The Supporters of Far-Right Parties Analysis

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Nowadays, and since the 1980s, far-right parties seem to gain more and more influence all over Europe. Each country has its own or even several: the British National Party and UK Independence Party in Britain, the National Front in France, the Golden Dawn in Greece, the Northern League in Italy or the Vlaams Belang in Belgium are examples amongst many others. This rise of such extreme right-wing parties is worrisome since they all praise for often highly controversial values and are considered by many as a threat for the democracy. Also, it is interesting to notes that the breakthrough of these parties has been important in among the states members of the European Union, and that furthermore they are all in favour of a return to a more conventional sovereignty. This would be achieved by ending the European Union and more broadly by restraining globalization. These aims may appear like a regress in view of all it has been accomplished over the last few years. In this way it would be interesting to answer to the following research question: what common characteristics do the supporters of far-right parties in Europe have? In order to offer an answer few theories will be introduced and analysed to determine the degree of their accuracy.


It is often said that the main characteristics of far-right parties and their supporters are xenophobia, nationalism and a politics of anti-immigration. This is the opinion of Catherine Fieschi who analysed the rise of the National Front in France, led first by Jean-Marie Le Pen and then by his daughter Marine Le Pen. According to her voting for their party means supporting anti-Europe, anti-immigration, anti-system and anti-Islam politics (2012, p. 11). But she points out that what led...

... middle of paper ... (Accessed: 8th December 2013).

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Norris, P. (2005), Radical Right: Voters and Parties in the Electoral Market. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Available at: (Accessed: 8th December 2013).

Veuglers, J. W. P. (1999) A challenge for political sociology: The rise of far-right parties in contemporary Western Europe’…………………

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