Teaching Fluency- Implications for Repeated Readings as a Viable Strategy in Teaching Fluency in the Second Grade Classroom

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Fluency has become a widely discussed topic in education today. There are many opinions among educators and researchers on what fluency means, and how it should be addressed in a classroom setting. I researched four articles from respected journals, and in this paper I will attempt to define fluency and measurement tools. I will also discuss Repeated Reading as a viable strategy for teaching Fluency in the second grade classroom. I chose this particular topic, because I felt it would be most beneficial in influencing my own literacy instruction. Fluency has been recognized by the National Reading Panel Report in 2000 (NRP; National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, 2000) as being an essential component for success in learning to read. “If children do not acquire the fundamentals of reading, which is based largely on reading fluency, at a young age it places them at a considerable disadvantage in their future academic pursuits.” The primary grades are the essential point to begin fluency instruction. Fluency can be defined as the ability to read text fluently, automatically, and with proper expression, resulting in comprehension. Carnine, Silbert, Kame”ennui &Tarver, 2004 (as cited by Therrien & Kubina, 2006, p.156) state that, “Fluency serves as a bridge between decoding words and comprehension.” Therefore, fluency is not just reading quickly, but involves comprehension and prosodic features. Reading fluency has been shown to be a better predictor of comprehension than the use of other methods such as questioning, retelling, and cloze. In an article by Nichols, Rupley & Rasinski (2009), they cite the work of Chall (1996), where he proposes that there are developmental reading stages for children pres... ... middle of paper ... ...graders learning fluency techniques. Fluency must become a vital part of a primary reading program. Research has shown that the struggling reader often has less time to practice fluency, when if fact, they would benefit most from additional instruction. Dowhower’s study (as sited by Roundy & Roundy (2009), p.6) claims, “The effects of repeated reading are so strong that it should be woven into the fabric of daily literacy instruction.” Also in the same paper it is stated, ”Ultimately, akin to a domino effect, as students improve their fluency they will improve their comprehension, increase their reading level, increase their reading-oriented self-confidence and expand their understanding and enjoyment of language.” (Roundy & Roundy, 2009) Repeated reading is too important to not be included in every literacy curriculum for every child.

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