The 8th Habit, Chapter 8 Review

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"The 8th Habit- From Effectiveness to Greatness"

By Stephen Covey

Chapter 8

"The Voice of Trustworthiness"

Table of Contents

Introduction: 1

Personal Trustworthiness 1

Modeling is Living the 7 Habits of Highly Effective People 2

Principles Embodies in The 7 Habits 3

The Modeling Tool- The Personal Planning System 4

Conclusion 5

References 6

Lesson Plan 7

Appendices 8

"The Voice of Trustworthiness"

Chapter 8


In chapter 8, "The Voice of Trustworthiness" in Stephen Covey's book "The 8th Habit, From Effectiveness to Greatness" the importance of trustworthiness and how our society is quick recognize the need for "trustworthiness, for character, for producing trust in the culture". To be a model leader or effective leader you cannot get by without trustworthy and having the people around you trust in you. In chapter 8 we explain how to go about becoming trustworthy and the things you need to become a model leader with Personal Trustworthiness, Modeling is Living the 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, Principles Embodies in The 7 Habits and The Modeling Tool- The Personal Planning System. "Trustworthiness is the ‘Glue' of organizations".

Personal Trustworthiness

Only with a strong character and competence will you develop trustworthiness. It is with these assets that others will view you as a person that they can trust and thus you will be viewed as a good, if not a great leader. The majority of the population these days, when surveyed will show that they value integrity as number one when looking for a good leader. Throughout the years these outlooks on this mater has changed and evolved as different technologies and social statues have also changed. "More and more people are seein...

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... write it down in a planner, on a calendar, on the computer, anywhere as long as it is updated and followed.


Chapter 8 is all about trustworthiness and how someone would go about to become more trusted, not only in the workplace, but also in the community. It shows what qualities are needed to be a successful leader. "The purpose of The 8th Habit: From Effectiveness to Greatness is to give you a roadmap that will lead you from pain and frustration to true fulfillment, relevance, significance, and contribution in today's new landscape—not only in your work and organization, but also in your whole life."(


1. Covey, S. (2005). The 8th Habit From Effectiveness to Greatness. New York: Simon and Schuster.

2. Covey, S. (2005). Retrieved October 1, 2006, from

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