Textile Factories Overseas: Making Clothing for US Consumers

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We have become a nation of consumers. Demanding consumers. We want a lot and we want it cheap. Unfortunately, cheap comes at a cost. A cost that goes to people miles away, people we don’t know and most of us are likely never to meet. People working in factories located in China, Bangladesh, the Philippines and more. Any clothing tag will tell you where it came from, but it won't tell you the name or age of the person who made it. It won’t tell you that those people make less money every year than the average person living in the US makes in a month. How have clothing factories affected the quality of life for these people? How are consumers effecting the lives of these people?
When we buy clothing at the store, a good chunk of the cost goes towards producing the materials. The most common material used for clothing is cotton. In the U.S. there are fourteen major cotton growing states. These states form a region along the bottom half of the U.S. known as the Cotton Belt and have three things in common: lots of sunshine, water and fertile soil (Cotton’s Journey). Critical for growing a good cotton crop. Although cotton is also largely grown in China, India and Pakistan, cotton grown in the US has become the most desirable in the world. This is because cotton grown in the US in never touched by human hands. Cotton farmers will pay top dollar for the best picking machines. Mississippi cotton farmer, Bowen Flowers, bought five John Deere 7760 pickers in 2013 and they cost him about $600,000 each (NPR apps). These high end cotton pickers have programmable routs and are basically self-driving. However, one person sits in the cabin as the picker makes its rounds and monitors the operation. Since machines do all the picking, cotton is n...

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...t-shirt modifier. People cut and clip and sew shirts together to create new shirts. Shirts that will go on to experience a second life.
The life cycle of clothing has really surprised me, in more ways than I thought it would. The vast involvement of so many people, to produce one product that passes through dozens if not hundreds of hands. From the cotton, to the fabric, to factory workers in Bangladesh. Growing up I only ever heard really awful things about factories in other countries and although the situation is far from ideal, stories like Minu’s or Mukhta’s make it seem like things are progressing it the right direction. Bangladesh might have the worlds lowest wages, but I think they also have 4 million of the hardest working people. People who will continue to push their economy forward in the future. As consumers we are a huge part of that driving force.

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