The Roman Empire: The Fall Of The Western Empire

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Rome was one of, if not, the most influential civilization in the western world. Rome once ruled the majority of the known western world, yet it was unable to hold that title. The Roman Empire eventually came to an end just like many other civilization, but the reasons for its downfall are still being debated to this day. Rome didn’t disappear overnight it was a steady downfall that consisted of several different symptoms. Symptoms that when combined together created the perfect storm to bring down the most powerful Empire in the world at that time, at least the western portion of it. A large reason why Rome fell was because its population began to drop significantly which then led to many economic issues. A decline in population meant that …show more content…

This may have made the Empire easier to govern but in the long term the two halves began to drift more and more apart. The East and West failed to successfully work together on a variety of issues which lead to the two half’s fighting over military aid and resources. As the Eastern Empire began to grow along the gulf so did the wealth of the Empire, the Western Empire however was feeling the opposite effects. Because the Eastern Empire became a lot more powerful it began to push invasions away towards the much weaker Western Empire. The Western empire was simply an easier target for outside forces so they didn’t bother with the Eastern …show more content…

This led to a decrease in traditional Roman values because before Christianity became the official religion of the Roman Empire the Roman people had a strong belief in polytheism. Because the polytheistic view was abandoned no one saw the Emperor as a deity which in turn took power away from the Emperor. People began to shift their belief in the city to a belief in one sole deity. With such a large focus on the new religion many religious leader began to rise in political sectors. This was negative for the Roman people because their government was already weak and with the increasing of political power being given to the religious leaders it would only began to further make governing harder. It was really hard for a weakened government that originally based itself on polytheism to change to monotheism because it would only to serve to remove more power from the

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