The Teens Taking Up a Part Time Job

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In today's modern era, the world is being more competitive and aggressive, in order to prepare for success and take up challenges well ahead. Teenagers, those who are age between 13 to 18 years old, are encouraged to have part-time jobs while studying. According to the US, National Center for Education Statistics of 2007-2008, 79 percent of teenagers in working while they were in college. We can realize that in many schools or colleges offer part-time job in or out campus to their students without affecting their studies. Similarly, many teenagers taking up a temporary job during the summer holiday or school break is encouraging, generally this is very common in those studies internationally. If the teenagers are offered to assist the lecturer, carry out research or collecting data, this indirectly will help them in gaining extra knowledge when they are in university preparing their research.

A part-time job is able to train teenagers become a responsible person and they can benefit from the career track. When the teenagers fully utilize their free time by doing part-time job, ...

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