How Did Hg Wells Create Suspense In The Red Room

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The Red Room’ written by a famous writer H.G Wells. He was a science fiction writer who lived in the Victorian times. People in the Victorian times believed in science and also believed everything they were told. I will be explaining genre, the structure, setting, language, imagery and atmosphere in order to create suspense. The Red Room is based on a gothic horror story. This type of fiction existed in the late 18th and 19th centaury, gothic stories are mainly based inside big, dark, ruined castles or abbeys and featured mystery and horror, it would also feature ghost haunted rooms, secret stairways and underground passages which would create tense and drama. The Red Room has many gothic aspects such as a dark room in which weird, scary …show more content…

The writer starts right from the very beginning and goes on creating suspense, he describes the characters as deformed in some sort of way: “The man with the withered arm”, this suggests that his arm is not right and has something wrong with it. He describes them as something very gross, “I had scarce expected these grotesque custodians”, and he is also scared of them. He is not happy with the three weird people and he does he does not feel comfortable with them, “The three of them made me feel uncomfortable, with their gaunt silences, their bent carriage.” The old people in the house are described as ghostly figures “Their very existence was spectral; the cut of their clothing, fashions born in dead brains”, he also calls them ‘dead brains’ this suggests that they don’t know the proper meaning of fashion and it suggests they are dressed as something other than human. The story is told in first person so that we as the readers can have a good understanding of what the characters look like and how they talk e.t.c. “ The echoing of the stir and crackling of the fire was no sort of comfort me.” In the story the mention of ‘The Red Room’ is repeated this is so that it engages interest to the reader’s attention. “I can assure you,” said I, “that it will take a very tangible ghost to frighten me. And I stood up before the fire with my glass in my hand.” This conflicts with the views of the old people. The narrator is quite cheery at first, and builds up tension “I must confess that the oddness of these three old pensioners... affected me in spite of my efforts to keep myself at a matter-of-fact phase.” As the narrator carry’s on the tension is getting built and more panic is being built “My candle rolled away from me, and I snatched another as I rose. Abruptly this was blown out.” At the end he says ‘I opened my eyes in day light’ this suggests that the darkness was messing with his mind which

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