The German State and Literature

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Outline the main functions and responsibilities of authors in the GDR and describe

some of the key historical developments in the relationship between writers and the

GDR state. Explain briefly what is meant by the ‘deutsch-deutscher Literaturstreit’,

which was particularly enflamed by the publication of Christa Wolf’s Was Bleibt in

1990. Looking at the portrayal of the writer figure in Was Bleibt, discuss what Wolf’s

text reveals about the challenges and demands of writing, both in general and in the

context of the GDR in particular. Consider also, whether Wolf’s text addresses issues

raised in the ‘Literaturstreit’. If so, which?

Christa Wolf’s “Was Bleibt” details a day in the life of a female writer being observed by the

Stasi. It explores the psychological strain of living under the GDR’s constant observation,

reflecting the criticism of the GDR that is rarely found in Wolf’s writing. However, the

intensity of the criticism found in “Was Bleibt” made it Wolf’s most controversial text, and

consequently placed her at the centre of the ‘deutsch-deutscher Literaturstreit’. During the

GDR era, Wolf, as an author in the public eye, received a certain level of leniency from the

SED, thus making her a victim of accusations of hypocrisy. Furthermore, the publication of

strong criticism against the DDR from an author whose writing was strongly linked with the

SED party confused the public. Despite the text being written in 1979, it was left unpublished

until 1990. This was interpreted by many as move by Wolf to protect her personal interests

by deciding not to publish it until it was ‘safe’, rather than publishing it when it could have

contributed to political o...

... middle of paper ...

...2003) Wende und Einheit im Spiegel der Deutschsprachigen Literatur. Berlin: Walter de Gruter.

Pg. 335

8 Brockmann, S. (Winter 1994) ‘Preservation and Change in Christa Wolf's Was Bleibt’. The German Quarterly,

67 (1):82.

Works Cited

• Deiritz, K. and Krauss, H. (1991) Der Deutsch-Deustche Literaturstreit. Hamburg: Luchterhand Literaturverlag.

• Grub, F. T. (2003) Wende und Einheit im Spiegel der Deutschsprachigen Literatur. Berlin: Walter de Gruter.

• Wolf, C. (1990) Was Bleibt. Frankfurt am Main: Lucherhand Literaturverlag.

• Greiner, U. (1990) ‘Christa Wolf und der deutsche Literaturstreit’, Zeit, nd November. Available from

gesinnungsaesthetik. [2nd 2 December 2013]

• Brockmann, S. (Winter 1994) ‘Preservation and Change in Christa Wolf's Was Bleibt’. The German Quarterly, 67 (1):73-85.

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