Women's Roles In Congo Schools Essay

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The Democratic Republic of Congo, fourth largest nation and second largest country in Africa, has many different kinds of natural resources such as diamond, copper, petroleum and stunning landscapes. Moreover; their laws state that women and men enjoy the same rights; they are not forced to get married, both have the right to vote and contribute in the economy. However, in reality because of the cultural traditions which indicate that men are the households and women have to obey and must take permission from their husband or their father before taking any action outside the house, women are not allowed to be involved in any meetings or own any business; they are only allowed to work. Their unequal but peaceful life; however, does …show more content…

Education is a great weapon. It could be used to create armies, yet at the same time it could be used to end all human crisis and it can definitely fight terrorism. Education can also break norms and develop new ones. Women are seen as sexual objects in Congo; moreover, it became a norm. To break that norm men also need to be educated. Young boys need to go back to schools and should be taught how to respect women and develop a new norm. A norm that equalize men and women. Puechuirbagl believes that, " Women may not be aware of the changes that happen in their lives during a conflict and may not understand those changes as a source of opportunity or power." (Page 8) Congolese women had unequal but peaceful lives before the war, perhaps they could use this opportunity not to bring peace back to their lives only, but have an equal right too by being educated. The power of education is underestimated, it could be used to set humanity free and stop them from being brainwashed. Whom should we blame for what Congolese women are going through? Men in Congo, the UN department, countries who are buying the natural resources knowing it is from terrorists or the countries who are not interfering at all. In fact, they should all be blamed, but specifically the UN department. All of them somehow contributed in making the women in Congo go through horrible situations. Women are the victims of any war. The world should realize that what is going on in Congo is everyone else's responsibility. Human beings should stand together to fight terrorism, help each other go through the hard times and prepare ourselves for any conflicts in the future. Education is the key to bring peace back to the Democratic Republic of Congo and most importantly to the lives of Congolese women. They are not sexual objects to be

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