The Olympian Festival

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The Origin and Foundation

The Olympian games were founded in 776 BC. The Greek people used athletic victory as an outlet for their aggression. In a country filled with civil war this was a way to bind the nation together.

There are several myths about the establishment of the Olympic games:

Pelops & Hippodameia

King Oinomaos held a competition for suitors of his daughter, Hippodameia. In this contest, the young man was to challenge the king himself to a chariot race. The suitor, unarmed, had a head start. Then the king followed, carrying a spear. If the suitor won the race he also won Hippodameia's hand in marriage. If the suitor lost the race, it was because he lost his life. After twelve races, and twelve fatalities, Pelops challenges king Oinomaos. Before the race Pelops bribes the kings driver to replace a wooden pin on the chariot, with one made of wax. During the race Oinomaos' chariot falls apart, killing him. This leaves Pelops the winner of the race and Hippodameia. Pelops goes on to rule Elis and establish the first Olympic games.

Herakles as Founder

Herakles began the first games in honor of Zeus. While cleaning King Augeas' stables, Herakles diverted the Alpheios. The water from the river finished the job. King Augeas refused to pay Herakles for his work. Herakles came back to the with his army and defeated the king. In celebration, he started the Olympic games.

Zeus Vs Kronos

Rhea and Kronos are the parents of Zeus. When Zeus had grown older he challenged Kronos over the seat of heaven. Zeus and Kronos wrestled for supremacy. In honor of Zeus' victory, the other gods competed in games.


One month before the Olympian festival, people from all over the Greek world came to the c...

... middle of paper ... own statue into the Altis (sacred grove at Olympia). He also carried a full grown bull around the stadium then butchered it and ate it all in one day.

At the age of nine, Theagenes carried a bronze statue of a god home from school. This is how he first became famous for his strength. What followed was a list of victories in the Crown Games. At Olympia he won the pankration. Theagenes won three victories in the pyx at Delphi. Between the pyx and pankration he won nine victories at Nemea and ten victories at Isthmia. At Phthia he won the dolichos. In the end he achieved 1,400 victories. After death Theagenes' statue was worshipped for its healing powers.

Kyniska was the first woman to breed horses and the first woman to win an Olympic victory. Her horses won the chariot race.

Aristomache, also a female, won twice at epic poetry in at the Isthmian games.

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