc., 1958.

Leavell, Perry J.: World Leaders Past and Present, Wilson, Chelsea House Publishers, 1987. Wilson, Woodrow: The New Freedom, Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1961.

"Woodrow Wilson" The World book Multimedia Encyclopedia, World Book Inc., 1996.

"Woodrow Wilson" Infopedia, Future Vision Multimedia Inc., 1995.

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