Taylorism: Response Outside the USA

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Scientific Management was found in US by Frederick Winslow Taylor (1856-1915) who has been accorded the legacy of Scientific Management system by most scholars (Wren, 2005). According to Wren (2005), Taylor was aspired to bring out an effective management system due to no formal management at that time and were characterizes by various anomalies. Sullivan (1987) stated that Taylor’s effort not only symbolized the beginning of managerial era in industrial production but also indicate the end of craft era in the United States. In this essay, we shall explore Taylorism reception outside USA and compares the reception of Taylorism between western and Asian Country.


In 1911, F.W.Taylor published his magnum opus book, Principle of Scientific Management which gain acknowledgment in US and was a hit worldwide (Wren, 2005). Taylor advocates the ideas of new principles of industrial organisation, which include the division of labour among workers and their managers, repetitive movement, a standardization method of work, minimum training required, monetary incentive and time maximization for each operation (Caldari, 2007). The new system ought to produce high salaries, profits and a good working relationship between employers and employees (Caldari, 2007). Taylor proclaims that his invention is valid universally to replace what was known as ‘rule of thumb’ method (Taylor, 1911). His influence is felt globally as the book is translated into Chinese, Dutch, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Russian, Swedish and Spanish before the First World War (Caldari, 2007).

The system manages to stretch throughout Europe before the First World War (Caldari, 2007). Taylor becomes famous initially to European Ind...

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...Revolution; Scientific Management since Taylor, Ohio State University Press, Columbus, pp 5 -31

Sullivan, B.G, 1987, ‘The Challenge of economic transformation, in S.E Goldberg & C.R.Strain (Eds.) Technological change and the transformation of America, Southern Illinois University Press, Carbondale, pp91-103

Taylor, F, 1911, ‘The Principle of Management’, Harper & Brother, New York

Tesi, F 2009, ‘The Application of Taylorism in France: The Role of the Michelin Family in Rationalization of French Work’, Business and Economic History, vol. 7, pp. 1- 22, viewed 01 August 2011,
Wren, D, 2005, ‘The History of Management Thought‘, Hoboken, NJ; Wiley and Sons, p 205-296

Xu, K. and Lao, H.S., 2001, Zhongguo guanli kexuehua de lincheng, (The Course of Management Sciences in China), Hunan Kexue jishu, Changsha.

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