The Tell Tale Heart by Edgar Allan Poe

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"Now this is the point. Your fancy me mad. Madmen know nothing. But you should have seen me"(42 Backpack Literature). Reading such words can create a wide imagination about what the character is truly like. The narrator in the story has an indirect personality where as you read you find out more and more about him.The narrator in Edger Allan Poe's "The Tell- Tale Heart" seems like he makes himself completely insane but as readers we are never told of any psychological problems, if any, that he may have.The characterization by Poe of the narrator crease a puzzle which makes the story interesting. I would characterize the narrator as being secretive, insane and nervous. First off, Poe did an excellent job of hiding the physical identity of the narrator by not including a gender, name, age or even features of what the narrator looks like. Not being able to understand what the character looks like is a bit aggravating because knowing the gender you could come up with other possible motives for killing him other than his eye. The narrators relationship is never explained but we have to assume that he has some type of relationship with the old man. I think that was Poe's intention so the reader could have a complete understanding that people can commit crimes without having a reason. The narrator is not secretive when expressing his thoughts towards the old man. For example the narrator says " Object there was none. Passion there was none. I love the old man. He had never wrong me. He had never given me insult." (42 Backpack Literature). This quote was important to emphasize the point that the narrator had no real motive to kill the old man and all of his reasoning was hidden inside his head. Being secretive helps explain other ch... ... middle of paper ... The Tell-Tale Heart by Edger Allan Poe, I was able to pull out characteristics that I thought were important in understand the story. The narrator has no physical descriptions in the story so it was easy to move away from his/her physical description to their emotional characteristics. In the story emotions are especially important to understanding why a character thinks the way they do.The unanswered question will always be why the narrator killed the old man. If he says its not for the money and it is stated that he has never done anything wrong to hurt the narrator than it leaves the readers open to have their own thoughts what the answer to this puzzle that Poe has created through his characterization of the narrator. Having an unstable creates different characteristics but I felt that I would characterize the narrator as being secretive, insane and nervous.

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