The Job Design of a Restaurant Owner

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‘King puts his people as his priority, people put food as their priority’, by the 2000 year old ancient Chinese text. Food is essential, one of the most important elements for survival. Thus serving good food is more than a luxury. Food is part of life. Restaurant owners are clearly own a prestigious status in the society.
The aims of this assessment is to analysis the job design of a restaurant owner and examine the advantages and drawbacks supported by academic studies relating to job design theory, job characteristic model and other occupational psychology theories.

Why Restaurant Owner is a perfect job for Michelle?
Everyone has a dream to live for and a goal to achieve. Michelle has a dream too, a dream to become a successful restaurant owner. A dream would make one’s life more meaningful. Throughout the history, it is evident that dream is the one of the essential keys to succeed. For instance, the famous ‘I have a dream’ speech by Martin Luther King Junior has proof that one person’s dream could change the world, where ‘black kids and white kids can hold hands’. Not only business enterprises need a dream or goal to help them to succeed, political or even personal dream is a stepping stone to strive.
Michelle has a ‘Type A’ personality. ‘Type A’ personality is defined as competitive, ambitious and always wanting to help the others (McLeod, 2011). However, having a dream alone is not sufficient, action must be taken. Thus, dreamers need to start up their business in any industry to fulfil their dream. As a restaurant owner, she will have an opportunity to follow her dream and passion.
On the other hand, unlike office workers, a restaurant owner gets to choose the right people she wants to work with. This suits ...

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