System of Age and Gender Discrimination

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Our society is facing a serious problem that is the age discrimination between women and men. In 1939 to 1979 white women made less than 60 % as much as white men. The 40% gape difference decreased these days, but there is still a wage gap between men and women.

There are many claims behind the reason of wage discrimination. George F. Will (2000)” Lies, Damned lies and …..” claims that the main cause of wage gap is omen’s decision to establish a family, so that force them to make comprise for raising their children and that leads them to work in flexible jobs with flexible ours that permit them to enter the fast track.. Another article by Allen Goodman (1999) “A New Campaign for Pay Equity” argues that the main reason behind low wages for women is sex discrimination. She supports her point of view by saying that the gender gap between male and female accountants is 201$ a week and bartenders is 48$. Finally, Lester C. Thurow “1981” claims that the system of promotion is the main reason behind the wage discrimination. Thurow says if men discriminate against women they are lowering their own income so there is no sex discrimination. Thurow conclude that the decade between 25 and 35 is when the person succeed in his/her life is the same decade when women think of establishing a family and leave the labor force or become a part – time worker. The system of promotion and skill acquisition extaract an enormous life time price during the decade of 25 to 35.

The lack of experience of women and the system of promotion in my view are the reason behind the age gap between women and men. The society cannot say that women aren’t educated since World War 11. Women cannot succeed more because they don’t have experience as men do. Some women think if they didn’t get married in the decade of 25 to 35 they will not be able to marry later on. The system of promotion gives people a great chance to succeed in their work between 25 and 35 years old.

Some women have a many years of experience. For example, Diana Furchgott- Roth and Christina Stolba authors of “ women figure; An Illustrated Guide to the Economic Progress of Women in America” have 25 years of work experience, but that doesn’t that two authors can exclude that there is a gap of experience between men and women.

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