Persuasive Essay On Eating Disorders

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Everyone has seen the modern day models, they’re everywhere; in magazines, on billboards, and in commercials. They even have a T.V. shows dedicated to them (America’s next top model, for example). These models are all skinny and seemingly perfect in every way. They are idolized and what most girls (and many boys as well) want is to be just like them, to be skinny, have the perfect body weight, and the perfect body figure. Some people end up taking it to the extreme though, and get sick. They become obsessed with how they look to the point where it’s unhealthy, and possibly even deadly, and develop what we call eating disorders, or ED for short. There are three main eating disorders: Binge eating disorder (which falls under eating disorders …show more content…

Even so, it’s not quite as common in people as bulimia. AN is the most deadly of the eating disorders (Update 1). Studies show that in females 15-24 of age with AN had a death rate that was 12 times higher than females in that age range without AN (Levine 2). The reason Anorexia is so deadly is because of the eating habits of people with it, or the lack of eating habits. Anorexics starve themselves of food. They skip meals and avoid any and all food to lose weight (Update 1). They generally have a distorted perception of body figure and weight (Waldman 1). For example, a 5 foot 3 inch girl who weighs 100 pounds (classified as underweight on the BMI scale) will not see a too skinny figure in the mirror, but actually see a fattened figure of herself, as if she weighed 30 pounds more than she actually does. This distortion is usually what compels people with anorexia to starve themselves. People with AN typically have an intense fear of gaining weight as well (Levine 1). This fear is also a large motivator in the eating habits of …show more content…

Their intense fear of gaining weight combined with their distorted visions of themselves drives them to take extreme measures to ensure they lose weight (Bjork 1). These extreme measures cause many symptoms to occur and some are even deadly. People with AN often have irregular or absent menstrual cycles. They experience fatigue as well as an irregular heartbeat, dizziness, headaches, baby fine hair covering the body, brittle nails and hair, mild anemia, and low blood pressure. Anorexics also may experience heart problems, and the heart may stop altogether if the disorder goes on for too long (Eating 1). Anorexics, like bulimia, usually have other psychiatric problems as well, like depression, which may then lead to suicide (Update 1). In fact, females within the ages of 15-24 that have AN have a suicide rate that is more than 200 times greater than in people without AN (Levine 2). Anorexia nervosa is actually the most deadly psychiatric disorder in the United States (Update 1). Most experts agree that AN is caused by a combination of both environmental factors and genes. Cynthia Bulik, the director of the eating disorders program at the University of North Carolina, says “It’s clearly both. Genes load the gun and an environment pulls the trigger” (Update

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