Teaching Goals

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After watching this video, I started to wonder if our schools are truly preparing our students for the real world. I believe that our educational system expects our students to learn a certain amount of information and regurgitate it back to their teachers in the form of tests such as EOG’s. With this style of teaching, other subjects are suffering. All year, teachers are prepping students to pass the EOG’s while neglecting other areas. Naturally, you have some students who will shine. What about the students who do not learn well with this type of teaching method? What about the students who learn better through hands on activities and working together in a group situation? I believe when multiple teaching methods are used, our students will succeed in the global world.

Classrooms today are not incorporating enough real world examples to help our students understand all that exists in this world. When only 26% of the information learned in a classroom is actually relevant to the real world, we have a problem. What I have started to see throughout my classes is a change on the horizon. More and more teachers are trying to incorporate real world examples to help better engrain an idea into their student’s minds. Last spring, I saw one such example during my practicum. The students were learning about the process of an assembly line and how everyone has a certain job to do in a factory. To help the students better understand this process, the teacher set up a taco assembly line. Each student had to fill out an order form of what they would like on their taco. Then, the students were divided into teams to tackle the order forms. Each student was assigned to one station such as lettuce, tomatoes, onions, meat, etc. As the order form came down the assembly line, the student had to pay attention to whether their item was checked. At the end of the assembly line, a manager checked the order form along with the taco to make sure the end product was correct before passing along to the customer. With this, students not only took the information they read from the book but also incorporated their hands on activity to get a better understanding and appreciation of the various jobs associated with a factory.

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