Iron Griffin the Communist Leader of the Shadowlands

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It all began with the day Iron Griffin changed the government to a communist country. The sirens the hover cars the police rang out my ears from out side. “Beedo, Beedo, Beedo, Beedo, Beedo.” Catbug woke up immediately, and sprinted to turn on the holoscreen. The tv spoke “Breaking news, the Iron Griffin has changed the government to a communist country. With the help of his Greymages, Deep Shadows, and Westeronin he has overthrown the Falcon and taken over the country.” As soon as Catbug heard this he passed out onto the hard wooden floor. Catbug woke up with in little blood puddle from his head. He stumbled to the kitchen to go bandage his head up. He went to get his holo aid in his kitchen. He turned in on an spoke to it “Small bleeding in the right side of the head, need bandaging in the right with gauze and wire splint.” The holo aid hand reached out to apply gauze to the head and bandaged the right side up with wire splint. As soon as Catbug regained his consciousness he immediately called his close friends on the government council to make a resistance force. Within one weeks time Catbug had created a resistance force to take over Shadowland. Smog, the resistance morale leader. Prime, the resistance weapons dealer and supplier. Cook, the resistance war general and war strategist. Throat-cutter, the resistance personal ninja assassin. Tripwires, the resistance leader’s personal guard. Demo-men, the resistance main army. Catbug, the leader of the resistance plotting against the Iron Griffin. The enemy Iron Griffin the communist leader of the Shadowlands. Iron Griffin’s grey mages, his evil communist personal Shadowland assassins. Iron Griffin’s deep shadow, his evil communist personal guard of his communist Fort Thunde... ... middle of paper ... ...” Catbug yelled. “I’M NOT SURE BUT LET’S GO FIND OUT,!” yelled Cook. The trip-wires and demo-men stormed the base killing anyone in sight. Within a matter of minutes the resistance army stormed the enemy base, killed the enemy guards, and found the dead body of Iron Griffin. “WE’VE WON THE WAR,!” yelled Cook. “WE HAVE SAVED THE SHADOWLANDS,!” yelled Prime. The resistance army celebrated the victory by giving every citizen of the Shadowlands their money back. And having a great feast in the great of of the Iron Griffin’s base. “We actually did it,” said Throat-Cutter. “We can now rehabilitate the land for the greater good,” said Catbug. Catbug later made himself king of Shadowlands, and changed the government back to a democracy. Within three years they had rebuilt the destroyed bases. Restored order, and made their lands a safe and peaceful place to live.

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