Theravada Tradition

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Theravada Tradition How can we begin to understand such a diverse and ancient religion? The width of Buddhism is immense. It is a religion without any written rules. Buddhism is based on self-discovery. Buddhists are born with the quest to find their true form. They believe that they are prisoners of the physical plain until they reach nirvana. Nirvana is the ultimate goal for a Buddhist. It is the state that saves them from all suffering and evil. They believe that only nirvana can remove them from the never-ending circle of life. This is the same circle that puts them back in a world of suffering and pain. The very thing they want to escape from. Buddhists must conquer the mind before they could ever reach nirvana. The mind is full of lust and greed. A Buddhist eradicates temptations like greed and lust by rejecting the source of evil. They live independently from most of the luxuries required by westerners. They rely mainly on the basic necessities of life. By removing temptation, they gain more control of the mind. Buddhists are very spiritual about their surroundings. They cherish all living things. They would remove all living organism with such care before an area is used for construction. Reducing the suffering of others provides a meaning to their lives. They believe that all things have the right to live. By doing good things they ease the mind from all the suffering around them. We cannot remove suffering. We can only reduce it. By controlling the mind, we control most of the suffering we create ourselves. We are neurotic beings that strive on suffering. Most people do not control their suffering. The suffering controls them. Buddhists insist that karma plays an important part in their reincarnation. The reincarnation is the rebirth of a person into the next life. By reaching nirvana, the cycle stops and they are not reborn again. By living by the constant fear of karma, they live prosperous lives. They always try to find peaceful solutions to all problems. Buddhists are peaceful people but they are not pacifists. They will only turn to violence if they have to defend themselves. They loathe wars because it takes lives. This might give them a negative outlook on the world and provide a negative reincarnation. To a Buddhist, every action on earth will have its consequences. It is just the magnitude of the consequences that have them worried.

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