Social Exclusion Essay

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There are corresponding meanings to the concept of social exclusion as people have different views. It is often defined as people who exclude themselves from mainstream society through their own form of action and values in which they believe. However, as practitioners accumulate knowledge and experience they will begin to define social exclusion (Pierson, 2009, p.5). Social exclusion causes individuals to become disadvantaged; this is not just within the economy but through other extents such as education, culture and being a citizen within society (Bonell et al, 2003, p.871). Additionally, there are various risk factors that can also lead to social exclusion, these being school problems, family conflict, low income, age, etc. All of these …show more content…

It is understood the more risk factors a teenager has, they are then habitually the ones who are most likely to be in a socially excluded group. Teenage mothers who have had factors in the past or at present have frequently steered them toward becoming a mother at a young age. The UK Birth Cohort study (1958, p.57, in Ingham 2005) considered how multiple risk factors may have a cumulative influence, believing those with more identified risk factors had 58% more chance of becoming a teenage parent. This figure illustrates the socially excluded group that teenagers have already been put into just for of the amount of risk factors they may …show more content…

Chichester : Wiley-Blackwell
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• Hoggart, L (2003) Teenage Pregnancy: The government’s dilemma. Capital and Class. [online] 79 pp. 145 – 165 (Accessed 20 Nov 2013) Available at
• Hudson and Ineichen (1991)Taking it lying down: Sexuality and teenage motherhood. Basingstoke : Macmillan Education
• (UK Birth Cohort Study) in Ingham (2005) [online] 2(3) pp. 56-67 [Accessed 21 Nov 2013] Available at
• Jefferson, T.P. (2010) Four Reasons Why Being A Young Mom Rocks [online] [Accessed 03 Dec 2013] Available at
• Local Government Association (2013) Tackling teenage pregnancy: Local government’s new public health role [online] [Accessed 14 Nov 2013] Available at

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